Hello Friends:
Just a reminder:
I had 0 people ask me for my business card at my first networking events.
I had people ask for massage appointments, i GAVE THEM A DISCOUNT, and they *stilllll* no-showed.
I have had cringe-worthy FB lives.
I had 0 people show up to my first webinar.
My first group coaching had 2 people in it. My goal was 15.
I have said politically incorrect things without realizing it and offended people.
I have had mass exoduses of unsubscribes on my mailing list.
I have hired employees that were terrible fits.
I have not had the courage to say the hard things.
I have failed, looked dumb, and sat in the sucky.
And the ONLY reason I am a self-made millionaire are because of these exact things. Every single fail forced me to problem solve. Forced me to try something different. Forced me to learn more. Forced me to dust off my knees and try again. Forced me to take ownership.
The compounding effect is powerful.
Ps: If you haven’t heard, we are doing a BONUS giveaway in May. The first 10 people to sign up for Three More during the month of May, also will receive a FREE 1-on-1 session with me via Zoom. This will be a time for all eyes, all ears, and my entire business brain completely zeroed in on YOU, your business, and game-planing how to iron out any wrinkles and grow your company exactly the way you want to grow it. This is a $2,000 offer, fo’ FREEEEE. Don’t miss out. (Click here)