Today is a special day over here on the podcast because I’m inviting you to hear me coach one of my students. This is real-life audio from a breakout group in Three More and in attendance were two coaches and a meat farmer. So, you’re going to hear me coach the meat...
I am sitting here writing videos that I’m going to be sharing with my Thirty More members, and I just wanted to give you a reminder that our brains are sometimes liars. Our false thoughts can lead us to feel overwhelmed and stuck. So, I’ve been really...
It doesn’t matter if you’re a: Real estate agent Massage therapist Life coach Accountant Photographer Virtual Assistant Or a house cleaner… What you sell doesn’t matter. How you sell it…does. I have had people ask me, “how can you coach me if...
This week, I’m bringing you an interview with an incredible coach and an integral part of everything we do over here at Hell Yes Coaching. He’s been a coach for 15 years in some form, coaching collegiate sports, CrossFit, mindset, and discipline. He’s also an elite...
In many of my groups, we’ve talked about the difference between cost versus price quite a bit. And I wanted to dive into it a little more today. John Fox is one of my friends here in Lexington, Kentucky. He’s a business coach, and he brought this idea up...