Petition to stop the bullshit dialogue that sales are sleazy.

Offering your business to someone doesn’t make sales sleazy.
Offering your business in a sleazy ass way is what makes sales sleazy.

Sales are helping.
Sales = providing service to your community.

When I began my first business, Massage Strong, I used to train my massage therapists on increasing their retention with their clients in order to create more results for the clients’ progress. Sometimes a well-meaning massage therapist would get their own money mindset wrapped up in their work by saying, “I know my client needs to come in for 6 sessions in the next 6 weeks to get out of pain…but I would never tell them that. It’s way too expensive. I don’t want to come across like I’m pitching them.”

This is the same as saying, “I know I could help that person get out of 20 years of back pain with my expertise, but I refuse to let them decide because I feel confident they won’t want this.”

Y’all…People want help.

People will pay anything to find someone willing to authoritatively tackle their problems. They want people like you.

But so many service providers get their own money mindset wrapped up in their sales that they forget to serve and instead, are hurting people in the process.

And it’s only for one reason: they’re not thinking about their clients’ needs. They’re thinking about their clients’ wallets.

Their wallet ain’t yo business.
Our clients have the authority to make their own choices.
Be sure you’re not stealing that authority.

If they want to pay for your service, they have to know it’s available to them. Loud and clear.

When you master your own money mindset, you will learn to sell and serve so much more. You will feel better doing it. And when you master FEELING better about sales, your clients will be raving and referring your business.

It is time to serve and grow.

PS – Three More is now enrolling. Gain Three More clients in 30 days or your money back. You will get lifetime access to weekly coaching calls as well as the videos, including teachings about money mindset. Join Now

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