The Hell Yes Entrepreneur with Becca Pike | How to Reduce Your Anxiety (The Non-Conventional Way)When you think about ways to reduce anxiety, what comes to mind? Taking some stuff off of your plate? Relaxing and taking time out to unwind? Sure, these make sense. But today, I’m giving you a way more effective way to reduce your anxiety.

I generally have very productive days where I put the distractions to one side and start brainstorming, creating, making Reels, all that good stuff. But the other day, I just wasn’t feeling it. Something was weighing on me, I was feeling anxious, and I needed to try something different. I’d tried putting things off with BS justifications, and it was causing me even more anxiety. Sound familiar?

Tune in this week because I’m giving you some genuinely priceless anxiety advice. I’m sharing an anxiety-filled story of my own, so you can start to see where your own anxiety might be coming from, and how to start actually reducing it. I’m sharing why trying to conserve energy increases anxiety, and I’m showing you how to remove this tension from your brain and body, so you can get back to doing what you do best.

If you’re interested in Thirty More, I have good news for you. Enrollment for the January 2023 round of Thirty More is open right now up until November 2022. This is going to give you so much more time to make that strong, unwavering decision and apply to be in that room. 

If you are ready to create your first six-figure year, your next business investment needs to be Three More. Three More is where you’ll get access to our video vault of everything I did to create a highly successful brick-and-mortar company, as well as a booming online company. It’s not luck. It’s a process. And you can have it by clicking here. 

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What I’d been putting off for too long and how it started to weigh on me.
  • Why it’s worse for your anxiety to sit and think about a problem than it is to just go out and deal with it.
  • How trying to protect and conserve your energy is actually draining and depleting it.
  • The buffering and crappy excuses I was coming up with to keep procrastinating.
  • How to see where you’re telling yourself you’re exhausted, spread thin, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
  • What unconditional commitment really looks like.
  • Why, if you’re anything like me, identifying and working on the things that have been weighing you down will reduce your anxiety so dramatically.
  • Some big changes coming to Thirty More to give everyone even more value.

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  • Have you ever found yourself losing confidence mid-conversation with a potential client? If you’re unsure of how to communicate your service, you’re not alone. The good news is I’m addressing this very question through a free offer I’ve created called Turn Your Leads into Paying Clients, and you can get it by clicking here.
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  • Jocko Willink 

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What’s up friends? Today I am going to talk to you guys about how to lower your anxiety, and it’s probably not going to be lesson you think it’s going to be. It’s probably not going to be what you normally hear. It might even contradict that. This is episode number 73. I am your host, Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.

Hey, guys. I’m Becca Pike and welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast, the number one show for entrepreneurs looking to create their first six-figure year. If you’ve got the drive and you know how to hustle but you’re not sure where to channel your energy, we’ve got the answers. Let’s dive into today’s show.

Hey guys, what’s up? How are you doing today? I’m excited to be here. I have a quick announcement for you, as always. So this is episode number 73. What is today? It is like October. What? That’s insane. We are preparing here at Hell Yes for all things Thirty More deadline. The deadline for the Thirty More application is November 18th.

Guys, we just made a decision in the Thirty More world. We have decided to experiment with something. It’s something that I’ve been wanting to do for a really long time, but I’m really pumped to tell you guys exactly what it is and what it looks like. So right now Thirty More, you can be an entrepreneur of any service based business. So we have online coaches and online sales people. We also have brick and mortar people like aesthetics groups and chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, right.

What I’ve always wanted to do was be able to house all of the entrepreneurs in one place, but to take them down separate, more aligned, more tangible tracks based on who they are. So in this next round of Thirty More, Thirty More Austin, we are going to have the Thirty More mastermind. We’re going to have team online and team brick and mortar.

What this means is I’m going to be able to create more potent material for you depending on who you are. I have so much vast experience in the brick and mortar world and so much vast experience in the team online world, and I refuse to niche down and ignore one or the other.

So what I have decided to do is to create pathways where we are all still under one roof. We are all going to meet together in person. We’re all going to meet together a few times a month. But separately from that we are also going to go down pathways where I have created very strategic blueprints for who you are based on whether or not you are brick and mortar or whether or not you are online.

If you are both, because we do have people that are both, you get to go down both tracks. What? This is way more value for the same price. So deadline is November 18th. You do not want to miss this. You need to apply. Get on my Instagram @1beccapike, find my link in my bio, go to Thirty More, and apply right now if you want to be in Thirty More Austin.

All right friends let’s talk about reducing anxiety. So I’m just gonna give you something that has really dropped into my world and something that I want to discuss with you guys that might not seem like the advice you are used to getting.

So when I think about reducing anxiety, I think of someone being like you should take more off of your plate. You should relax a little bit. You should take some more time off. I agree with that in a lot of ways depending on how overworked you are. But today, I’m going to give you a totally different message.

Here’s what I know. I know that sometimes I can have very productive days where I put my phone away, I put my laptop away, and I just like brainstorm, and I create, and I master like my content. I will create emails. I will create like content. I will create reels. I will take three hours, and I will create so much shit, right. Usually on those days, I feel really good after those three hours, and I like take the rest of the day off.

Then there are other days where I am not like that at all right? I am like not focused. I’m not super direct. I’m not super paying attention. I’m kind of spread thin. I’m answering emails. I’m answering phones. I’m scrolling social media. I’m trying to get this thing done while I’m getting this other thing done. It’s just kind of all spread out and like doesn’t feel good at all right?

So the other day I was feeling pretty heavy. I was like I just don’t feel good right now. Like I feel a little stressed, but I don’t know why. I started writing down all of the things. I basically titled a piece of paper, and I said what’s bothering me in my business. I went all the way back to things that have been bothering me for like a year. Things that I’m ignoring, things that I’m not doing, things that I’m not moving forward on.

So for example, the Three More videos. Like a lot of you guys are in Three More. We have a video vault. I have been wanting to redo those videos since like the day that I shot them. I’m gonna be honest. The content in there is phenomenal, but the audio and the visual is not up to the standards that I’m at anymore, right.

So like now I have new equipment. Now I’ve got new stuff. Like I want to create literally better quality of the video and the audio, same lesson. I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time. It has been hanging over my head for like a year and a half. I just haven’t acted upon it. I don’t know if my brain was thinking like I’m not going to be able to necessarily take the time to do it. Like my brain was telling me it’s gonna take a really long time. It’s gonna take a lot of effort. All of these things.

So I wrote it down on my list. I said I want to redo the videos. This is something that is bothering me and has been bothering me for a long time. Then I asked myself why have I not done the videos? Why have I not redone the videos? The first thing that came to my mind was I don’t know how to do PowerPoints. I want to put PowerPoints in it, and I don’t know how to. Therefore I have let it linger over my head for a year and a half.

Guys, for real. I saw this on the piece of paper. I was like this is the dumbest shit I’ve ever written down. Like, I have an entire team of people that can help me with PowerPoints. I can learn PowerPoints. There are now like PowerPoints on Canva that are completely done for you. Right? Like I was buffering and telling myself that I didn’t know how to do PowerPoints, and I didn’t have the time to do it and all this shit. For a year and a half, I was not really doing my Three More videos. It was weighing on me in a way that I didn’t realize.

I told myself what if I just stopped pretending like I’m so busy. Stopped pretending like I’m so exhausted when I’m not. Okay. Some of you guys know what this is like. Like you say you’re exhausted from work, but really, you’re exhausted from thinking about work. Like you’re not actually exhausted from work. Like if you were to write down how hard you’ve actually worked physically, it doesn’t create exhaustion. Like all of it added up together creates like four really potent hours of work out of your whole week. Right?

Are you with me? This is me too. This is how I know it. This is how I see it. This is how I can call you guys out on it because people, I want you all to call it out on me. I want to call myself out on it. But I told myself what if I stopped pretending I’m exhausted? What if I stopped pretending like I’m spread thin? What if I literally just went ham on my business? What would happen?

That was about four days ago. Four days ago, I went ham on my business. I said you know what? No more excuses. I’m going to write down everything that’s bothering me. Number one, I want to redo my Three More videos. I’ve been wanting to do this for a year and a half. Number two, I want to do two different tracks inside of Thirty More so that I can give more potent material to the brick and mortar people and more potent material for the online people. Right? I think I got like five things that were just hanging over my head wrote them all down.

Guys, for four days, I have been going ham on these things. Which by the way, my brain told me that all of this shit was gonna take like a year to clean up. In four days, I think I’m like 50% through it. It might take me 10 to 15 days to clean up these things that have been bothering me for so long.

Here’s what I have noticed. I have noticed since I have gone ham and kept myself in motion, getting these things done that I have been avoiding, ignoring, not doing. I have started feeling lighter. Like I know this sounds obvious. Like get things done, and you’re gonna feel lighter.

But I don’t just mean checking off your to do list. I mean like really finding what you’re avoiding and giving yourself permission to go all out to get it done. To play big, to stop playing small, to stop making excuses. My anxiety has lowered by like I swear to God 90% In the last four days. I feel so free. I feel so much more present at home. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my back.

Things that I did not realize were bothering me were bothering me so much that they were making me feel heavy to the point where when I let go of them and I just went ahead and did them, I felt like a new person. Guys, to me, the anxiety of thinking about something instead of actually doing it, it’s worse to think about it than to just go out and do it. It’s worse to just let it simmer on the back of your mind than to go out and get it done.

So here’s my, what I believe, priceless anxiety advice is to do the things you’re avoiding. To put your body in motion. I don’t know about you guys, but I am a doer. I’m a manifesting generator. I’m a Pisces. I’m a doer. I do things. I like to get things done. I don’t like to stop and think.

If you know me, this is like one of my biggest superpowers, right? Like, I don’t stop and think. So whenever I am stopping to think like incessantly, it is not because I am coming from my strongest place. It is not because I am coming from an empowered place. It’s not because I’m coming from my most authentic original place. It is not.

I am a moving person, my creativity needs movement. It needs like things to do. It wants things to do. Guys, I am not sitting here and telling you guys to work yourself to the bone. But I am asking you like I did to ask yourself what it is that is bothering you? What is it that you’re not doing? How much anxiety is it actually bringing you?

Like, what conversations are you not having? Those hard conversations with your teammates, what conversations are you not having? What things are you not saying? What things in your business are you not cleaning up that don’t feel good? They don’t feel like you anymore. They don’t feel like your brand, but you’re not doing anything about them? What emails are you not editing? What things are you allowing to hang over your head because you’re exhausted?

Here’s what I know. I went ham. It’s been four days. Went ham on my business, I got so much done. It didn’t take more energy. In fact, I have more energy today than I have had in a long time, guys. I urge you to consider this.

We spend so much time trying to conserve our energy. I think I’m exhausted from trying to conserve my energy. Seriously. I think I’m exhausted from trying to conserve my energy instead of going all in. I think it requires more energy to conserve it than to go all in. I think about this like with my kids. Some days, I am all in with my kids. I am like in the creek with them. I am playing. I am getting dirty. We are coloring. We are crafting. We are like making a mess in the kitchen. I am all in. On those days, I feel the most free and the most relaxed.

Then there are days where I find myself trying to protect my energy from them. If you’re a mom or a dad, I guarantee you know what I’m talking about if I’m capable of articulating it right. But like, I will find myself saying no, I can’t play right now. I want to read my book. No, I can’t do this. I want to go cook by myself. Just today I’m gonna go cook by myself, right? I can’t hang out with you. I’m not gonna go outside with you right now. I’m gonna go do this thing that I really need to do.

What I’m really doing is conserving my energy, whether I realize it or not. I’m like trying to put this barrier around me. I’m like don’t no, no, no. Nobody come near me. I’m trying to really conserve myself. But that takes so much effort, and it takes so much resistance instead of letting the guard down and being like I’m all in. I’m all in on mom. I’m all in on my business. I am all in on everything.

So guys, my advice to you all today is go all in. See if that lowers your anxiety. See if that brings tension out of your body. See if maybe it’s possible that your anxiety is where it’s at because you’re not playing to your potential. Because you’re not putting everything you have into your work, into your personal life, into your wife duties, your husband duties, your parent duties, your fitness duties, right?

Speaking of which, who in here is a fitness person? Do you get anxiety when you don’t work out? Just a little bit. You just a little heavier that day? Right? Guys? As Jocko Willink says, discipline is the key to freedom, or something like that. I think I butchered it. Freedom lives in discipline. I don’t know he says some shit like that. It is so true. I have not felt it more than I have felt it in the last four days. I am on a high of discipline and freedom and how much one flows into the other.

So guys, what would happen if you decided to be committed? When I say committed, I don’t just mean committed when it feels good, committed when you wake up, and you just happen to have the right energy because the stars aligned. Committed because your kids are out and away from you, and you have the time to think straight. Committed because people are liking your stuff and sharing your reels and you’re getting new followers and people are giving you this external validation. Like it’s so easy to be committed, when all of that is happening.

But it’s not easy to be committed when things aren’t going great. People are saying no on the consults. People are not liking your content. People are not sharing your content. People are not giving you the external validation. You do feel tired, right? Like what would happen if you were committed anyway?

What would happen if you allowed yourself to go all in? This is the thing I’m gonna do with my life. This is where I’m at. I am not coming out there is no exit strategy. There is no plan B. I am fully in. I am fully in. That’s the commitment that gets shit done. That is the commitment that creates freedom. That is the commitment that reduces anxiety.

Anxiety is I’m not sure I’m committed. So I’m going to just try really hard and be really tired and wonder when I should stop and wonder when I should quit and wonder when it’s time to throw in the towel and wonder why everyone else is doing great. Instead of putting my head down and getting the work done. I urge you all think about this for yourself. I hope that this episode helped you. I know it was a quick, a short one. But man, you guys it’s a good one. I’ll see you all next week. Bye.

Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share.

When you share this episode with a friend or leave us a five star review, it is like pouring a little bit of magic into our podcasting bucket. It is what gets our work recognized. It’s what gives us energy and keeps us going, truly. Not one share nor review goes without recognition from our team. As always, we fucking love you here at Hell Yes Coaching. Have a beautiful day.

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