Our 3-day masterclass begins tomorrow! It is not too late for you to join! Dive deep with us into the understanding that selling through emotion and transformation is the most important key to selling your service effectively. Emotion and transformation are what make...
On the day to day…do you expect shit-tons of money to come into your bank account? Or do you expect mediocrity? Do you walk around expecting every person you meet is a potential client or do you expect clients are few and far between? Do you feel it’s normal for...
One of the things I ignored for so long was emailing my mailing list. As I built both Massage Strong and Hell Yes Coaching, most of my marketing came from word of mouth, referrals, and in-person meetups and interactions. And it really felt like it was working...
Petition to stop the bullshit dialogue that sales are sleazy. Offering your business to someone doesn’t make sales sleazy. Offering your business in a sleazy ass way is what makes sales sleazy. Sales are helping. Sales = providing service to your community. When...
Hello Friends: Just a reminder: I had 0 people ask me for my business card at my first networking events. I had people ask for massage appointments, i GAVE THEM A DISCOUNT, and they *stilllll* no-showed. I have had cringe-worthy FB lives. I had 0 people show up to my...
Pssst. Hey. There is no “right” way to do it. Any of it. Some of my clients get so bent out of shape because they’re worried that they don’t have the RIGHT offer or they aren’t writing their emails correctly (or at all!) (Damn toxic...