I’m going to be real. Grinding 24/7 in business sounds like a personal hell to me. I have always wanted my businesses to be successful and ever-growing. But losing myself to the hustle was never an option. I do not live to work. I work to live. I work to have...
Dear business owners, I see you. You’re good at what you do… your craft is honed in… and if it was just based on skill set alone, your business would be poppin… except its not really poppin… People aren’t lining up out the door to work with you as...
Dear entrepreneurs, I didn’t hit 300 pounds on my deadlift because my workout clothes were cute. Just like businesses don’t hit success just because their websites are pretty. It requires the reps, the work, the doing it when no one’s watching or...
Attention all entrepreneurs Who is ready to SPRINT? I am hosting a 3-day value-packed virtual class that is the kick in the ass you have been waiting for. Is business blah? Are you not reaching the potential you know you can? Still riding that holiday slump? It is...
Dear Beautiful People: Did I ever tell you about the time in 2020 that I went three whole months without making a single dollar and bombed every single one of my consults? My close rate was 0% from March 2020 until June 2020. Want to know what I made it mean about me?...