When you have a new program or offering, or you’ve been through a rebrand, what does your launch process look like? Whether you’re an online entrepreneur selling masterclasses, a brick-and-mortar launching a new service, or anything in between, this episode is your guide to making a ton of cash from every launch.
I have an amazing assistant who helps me launch everything in my business. We plan our launches and marketing six months at a time and get incredible results. A ton of work goes into making each launch a success, and today, I give you the blueprint, showing you the exact framework we use for our launches so you can succeed in your next launch, whatever business you’re in.
Tune in this week to discover how to strategize effectively in your business so your next launch is a success. I discuss the exact process we use at Hell Yes, and you’ll learn how to mimic, model, or adapt the pieces of this strategy that will work for you in your business.
If you want the 10X Formula: Scaling to Massive and Passive Income by Training a Dream Team, you can buy the whole class for $999 by emailing us, or get access by being a member of The Circle.
Looking for an ads team that gets results? I made a deal with my very own ads and SEO team that you can’t afford to miss. Anybody in my world (whether that’s masterminders, clients, or podcast listeners) gets a waived setup fee that, depending on your needs, could save you over $1000. Click here and use promo code HYC2024 to unlock my business’s secret weapon.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- What our launch process looks like over here at Hell Yes.
- The deep, relentless detail we go into in each part of our launch process.
- An example of a successful launch we recently had for a masterclass.
- How we work presales into our launch process.
- What’s wrong with most launch plans that make them unsuccessful.
- How to take the parts of my launch strategy that will transform your sales next time you launch in your business.
Listen to the Full Episode:
Featured on the Show:
- Sign up for my email list and get a free two-day class on how to grow your Instagram following and start selling to your audience!
- I have a couple of 1:1 coaching spots opening up. If you want to sit down with me face to face and get specific support in hashing out your business, the problems you’re facing, and the goals you want to achieve, email us right now to see your options!
- If you enjoyed today’s show, please leave a rating and review to let me know and help others find The Hell Yes Entrepreneur Podcast!
- If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit Hell Yes Coaching online.
- Ep #163: Sexual Pleasure, Creativity, and Your Business with Danielle Savory
- Ep #164: Mysticism, Spirit Guides, and Psychedelics with Danielle Savory
- Ep #165: Scaling to Massive and Passive Income by Training a Dream Team
Full Episode Transcript:
Hello, my friends. Welcome to episode number 166. I am your host, Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.
Hey, guys. I’m Becca Pike and welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast, the number one show for entrepreneurs looking to create their first six-figure year. If you’ve got the drive and you know how to hustle but you’re not sure where to channel your energy, we’ve got the answers. Let’s dive into today’s show.
Hey guys, before we get started, I want to tell you a little bit about my ads and SEO team. I have had the same ads and SEO team for literal years. I think we’re talking about seven to eight years now. They have helped me make so much money in my brick and mortars. They have led lots of cold leads to me that have turned into clients. We have had the most beautiful, amazing, productive relationship of all time when it comes to marketing and SEO and ads.
I have gotten the majority of my leads through paid ads and SEO, and I am constantly teaching my clients to leverage the beautiful world of paid advertisement, especially if they don’t want to spend all day organic marketing. The way that I look at it is you have two options.
You can get 10 clients by organically marketing, or you can get 10 clients through paid ads. However, if you’re not willing to pay for those ads or you just don’t want to pay for those ads, you have to make up for that in a lot of action when it comes to organic marketing, which is the way that I’ve done a lot of things.
This is a great way to do it if you are somebody that wants to constantly take action with organic marketing and email people and post on social media all the time and go to business events and just organically getting yourself out there. However, if you’re past the place of wanting to do that and you want to just pay for your leads, you definitely want to have a really good marketing team.
But if I’m being honest, I spent years not telling anyone who my ads team was because I didn’t want to overextend my own marketing team. I didn’t want to send a bunch of people to them and then they weren’t capable of handling it and then my marketing went downhill. Even though I was constantly asked who is doing my ads and why are they so good and why are they converting well, and I had lots of clients wanting to use my ads team. I just wasn’t really open to the public about who I used.
However, I finally sat down. I had a meeting with them, and I asked them. Hey, listen, can you handle more clients? Which they said yes, but I expected them to say yes. So I really drilled them. I was like listen, I want my business-owning clients to have a good ads team, and I want them to excel in business. After all, it is my name, right? It is my name on their sleeve as their coach, and we want them to have results.
But I need to know for real if you can take more clients, like a lot more clients, and the quality of your work does not go down. So they took my request seriously, and they spent time talking me through their whole process to show me how much quality control they have and to show how they can take on more clients. Honestly, I was so impressed with their systems and their processes and their talent and how every single client gets the same treatment.
So we made a deal last month, and I am here to announce it to you. My subscribers, my students, my podcast listeners, anybody in my world is getting a waived setup fee if you want to work with my ads team. Now, depending on what you need done, this can be a waived fee of up to a thousand or more dollars. Listen, guys, there is literally no catch. If you use my promo code, you will get no setup charges.
Again, this team has been my secret weapon for upwards of seven years. If you’re looking for the best freaking marketing team, you’re going to want to use my promo code. You’re going to want to go ahead and contact them, let them know who you are, what you do and how you want to run your ads and your SEO. They are going to be the team for you.
Again, this isn’t something that we had to do. This is just my team trying to give back to you guys for all of the love that you pour into us. So I do hope that if you’re looking for a marketing team, this is going to be the best thing for you. So the promo code is HYC2024. You can go to seoteric.com. That is S-E-O-T-E-R-I-C.com and use the promo code HYC2024. This is going to lead you to my beautiful, amazing, fucking brilliant marketing team, and they are going to be able to take care of you so well. So I do hope you enjoy and let’s get to the show.
All right guys. So today I want to talk to you all about launching. I want to talk to you about the way that you launch your online sales or the way that you launch your new rebrand or the way that you launch anything. So I don’t care if you are an online company and you’re a coach and you’re launching masterclasses, or you’re a brick and mortar business and you are launching a new service, or launching a new menu or launching some type of new plan. This is going to be the episode for you today.
So I’m just going to back way up and talk to you a little bit about the way that me and my assistant, Gigi. She is like my right hand girl. You probably, if you’ve ever taken classes with me, you have talked to Gigi. You have worked with Gigi. She’s always on the back end of my emails.
She and I do a lot together when it comes to building this business. I fly her to my city about two times a year to plan out our next six months of launches and marketing. Okay. So I’m going to give you guys the outline today. I’m going to kind of teach you the exact skeleton that we use.
So this episode is basically a bag of fucking cash. So I’m going to need you to like stop the car, get a pen and paper, and really listen and think about what I’m saying to you guys today because I think most coaches would probably charge like $2,000 for this if I’m being completely frank. However, I want you guys to be hellaciously successful so that you can afford to hire me. Okay. That’s where we’re at right now.
All right. So I fly her to me here in Lexington about twice a year, every six months. We sit down, we hunker down, and we just like really work out all of our launches. Because she’s six hours away from me, 99% of our relationship is completely online. It’s like over Zoom.
But when we fly her to me, and we put her up in a swank ass hotel, and we pay for all of her meals as a company, she and I get to really cozy up with coffee and hoodies, and we create our own little brainstorming vortex to hammer out our most important work of the year.
This is when we decide on dates of what are we launching over the next six months? What are the dates of those open and closed carts? What are the subjects that we’re teaching in those launches? Are these masterclasses or Mini Minds? What’s the name of these masterclasses and Mini Minds? Then what’s the launch plan for the Mastermind, The Mini Mind, the coaching certifications, the VIP days, the masterclasses, everything that’s coming up over the next six months. Okay.
Then once we get our dates set up and the names of the classes set up, we then like backtrack and create a skeleton of what dates all of the emails need to go out for that launch, the assigned podcast episodes for that launch, the Instagram stories as well as like if we’re doing a pre-sale or a post-sale for that launch, and we assign an entire marketing schedule to each launch.
So I’m going to break this down, I’m going to go real slow, and I’m going to try to teach you exactly what we do so that you can either mimic it exactly, model it exactly, or take the pieces that feel good to you and run with them in whatever way feels best for you. Okay.
So let’s say that we’re sitting down, and we’re like okay, in the next six months, we know that we want to do a masterclass on how to train a new team member. So this is real. We did this. We just had a masterclass called the 10X Formula. That 10X Formula was how to train someone new when they come, and they work for you. It was the best fucking masterclass ever, by the way.
My assistant got off the phone with me, and she said, “I always think that you have done your best work until we do another masterclass, and that was your best work yet.” So we just keep getting better. We just keep practicing and getting better at these masterclasses.
So anyway, let’s rewind to six months ago when this was just a twinkle in our eye, and we were just thinking about it. We sat down, and we were like okay, we want to teach a class how to train a new team member. What are we going to call it? So we decided on the name the 10X Formula, and we decided on the dates. We’re going to teach this class on June 19th and June 20th. Okay. It’s going to be a two day class. So we put that in our calendar. That’s all we had so far. Okay. So let’s baby step this.
Then we said well, we’re going to want to charge $555 for this class. That is going to be what we charge. However, we want to do a two day presale about 30 days before the launch. So we always do this. We almost always have some type of presale for our masterclasses.
So as we’re sitting there in our hoodies with our coffee, we’re figuring out what class we’re doing. What’s it called? What’s the date? How much are we charging for it? Then we backtrack and we say how much do we want it to be on presale? So for presale, I think it was like $333. It was only 48 hours. That happened 30 and 31 days before we opened the cart to the actual class.
We also said okay, this is going to be a smaller launch. So our bigger launches are reserved for like the big Masterminds and The Mini Minds and the coaching certifications. This is just a monthly masterclass. So we want to provide it a proper launch. However, we do understand that this is a smaller launch than say the Mastermind.
So because it’s a smaller launch, it is going to require three main things. Number one, it’s going to need about six emails that is converting people to this class. Number two, it’s going to need about two podcast episodes where we are sending people to this class. Number three, it’s going to need roughly 30 to 50 story slides that we’re going to be able to pepper throughout Instagram the month that we’re launching it.
All right. So we knew from the beginning that we were going to need six emails, two podcast episodes, and roughly 30 to 50 story slides on Instagram just for this masterclass alone. So that is when we started setting dates for all of these things. We said okay, let’s focus on just the emails.
Now please mind you, as I’m going through this, we are doing everything that I’m saying right now. We are doing all of this for one masterclass. Okay. We do about 12 masterclasses a year. We do two rounds of a Mastermind per year. We do two Mini Minds per year, and we do two cohorts of Zero to Coach certifications per year. So everything that I’m telling you right now, we do all of this for every launch.
So we know that we have six emails going out. We say okay, our presale emails will go out 31 and 30 days before the class. Those are our presale emails. Then it’s going to go to permanent price. After that, all emails are about permanent price. So the permanent price emails will go out 14 days before, seven days before, two days before, the night before class, and the morning of class. All of these emails have an assigned date, and we are going to be selling people into this masterclass.
Now with that being said, when we’re sitting here face to face, drinking our coffee in our hoodies, these emails are not yet written, okay? We simply start by just creating the shell of what is needed to get into the calendar. Now let’s fast forward a little bit.
Once you’ve been teaching a class multiple times, like let’s say that I’ve taught this class two or three times in the last two to three years, we will recycle emails. However, this particular class was a new class to us, so there were no emails to recycle. They were all to be written later. But we don’t use our time, Gigi and I don’t use our time to write emails in real time. When we are together, we are trying to use our time the most efficiently, and writing emails is not that. So we create the skeleton and then we say we’ll write the emails later.
So once we feel complete with the email schedule, we move on to the podcast schedule. So it might look something like this. All right, so the 10X Formula is coming out on June 19th and June 20th. The masterclass starts right when episode 165 is released. So we need a commercial for this masterclass built into episode 163, 164, and 165. Then episode 166 will house a commercial for the replay.
All right, by the way, this is the commercial for the replay. You guys should definitely listen to this class. Best class yet, especially if you have a team member or 20 team members or you know that you’re about to have team members. Your team is only as good as you train them. So get the class.
Okay, so once we feel complete with the podcast episode schedule, we then move on to how we’re going to squeeze in 30 to 50 story slides on Instagram in that final 14 days before the cart closes. Now before I move away from podcasts, I just want to say that depending on what I’m selling in that podcast episode, usually I would say 80% of the time I make the actual podcast episode related to what I’m selling.
So let’s say that I’m selling How to Sell on Instagram class. That podcast episode is going to be something about Instagram, about how important Instagram is, about why you should be taking Instagram seriously. Then I am converting the commercial at the end or at the beginning to coincide with what I am selling and what I am talking about.
I don’t make an episode that’s just about health and wellness and then try to sell How to Sell on Instagram on the back end of that. Does that make sense? So you want things to all kind of flow together.
Now as I’m going through this, I understand that some of you all are completely following along, and you’re like this is so easy. Some of you guys, you’re new to launching. This feels overwhelming. Again, I want you to just take what you can and leave the rest.
So if you’re at a point where your brain can only handle the capacity of like writing emails to go with your launch, let’s say that you’re like holy shit, I never even thought about writing six emails and staggering them out in a specific way with my launch, then just take that and walk away with it. Okay.
All right, let’s move on to the social media 30 to 50 story slides on Instagram. Most of these slides get built out and are put into a folder for me once Gigi is back in Chicago. So we want this folder filled up and ready to go at least 30 days before the launch.
But again, we’re not spending our time doing this together because we want our time together to be efficient, and her creating story slides is not the best use of our time. So she does that later when she’s back in Chicago.
As a final touch, we go back and we look through our email schedule, our podcast schedule, our story slide schedule. We try to make sure everything is lined up to the proper dates. Then as a final touch, we make sure that there is a transition strategy out of each masterclass.
So in particular, we say, where does this masterclass lead people? Once they come into the 10X Formula, where do we want them to go? Are we incentivizing them to come into The Circle with some sort of bonus or limited time upgrade option? Are we offering them a VIP package? Are we leading them to a Mini Mind with some sort of limited time bonus or upgrade option?
Okay. So no launch in my world has a dead end. It leads the horse to a new watering hole where they can get filled up on new and bigger material. Every single thing leads to something else. Okay. Every single thing leads to something else.
So everything that I just took you through was one monthly masterclass. When we tie a bow on that monthly masterclass, let’s say that we are done creating the shell, the marketing shell for the 10X Formula, we then move on and we do this with all of the six upcoming masterclasses over the next six months as well as our coaching certification, our Mastermind, our Mini Mind, one-to-one sessions, pre-sales, post-sales, bonuses, and VIPs. Okay.
So we end our two days together with the exact blueprint launch dates and a fully fleshed out plan of action. So we know what are we launching and when are we launching it? What are the dates of every single email that needs to go out and what that email is leading to? All of the dates of every podcast episode and what that podcast is leading to, and when to post what thing on social media and why.
Guys, this is how you squeeze every drop of juice out of the lemon. Nothing that we are doing is just because. It’s like all tied to a greater picture. I’m not just popping on a podcast and just talking a bunch of shit and then getting off without it tying back somewhere.
So when she goes home to Chicago, we know exactly. Let’s say the next to the following week comes up. There is no what are we doing, and what are we selling today? Like, do we sell the membership, or do we sell the masterclass? I don’t really know what we’re selling. No.
We just look at our schedule that we built out, and we’re like okay, this week we have an email going out on Monday and an email going out on Friday. Both of these emails are going to the 10x Formula, and this is the presale emails. We know exactly what we’re doing at all times. All right.
Now, could we have done all of this over Zoom? Sure. I think that at another time in our business, we would have had to. We wouldn’t have had the money to fly her in and put her up in a hotel.
But I notice now that spending a couple of days in real life and like taking walking breaks and sunshine breaks and chatting over our lattes and really getting to know each other on a deeper level has been insanely fruitful for our relationship and the betterment of the business. Some of our best ideas and aha-moments are when we have shut our laptops down, and we are just chatting like friends.
So as you’re reading this and hopefully writing down and taking notes and sharing this episode with other coach friends, I want you to ponder how much effort you put into your launch strategy. Many of you guys tell me that you’re all in. You’re going a thousand percent. You’ve been selling your ass off. You’re launching, launching, launching.
But then once I dig into your launch plan, it’s like two emails and a couple posts. You might be thinking about your launch a lot, but you’re not actually selling it a lot. This is the difference between five figure earners and like seven figure earners. Okay. How you launch is important.
Now hear me out. You don’t have to be this organized. It has taken me years to get to this place to be this organized. You don’t have to be like this. However, you do need to give this much give a damn. You have to have this much give a damn because even before I was this organized, I had this much give a damn.
I was sending out this many emails. I was sending out this many posts. I was making this many stories. I just didn’t have any help. I didn’t have any organized dates. I didn’t have like, I woke up every week and had to decide what I was selling and what made sense. It wasn’t organized like this. However, I had this much energy behind what I was doing and what I was selling.
Guys, when you are ready to start being led in business by someone who is capable of making you seven figures and knows exactly how to launch things, exactly how to sell things, exactly how to make the most money you possibly can, it is time to hire me. Okay. I am heavy on strategy.
When you come into my world, I’m not going to tell you to think your way into millions. I’m not going to tell you to feel it out and decide how to build your company. Like there is too much watered down coaching that is happening. I am only working with people who are ready to actually put in the work, ready to be shown exactly what makes money and want to go do it.
I know that my audience is here. You guys are hard workers. It is shown to me through and through a million times over. Every time I meet one of you all, you all are just like ready to put in the work. You’re no longer at the place of needing to figure out how to get one more client. You can get another client. You’re already making money.
You’re trying to figure out how to turn the volume way up on demand and how to make it scalable so that you’re actually enjoying your life and making as much money as you want with as much time freedom as you want. This is why my clients see the results that they do because I am so heavy on strategy and making sure that you are getting the results.
The best place to come into my world is inside of my membership, The Circle. Not only are you going to get all of my teachings, you are going to get business coaching. You are going to get the community. You are going to get a year of massive, massive results. You want to be inside of The Circle.
This is the number one place that my students are getting the results that they’re getting. This is where people are doubling their income. This is where they are cutting their work time in half. You do not want to miss out. You want to be inside of The Circle. We are enrolling right now. Head on over to @1beccapike over on my Instagram, and we can enroll you today. Have a great day, guys.
Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share.
When you share this episode with a friend or leave us a five star review, it is like pouring a little bit of magic into our podcasting bucket. It is what gets our work recognized. It’s what gives us energy and keeps us going, truly. Not one share nor review goes without recognition from our team. As always, we fucking love you here at Hell Yes Coaching. Have a beautiful day.
Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit hellyescoachingonline.com. See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.
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