The Hell Yes Entrepreneur with Becca Pike | Becca’s 100th Episode RoundupThis week marks 100 episodes of The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast! I have delivered free content here for 100 weeks in a row, and I couldn’t be more grateful to you, my team, my family, and myself for showing up consistently. 

All of the lessons I’ve learned along the way in business, my connections with amazing guests who have been featured here throughout 100 episodes, paired with my to-the-point personality, dark humor, and dry delivery have come together to create the best podcast ever.

I am so proud of all of it, and I’m thankful to you for being here. To celebrate this huge milestone, I wanted to create something super fun. Sit back, relax, and join me in a compilation of clips from my most-listened-to episodes.


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My Thirty More Mastermind is now enrolling. This is the highest-quality scaling mastermind on the market, and the deadline is May 5th 2023. Don’t miss out. If you’ve brought $50,000 or more in topline revenue into your business in the past 12 months, click here to apply.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The power of being surrounded by the right crew as you grow your business.
  • Why we have to trust that baby steps will lead to success.
  • How to push the limits of your creative energy.
  • My insights on mastering the art of copy and social media.
  • How your business grows when you give yourself a break.
  • What simplifying your business requires of you.
  • Why you don’t want your business to become a one-stop-shop of offers.


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Oh my gosh guys. Oh my gosh. Why is she whispering? You all, do you know what this episode is? Do you know? You all, this is episode number 100. 100. Holy shit. Guys, 100 episodes in a row. You all, for real, I’m not just saying this. 

When I started this podcast, I had this like deep knowing. Like my female intuition, my ancestors, like the bark of the tree, the fucking clouds, AI, Barak Obama. All of it came tunneling funneling down like a download into my brain that this was going to be a good podcast. I knew it. I knew it from the very beginning.

Something just told me that all my qualities that got me in trouble my whole life, my to the point personality, my noble shit, my dark humor, my dry deliveries. Also like all the shit I learned along the way with business and my connections to amazingly talented guests that have been on throughout the last 100 episodes. That all of that was going to come together and create such a cool podcast. I just knew it.

Now we’re here. We’ve done 100 episodes, and the stats are in. It is landing. Guys, I am so, I’m so proud. Of all the things that I could have talked about, the thing that’s craziest to me is the commitment. Like I have not missed a Wednesday in 100 Wednesdays. Not one. I have delivered free content on this microphone for 100 Wednesdays that took a lot of prep, a lot of thinking, a lot of people, and we have done this for 100 weeks in a row. That is some shit right there. I love it.

So I want to take a second. I just want to say thank you. I want to say thank you to my podcast team, Pavel and Angela and Devon and all the folks behind the scenes making these episodes what they are. Thank you so much. To my team John and Gigi and Nicole, my husband Mark, for helping me with certain pieces of material and teaching me how the fuck to interview people. 

Thank you to my kids for giving me great material to talk about. Thank you to you guys for listening. I know that some of you all have not missed a single episode in 100 episodes. 

Last but not least, I want to thank me. I want to thank me for believing in me. I want to thank me for doing all this hard work. I want to thank me for having no days off. I want to thank me for never quitting. I want to thank me for always being a giver and trying to give more than I receive. I want to thank me for trying to make the right move, not the wrong. I want to thank me for just being me all times. Becca Pike, you a bad motherfucker. If you guys don’t know what that’s from, you’ve got to go check it out. 

Okay. So thank you guys. This has been amazing. This episode is going to be really fun. I simply asked my podcast team. I was like hey, for the 100th episode, let’s do something fun. Can you guys go through all the episodes, piece together some random clips from my most listened to episodes, and make like a compilation. We can release that in celebration of episode number 100. 

So I know that was a lot of work, but they seemed so happy to do and so awesome. They jumped on board. So the truth is, I haven’t even heard this episode. I don’t even know what they used for this compilation yet. So I am going to be sitting back and enjoying it with you.

But before we do, announcement time. Guys, the Thirty More Mastermind. I know that you’ve seen all the live event footage and the testimonials and the photos that I share all over the internet. This mastermind is now enrolling. This mastermind is now enrolling. This is the highest quality scaling mastermind that you can access. 

Guys, we are rigid on the application process and who we let in because our standards are high. It is true that this is, it’s exclusive, it’s elite, and it’s expensive. But the standards are high, and therefore the success rate that we see inside this room is completely unmatched by other masterminds. Guys, we are seeing people doubling their incomes, tripling their incomes, quadrupling their incomes in six months.  

We’re seeing people grow teams and scale and go from working 45 hours a week to 20 hours a week in six months. We are watching these entrepreneurs completely morph into boss as CEOs, making decisions that they never thought that they would make, and leading a life that they never thought that they were going to lead. On top of that, they’re having so much fun doing it.

I get to peek inside other masterminds, and I don’t ever get to see what I see inside of Thirty More. The people in here are enjoying themselves. We don’t just teach business. We teach enjoyment of business. Getting back to actually having fun, getting back to running a company that makes you light up and feel good and talk the way that I’m talking right now.

Guys, if you own a service based business, it is time to apply right now for the July through December round. The application window is open from now until the deadline on May 5th, okay. So this round we’re having two separate tracks. There’s going to be the online track for the online businesses, the brick and mortar track for my B and M businesses. Not only do these tracks make your growth more efficient, it also creates an even more intimate feel, okay.

So you’re not going to be getting lost in 100 people. You’re going to be in a small, focused group with lots of attention. We’re having a kick off party in Lake Tahoe this year. We’re going to be meeting and greeting and wining and dining and getting freaking pumped for the insane business boost that we are about to dive into over the next six months. 

So DM me if you are interested. You can also contact my team at [email protected]. Do not miss this opportunity. You guys, we are not opening this back up until November of 2023, and that is for the January of 2024 round. So do not miss this opportunity. The best time to grow your business is six months ago. The second best time to grow your business is right now. So let’s go.

All right guys. We are going to get to the show. This is episode number 100. I am your host Becca motherfucking Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go. 

Hey, guys. I’m Becca Pike and welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast, the number one show for entrepreneurs looking to create their first six-figure year. If you’ve got the drive and you know how to hustle but you’re not sure where to channel your energy, we’ve got the answers. Let’s dive into today’s show.

Protect your circle to protect your brain. Hang with the right crew. You are the product of the five people you hang with the most. I would quote this, but honestly I don’t know who the hell said it first. I feel like everyone says it. It’s all over Instagram. Am I right? 

What is normalized in your circle will create the product of your life. If your circle of family and friends believes it’s normal to complain their way through life and they normalize broke-ness and they talk trash about success and wealthy people, they have a lack mindset. They think everyone is scamming them. They make fun of you for self-improvement. They don’t believe you should invest in yourself. I have a lot of examples. I wonder why. I don’t know. If you have this in your life, then it will be the hardest uphill battle to stay positive and to continue to believe in yourself. 

Likewise, if you are surrounded by folks that find it normal to double their business each year, or they go to self-development retreats, or they leave for a week to learn how to incorporate yoga into their business, whatever it is, you are setting yourself up for success.

So, let me ask you this. Who is around you? I don’t just mean who are the five people that you think you talk to the most or who are the five people that you like to talk to the most. I’m asking who are the actual people that you’re around the most?

A lot of times this is parents, this is siblings, this is in-laws. Who do you actually put yourself in front of the most, whether that is in person, in the phone, on Zoom, at work? Ask yourself, what are their core beliefs about life? Then ask yourself who do I want to become? Then go find those people, even if you have to pay to be in that room.

Around the age of 25, I was hanging with a crew that was less than successful. We drank all night. We partied all week. We went to every concert available. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, didn’t matter. I was up until two in the morning just drinking and partying. Way too old to be doing this. 

It wasn’t even cute anymore. It was like all of my friends were post-college. They were all going to get their doctorates and their grad school completed, and I was still like up at night raging with my waitress friends until two in the morning. It was ridiculous.

We talked about wealthy people with a snarl on our lip. Okay. We romanticized broke-ness because being broke was artistic and we were free, or so we thought. We just wanted to smoke weed and listen to Led Zeppelin records and give each other tattoos in basements. It was weird, y’all. But here’s the truth. I wanted out of it secretly. I knew I was above-average intelligent. I wanted a different crowd. I knew that there was more for me, but it’s so hard to break away from that because it is so comfortable. 

When I met my now husband Mark, he had a head on his shoulders. It was something different than the people I was messing around with at the time. Mark spoke of things like self-development and growth. I had never been introduced to this world at all before. I didn’t even know that there were books that could teach you how to become a better human. It wasn’t until our fourth date that I realized that Tony Robbins wasn’t his friend’s name, but actually a famous mentor and speaker.

He had talked about Tony so much that I’d assumed it was Mark’s roommate.  Mark liked the idea of creating a life intentionally and forming it like a blueprint. I truly believe that meeting Mark was a pivotal point in my journey. He introduced me to a new way of thinking, new people were now in my circle. From that, I started channeling my creative energy and a switch flipped. The switch was the switch that created Becca Pike, CEO.

You may be one person away from a completely different lifestyle. I mean that for better or worse. We are one person away from being talked out of our dreams. We may be one person away from being talked into our dreams. Protect your circle. Protect your brain. Choose your people wisely.

The ability to ask yourself how you can slightly move the needle towards your success every single day is a question most people don’t ask. But also, putting in effort to repeat, repeat, repeat this question to ourselves every day will solve more problems than you might think it will. 

Because I promise you guys, one step at a time, if you add that up long enough, it will equal 1,000 miles. But what do we do instead because we are humans and we are funny little creatures. We’re like, “Oh look, I made my first $100. How can I turn it into $100,000?” We love grandiose. We love massive. We love shiny. We love fast and big and bright.

Our culture has taught us this. Movies, TV shows. I can’t even lift weights anymore without Cardi B telling many Range Rovers I should own. Like I leave the gym there wondering why I don’t have red-bottom shoes and an all-white Range. Then, as my endorphins finally normalize on my ride home, I’m like bitch, my Honda is fine. We must trust that the baby steps will lead to success. 

Now, I get it. This isn’t as sexy as blowing the roof off of our dreams instantaneously. It’s not as sexy as becoming TikTok famous overnight. We want these massive, quick, mind-blowing results like we see on TV. But sadly, this obsession with quick growth, massive result culture is killing us. 

Listen, no one is out here in the real world bragging about how they spent their day learning how to ever so slightly change the direction of their business for the positive. Could you imagine like hey, Carol, can you believe it? I just ran some numbers. Since last year, my retention rate has increased by 1%. I am on my way to the riches. No. But we should because, guys, this is where the magic happens. Keeping our eye on the smaller prize that is right in front of us and not trying to become an overnight success is the answer. 

Just to be clear, 99.9999999999 of the overnight successes that you see are not overnight at all. You’re just seeing the product of 100,000 nights of work finally coming to fruition. 

You may feel like you’re floating through life or floating through your career like I did for so long, especially if you’re a creative person. I used to bounce from idea to idea. I cleaned houses. I waitressed. I sold protein shakes. I sold workout plans. If I knew how to do anything, it was hustle from a very early age. I used to sell candy in school. I would take that money so that I could go and buy bigger and better candy to sell. I was all over the place. 

But here’s the catch. I never really stuck with any of my ideas. The newness would wear off and a new shiny ball would roll through catching my attention and promising me a brighter future. Before I knew it, I was heading down another path. 

I now realize so deeply that these feelings of directionless-ness happen when a creative person is not putting their creative geniuses to a constrained disciplined path. Or no one has taught them how to channel this creative energy because either, A, deep down they don’t believe it will work, or B, they have a fear of failure or a fear of success even, or C, it just doesn’t align with what society and friends or family wants to do. C, the whole not aligning with what your friends and family want, holds a really special place in my heart. 

Just a sidebar here, do you want to know a really morbid fact? Of course you do. I read once that a large number of entrepreneurs, they don’t start their passions until their 60s. At first glance, I thought this was just because they finally retired from their lifelong careers, and they felt free enough to follow their passions. It was all wholesome and totally fine. But then, I read further into the article, and it stated that most of the poll-takers said that they waited until their 60s because that was when their parents passed away. They finally felt free enough to follow their hearts without judgment. 

What? People are so driven by what others may think of them, including their parents, that they’re willing to waste most of their life to not step over a line that they themselves drew in the sand. This is mind-blowing to me. Whether it is believing that it won’t work, having a fear of failure, or whether it’s not aligning with what we think is viewed as acceptable, these thoughts may not even be a conscious thought or a realization for you. It wasn’t for me either.

You see, creative people, we have ideas, and we often jump from one idea to the next. This does not make us directionless. Our stupid fucking American education and expectation system taught us that this was a fail. They also taught us that fails are bad. Our school system teaches us that failure is wrong. You get an F, you get in trouble. 

We’re taught to follow a strict timeline also. You go to high school, you go to college, you get married, you get a job that allows you to climb this invisible ladder, and it gives you false hope of security. Whatever you do, never, ever, ever have a career outside of the box, right? That’s too dangerous. Be like the rest of us. 

From movies to media to marketing, we are taught that what is normal is spending all our day in our box little office staring at our box little computer until we walk outside in the parking lot and we get in our box car, and we drive to our box home, and we stare at our box TV, and eat our box dinner. Oh my god, kill me. I will take pushing the limits and being weird and wild and outside the box any day. I actually stand by this. 

Have you guys ever stopped and had the realization that all of these rules that society has on us were created by humans? They were just made up by people. Most likely, people that are less intelligent than you and I. That is scary. Let’s change that. 

That starts with the awareness and the realization that this doing things outside the box is not weird or directionless. It is not a pitfall, but a superpower. Beginning to see all of this through a more productive lens. If you are highly creative, you may bounce from idea to idea, and that is okay for now. What I want you to do though is to be trusting that this superpower is your strength. When you’re filled with ideas, this is the path that you want to be on in entrepreneurship.

People aren’t lazy. They’re not dumb. But people do underestimate the work it requires to reach their goal. I do this too. We all do this. Let’s say we want more clients, more money, more sales, more processes in place, and more organization. Yet we find ourselves spinning in confusion. I don’t know what to do first. I don’t know where to invest my money back into my business. I made a couple Facebook posts. I don’t know why it’s not working. I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, right?

The more you say I don’t know, the more that your red flag should be flying and flapping in the wind. Like big red flag. Because when we’re doing this, we’re looking everywhere except right into the eye of the tiger. Spinning in circles instead of seeing that the answer is obviously taking massive action and doing the scary thing. Because that answer is scary. A lot of times we don’t want to look at it.

I think a lot of people take massive action in their head, and not massive action anywhere else. So thinking about it constantly. Thinking about success, thinking about your work, thinking about how to get clients, how to make more money, how to produce. You might even feel exhausted like you’ve worked so hard every day, but really the massive action has just stayed in your mind. That is exhausting, but mental massive action doesn’t translate into physical massive action. Thinking about taking action yet not taking action is far more exhausting than just taking the action.

How many times did you post on social media about your services this week? How many times did they fall flat? So flat that the only person to comment was your mama and her 15 heart emojis. What if I told you that attracting your audience on social media and through email and like really taking your words and bringing people to you is actually super simple. It can feel really clear and really good to you. Here are a few thoughts to put in your pocket.

So number one, anyone and everyone has the ability and the means and the resources right now to influence more clients and make more money with their words, including you. One well written post, ad, or email can influence people to buy from you immediately. Just knowing this and believing it is going to make a difference in your copy.

Number two, on average it requires people seeing your offer a minimum of 16 times before they buy. This is the process of building trust and rapport. It’s kind of like dating. You have to date for years before the trust is strong enough to ask for the commitment of marriage, right? Just like it takes so many interactions of your audience seeing you and trusting you before they can go in on a commitment to paying you for your services. 

If it takes them 16 times of seeing your offer. Let’s just say that because of algorithms and the amount of time that they spend on social media, one individual is shown a quarter of the things you post, right? Then please realize that you have to post 64 times on the same platform before one client has seen it 16 times. Does this make sense? Because math, right?

Number three, clarity is the queen of copy. Dumb it down, dumb it down, dumb it down. I will reread my copy at least three times asking myself how I can make it sound even simpler. A confused mind never buys. Make it clear. Make sure the whole thing stays with one theme and edit that shit 10 times before you send it out. Look for typos, look for improper grammar. If we can’t spell to, two, and too, then we have bigger problems on our hands.

Number four, get rid of the industry speak. So a great example is to all you coaches. No more find your power. No more find your words like life changing or take back control. Real human pedestrians do not talk like this. We must speak in normal people language. 

To not ruffle feathers here, it’s lazy. This is a cop-out to not spend energy articulating the deeper details of what you’re trying to say. It’s easy to say amazing or life changing instead of verbalizing how it’s amazing, to find those words that can really actually articulate what you’re trying to say. Speak to your audience like they’re the normal humans that they are. 

If you’re not a coach, this still applies to you. If you’re in the medical industry, you have to remember to speak in non-medical terms. We don’t know what the fuck an anterior rhinoscopy is. You can’t just throw these med words around to us, okay. Always ask yourself if you’re speaking in the lingo that you would speak in your industry because the people that would speak that lingo aren’t necessarily your customers. 

Number five, we want to post about them, your clients, not you. You want them to feel like they are the spotlight, not that you are the spotlight. Stop talking about how excited you are and how you can’t wait to help them. I hate to say it, but they really don’t want to know about you. The only thing they want to know is how you can help them. This doesn’t come across when we post pictures of our products and say I’m so stoked about this new product. Call me today to reserve your spot. 

This is called writing from emotion versus writing from value, which is what you actually want to do. Writing from value is actually giving away free valuable advice and adding value to their lives. This builds rapport. This is why using education in your copy is so productive at turning into sales across all industries. 

Copy isn’t about you. It’s always about your client. Everything in your copy should reflect what they are going to get from you. Because reminder, it’s all about them. Everything. Your copy, your service, and the reason that you do what you do homie.

Number six, use pictures without words in them. They really will knock you down on the algorithms. The social media views this like it could be an ad, and Facebook wants to promote more lifestyle type of content. Number seven, know your platform. Facebook wants personal and lengthier posts. It wants emotions. Instagram wants quick hits of info. It’s like one or two word descriptions and emojis. Go learn about your favorite platform and what that culture is expecting of you. 

Number eight, leave out the weird salesy questions. Imagine a photo of a person getting massaged, right? The copy says, “Do you have back pain? Do you have a hard time getting out of bed? Here at Massage World we can help.” Yuck. This is not how we would speak to people normally. Speak to people the way you would normally talk. 

Instead it could be, “Hey back pain is common for people with long commutes to and from work. We get it. You sit all day at work, and you drive an hour both ways, and your back is killing you. This is due to restrictive mobility in your muscles on the front of your hips. Thankfully here at Massage World…” Right?

All right number nine, and the last one. In your longer copy, if you know you’re writing a long Facebook post or an email or an ad, know their problem, sympathize with their pain, give them free advice, and offer to help them. I’m going to say this again. Know their problem, sympathize with their pain, give them free advice, and offer to help them. 

Before you start writing, ask yourself what is it that they’re looking for? What is their problem? What is their actual problem? What am I trying to fix for them? What are they facing? How can I speak to that and add value to that in order to gain their trust? 

You must know this above all else. There is so much learning to be had. You will mess up. You will write inefficient shit. You will write posts that no one likes. If you’re like me, you will accidently piss people off all along the way. This is normal in the beginning of the art of copy. But there are so many resources out there that are ready to teach you guys how to master your copy.

So when you’re considering whether you can add value to someone or not, I want you to consider your own spectrum. Where you started to where you are now. Tell yourself I don’t need to be able to make them millions of dollars. I don’t need them to be on the cover of Forbes, but am I capable of showing them everything that I have learned along the way? Can I at least get them to where I am currently?

The answer is always yes because you’ve gotten yourself here. You maybe have never had to write down exactly how you did it, but you’re going to be able to give advice as those problems come up, okay? If you have figured out how to make $9,000 months possible, do you think you can help someone make at least $3,000 months? 

If the answer is yes, then don’t you think that that would be highly valuable to them, especially if they’re starting with zero, or if they’re starting with $1,000 a month and they want to make it to $3,000 a month. Do you think you could do that having already creating $9,000 for yourself?

People want to pay to baby step. Most people aren’t looking to create millions. Most people are trying to figure out how to create an extra $500 a month for their family. Most people that are looking for a health coach, they’re looking to lose 20 pounds. All right? 

This is why I truly believe that the very best weight loss coaches are the ones who used to be obese. There is a sympathy, empathy, and understanding that you don’t get from someone who has been absolutely ripped their whole lives. 

So if you used to be obese and even if you’re still considered overweight or obese, I urge you not to “wait until you’re thin” to start coaching. You more than anymore know the struggles and the hardships of losing weight, and therefore you are the best person for this job. If you have lost 50 pounds, then you can help other people lose 50 pounds, right? If you’ve lost 100 pounds, then you can help other people lose 100 pounds. 

If you’ve made an extra $500 a month for your family, then you can show people how to make an extra $500 a month for their family. If you have navigated and successfully come out of infidelity in your marriage, then you can help others navigate the deep hardships of infidelity in their marriage. You guys don’t have to be absolute experts. You just have to be willing to see that someone is at their starting point and help them get down the spectrum faster and with more ease than if they didn’t hire you. That is the value that you provide as a coach. 

I have people all the time. They’re like, “My company’s killing it, but it’s because I’m killing it, and I’ll never be able to replicate myself.” I used to say that at Massage Strong. I used to always say that. I was like nope. I’m the only one that knows kinesiology based deep tissue injury therapy. I’m the only one that’s gone through as much schooling as I’ve gone through. Nobody’s going to be able to replicate it.

Guess what? I was so wrong. There are so many amazing massage therapists out there. Massage therapists that are better than me. It wasn’t until I started hiring them that I was like oh, I didn’t know that or I’ve never done that. Like wow your stretching technique is way different than mine and probably more effective. You’re going to find that too. That’s what’s so exciting.

Dal: Yep.

Becca: Okay so what would that look like? Let’s say it is true. There are more CFOs. There are people that are ready to work with you. Then what?

Dal: Trying to decide. Because I mean I first started this business to be virtual, but it’s really not. So it’s then like if I’m meeting the client and making the deal with the client then pushing it off and saying, “Okay you’re not really going to be dealing with me. You’re going to be dealing with someone on my staff.” So overcoming that is another something I’ve thought about.

Becca: Yeah, let me ask you this. When you and I met, I said yeah welcome aboard to Hell Yes Coaching. Here’s John. He’s going to be the one coaching you in Three More. Did that take away the quality?

Dal: No, not at all.

Becca: What did it make you think about my company? Did it bring up any thoughts for you?

Dal: That you had grown enough to need someone else.

Becca: What if you gained more respect because you had someone to hand off to? What if your company exploded just because of that exact thought that you’re concerned with?

Dal: It could and should for that matter.

Becca: Yeah. Statistically more people would find your company more reputable if you have more than just yourself.

I want to ask you where in your life, in your business, in your marriage, in your health are you looking at your past circumstances and creating your own barriers and your own ceilings by believing that that is all that’s possible for you? Like if you took your very highest sales month ever. 

Let’s say the most you’ve ever made was $2,000 in a month. I told you next month I want to see you make $25,000. Would your brain immediately say, “That’s not possible. It hasn’t happened. Therefore it can’t, right?” Maybe cognitively you know that it could happen. You’re like well, okay it’s possible, but like you’re not believing that it’s there.

Here’s what I want to tell you guys. If you can get your brain to believe it first, it will problem solve for it first. If you believe that you can triple your income, you will start looking for ways to triple your income. If you believe that your income is pretty fixed, you’re like, “Well, I see roughly seven clients a month. This is what I do. This is just how it works. This is just the life that I lead. One day I hope that pops up to eight or nine, but until then this is about what it is.” If you’re in that headspace, you are not problem solving for growth. 

Your business only gets stronger when you take a step back for yourself. See how this is true everywhere. Think about your fitness. Like if you thought that you had to run a half marathon every single day, seven days a week, and you really, truly believed that if you took a break that you would lose your mojo, imagine how this would affect your body. Imagine the stress injuries you would have, imagine the lack of motivation you would have. 

As opposed to saying you know what? Today I’m listening to my body. It is saying we are not running today. We are relaxing. We are putting our feet up. We are allowing our lymph to flow back into our bodies. We’re allowing ourselves to completely rest. That would make sense, right? 

But for some reason in business, it’s like the translation doesn’t work. Think about it in your relationship. If you’re having trouble in your relationship or you want to rest your mind, removing yourself from the relationship for a couple of days so that you can gather your thoughts, so that you can meditate, so that you can pray about it. Imagine the strength coming back into that relationship. This isn’t just a spousal relationship. I’m just talking about like you and your sister, you and your friends. Giving yourself a break allows big space for not only creativity, but also just space to process. 

When you are hustling your ass off in your business constantly, you don’t have that space to process. You can’t see through the surface work to get to the deeper work.

I went to Raising Cane’s the other day. I went there because I was asked to go to lunch. I usually get like a salad or some grilled chicken or something. When I went to Raising Cane’s, which I see Raising Cane’s all over the place. I had no idea it was like three things. It was like breaded chicken, a breaded chicken sandwich, and fries. Like that’s all you can get on the menu. There is nothing else.  I wasn’t even mad about it. I didn’t get anything because I don’t want to eat any of that. I’ve been gluten free for like eight years. So I didn’t get anything.

But I wasn’t even upset because I was just in such awe of this business model. They’re like, “We make three things. We make them damn well. We make them fast. We make them efficient. When it comes to breaded chicken, we are your people.” I was like what a great simple business model. This is scalable. This has growth in it. This is easy to teach to the employees, and customers are never confused on what they’re gonna get. They go there, and they know exactly what they want. 

Some of you guys have companies that aren’t simplified yet, and that is okay. It’s never too late. But simplifying requires a lot of mentality and emotional coaching, far more than it requires actual strategy. So like I could sit here and tell you the strategy of it, but it’s pretty simple. It’s like if you have an online business that sells like five, six, seven offers. 

Let’s say that you’re a coach, and you have a masterclass and one-on-one coaching and group coaching and small group coaching and VIP days. Like getting rid of all of that and focusing on one, you are going to make way more money because you’re not trying to drive five different cars at one time. 

I was told one time that every single offer in your business is like having its own business. Like each offer requires a different audience with different needs with a different ad spend with different marketing techniques. So by pulling those all up at the same time, it is very difficult to get going. If you do get going, you go at a lot slower pace than if you got rid of all of your offers and just focused on one, right. It’s a little different for brick and mortar. So like brick and mortar I think people are capable of having two to three offers without going into the overcomplicated zone of business building.

So what I’m getting at is there’s not much strategy. You just take them away. You just delete them. I went through a very large simplification year last year in 2021. Oh, what is today? Today is 2022. Man, I have no idea what year it is. So in 2021, I believe, is when I did the most simplification in my business. I remember getting coached on this. My coach said something that was so insanely profound. 

I was talking to her, and she wanted me to simplify my company. At the time, I had something called Zero to Coach, which was a coaching certification that I offered inside of Hell Yes Coaching. It probably made about $100,000 a year. So it made money. I was happy about that. That $100,000 definitely added something to my total revenue that I really liked. Right? 

She was talking about me getting rid of it. I said to her, I said yeah, but it makes like $100,000 a year. She looked at me and she said, “Yes, and to you that is pocket change. I want you to start seeing yourself the way that I see you.” It had never occurred to me that $100,000 could be pocket change. It was the biggest slap in the face with my self-concept, like the way that I view myself, my potential, my ability to make money. 

I remember thinking oh shit. Like what if an offer that is yielding me $100,000 is taking up too much of my energy because I could be making millions with a different offer or with only one offer, right? 

Dude, social media is a suck hole. It will suck you in. I know this because I get sucked into it. Lately probably in the last year I’ve gotten so much better at just not even… Like I put out on social media. I put out content, but I don’t take it in as much. I don’t absorb it. I don’t consume it as much.

One of the most powerful things I ever did was just decided that I’m not going to scroll or do any type of absorbing of social media at all during work hours. Like I just don’t. I do the things that I need to do. They’re usually writing or speaking or teaching. Other than that, social media doesn’t really come into my life during work hours. That’s been really nice. 

A lot of people will be like, “Well, my work is on social media.” It’s like yeah, well I get that. You’re self-employed. You think that you need to be on social media because of work, but here’s what doing work actually looks like on social media. Writing a post or a blog, which doesn’t include consuming whatsoever. Also going into Facebook groups for the purpose of networking. 

So like in the very beginning of my business, I would go into Facebook groups, mom’s groups, CrossFit groups, just communities that I was a part of. My whole goal was to leave the most valuable comment on the thread. I would find threads, and I would leave the most valuable thing I possibly could. At the end, it wouldn’t say DM me. It wouldn’t be a call to action or a pitch or anything like that. 

But every single time if someone was asking, “Hey, how do I create a logo for my business?” If I went into that thread and I gave them like step by step guide and then who to call and then resources and then tools, guess what that looked like? That looked like some boss ass shit. I would have people commenting or like DM’ing me asking me how I know this, if I can help them more. It always leads to more sales. 

So anyways if you think that you have to work on social media, I want you to consider what that actually means. It usually means like 30 minutes a day of you contributing value to the world and not consuming social media. 


I didn’t realize that I had this until my coach pointed it out to me. Then it was like one of those things that was so blatantly obvious that I was like how did I miss this? But I had a fear of success. I had some sort of idea that women, moms, if they were rich then they were away. If they made their own money, if they were wealthy then they were career driven, and I had this idea of them like in a pantsuit in a top tower office, all glass, high heels, running a company, on planes a lot. 

In my mind, it was so concrete. I didn’t see myself being that because I was a mom of four, and I wanted to be at home a lot. So I had this limiting belief about like if I become really successful, I’m going to be gone a lot or I’m going to be a distant mother. My coach pointed it out to me, and I got to work really quickly on finding evidence of other moms that were making hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they were still taking their kids to school and picking their kids up from school. They’re at home and cooking and very present. Right? 

So like I started noticing evidence and finding evidence for everything that I want in my life. Right? I wanted to not be so scared to show up and do different things and put myself out there. So I started finding evidence for the fact that I tried a video, and I didn’t die. I did a webinar, and I didn’t die. I tried this thing, and I now have evidence that I’m not as fragile as I let myself think that I was. You know what I mean? 

So when you guys are going out there, you can either say to yourself okay, I’ve got this money belief. I’m going to spend 20 years in therapy trying to figure out how to get rid of it. Or you can just be like no, I’m going to just flip it. I’m just going to look for evidence, and I’m gonna keep looking for evidence for why it’s false and why this other thing is true. I’m going to choose to latch on to those things instead of latching on to this other thing, right? 

Some of you guys, some of you, have a belief that you will allow to weigh you down because it’s benefiting you. You’re like no, I am confused, or I’m scared or I have these money beliefs. So my business isn’t growing the way that I want it to grow. You’re using that as your safety blanket, your wubby, your little blankie, blue-blue, right? You’re choosing to use that as a way to stay small. 

When you rip that away, when I say hey, your limiting belief, you can just change it today. You just change it. Poof, it’s gone. A lot of you would be like no, wait. No, wait, wait, I’m not ready. I’m not ready to give that away. Because it’s your safety. So I would look into that as well. 

The more offers that you add, the more watered down your expertise becomes. So like the person that’s asking this question owns a med spa. So she specializes in injections, lip filler, Botox, all the things that make us really, really not look as old as we are. It’s amazing. 

So, number one, ask yourself would you rather go to a med spa who specializes in lip filler? They only hire the best lip filler injectors in the area. They only market lip fillers. They educate on different shapes and brands of lip filler, right. Like they are the top notch lip fillers. People travel from out of freaking state to go to these people because their Instagram is flooded with lips, and this is their expertise. 

Or would you rather go to the med spa who’s like we specialize in lip filler, Botox, manicures, pedicures, hair, facial, makeup, massage, Brazilian waxing, eyebrow threading, shoe polishing, and we’ll cook you an omelet. So we don’t want to become the gas station or like the one stop shop for offers. 

But we often do this. So many business owners do this. So many business owners will add offers when it’s just because of like our own worries and concerns that people aren’t buying, or we don’t have what they need. So we keep throwing more and more offers on top. Like it makes us look cheaper and more desperate and less of an expert. So I’m not saying you have to have one offer or even two, but I think every business on the planet should have a signature expertise. 

By the way, the way that you guys stand is so important when you are doing things. The way that you are sitting at your desk is so important. The brain and body barrier, the way that it communicates. Being in a posture that feels almost like scared or timid will only allow scared and timid thoughts into your brain or much easier. 

When you stand with your chest up, when you pull your shoulders back, when you hold your chin up a little bit, when you have that don’t fuck with me energy, the brain to body barrier is sending signals of confidence. It is so much easier to have confident thoughts. How many of you are listening to this and you’re just in a better posture already? You’re welcome. You’re welcome. 

My advice to you all today is go all in. See if that lowers your anxiety. See if that brings tension out of your body. See if maybe it’s possible that your anxiety is where it’s at because you’re not playing to your potential. Because you’re not putting everything you have into your work, into your personal life, into your wife duties, your husband duties, your parent duties, your fitness duties, right? 

Speaking of which, who in here is a fitness person? Do you get anxiety when you don’t work out? Just a little bit. You just a little heavier that day? Right? Guys. As Jocko Willink says, discipline is the key to freedom, or something like that. I think I butchered it. Freedom lives in discipline. I don’t know. He says some shit like that. It is so true. I have not felt it more than I have felt it in the last four days. I am on a high of discipline and freedom and how much one flows into the other. 

So guys, what would happen if you decided to be committed? When I say committed, I don’t just mean committed when it feels good, committed when you wake up, and you just happen to have the right energy because the stars aligned. Committed because your kids are out and away from you, and you have the time to think straight. Committed because people are liking your stuff and sharing your reels and you’re getting new followers and people are giving you this external validation. Like it’s so easy to be committed, when all of that is happening. 

But it’s not easy to be committed when things aren’t going great. People are saying no on the consults. People are not liking your content. People are not sharing your content. People are not giving you the external validation. You do feel tired. Right? Like what would happen if you were committed anyway? 

What would happen if you allowed yourself to go all in? This is the thing I’m gonna do with my life. This is where I’m at. I am not coming out, there is no exit strategy. There is no plan B. I am fully in. I am fully in. That’s the commitment that gets shit done. That is the commitment that creates freedom. That is the commitment that reduces anxiety. 

Anxiety is I’m not sure I’m committed. So I’m going to just try really hard and be really tired and wonder when I should stop and wonder when I should quit and wonder when it’s time to throw in the towel and wonder why everyone else is doing great instead of putting my head down and getting the work done. 

These are the type of people okay. When you get into a high level mastermind where people are investing big, and they are learning big, and they are making big leaps in their business, big growth, right. Not just revenue, but like learning how to staff and boundaries and like all of the things that just morph you into a CEO. 

These are the people that like first introduced me to the idea that I could make $10,000 in a day. Like these are the people that made it really normal that wealth is achievable and accessible. That paying off your home in your 30s is just something you can do. That maxing out your IRA every year is just a normal person thing. Right? Like these aren’t the conversations that you have around the bonfire with your high school friends and your siblings. It’s just not unless you’re surrounded by entrepreneurs and business owners. 

Once I entered the successful as hell room, all of a sudden, I realized how average I had been playing, but you can’t see it until you get out of it. Every time I grow into a new mastermind, a bigger mastermind, a more successful mastermind, a mastermind where the conversation is up leveled just a little bit more, it is then immediately apparent to how small I was playing. But what’s interesting is before you get into the masterminds, before you invest in yourself, before you find that mentor, you can’t tell. You can’t see what you can’t see. You can’t see how small you’re playing. 

What if you stopped rolling around in bed for 30 minutes in the morning not wanting to wake up, and instead rolling out of bed with a hunger for your mission hours before your kids wake up, in time to go to the gym, in time to meal prep, in time to give yourself energy so you can go out and get what you want in this life. What if you stayed up late? What if you woke up early just to work on your goals? 

Which energy makes people want to work with you? Which energy makes people want to listen to you talk? Which energy makes clients come towards you, right? Like which one draws opportunities towards you from the universe? Which one gets people to say man, I want to interview her on my podcast.

Guys, emotions are habitual. Some of you guys are stuck in the habit of an emotion. We all are. But we’ve got to choose which emotion we want to make a habit. You’re not a victim, but you lean towards victimhood as an emotion. Or you’re not an angry person, but you do lean towards anger as a dominant emotion. You’re not a lazy person, but you’ve built a habit of letting yourself off the hook time and time again. 

What if you built habits out of always doing what you said you’re going to do, out of trusting yourself, out of complete and absolute dedication? Where would you be with your goals today if you just woke up in that energy and chose to be in that energy every single day, even when you didn’t want to? 

I want you to ask yourself right now what do I want? What goals do I want to hit? What mentor do I want to hire? What body, what energy level do I want to have physically? What relationship do I want to have with my parents, with my significant other, with my children? When you’re thinking these through, ask yourself what mindset you’re coming from? Are you the lion or the sheep? 

Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share. 

When you share this episode with a friend or leave us a five star review, it is like pouring a little bit of magic into our podcasting bucket. It is what gets our work recognized. It’s what gives us energy and keeps us going, truly. Not one share nor review goes without recognition from our team. As always, we fucking love you here at Hell Yes Coaching. Have a beautiful day. 

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.


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