Dear business owners,

I see you.

You’re good at what you do… your craft is honed in… and if it was just based on skill set alone, your business would be poppin… except its not really poppin…

People aren’t lining up out the door to work with you as you hoped. I get it. It blows.

It’s not because you’re not working hard.

It’s because sales skills aren’t taught in a way that feels good, so most people shy away from actually selling their service.

No one is really teaching how to sell in a way that feels like you are just being you. Or how to sell in a way that feels customer-focused and not self-focused.

But let me tell you this: your service is meant to help people.

And the longer you go without learning how to sell, the longer your customers go without your help. And you know you’re the one that can help them best, because if anyone knows your industry…it’s you.

Being really skilled and knowledgeable in your craft, unfortunately, does not equate to having a successful business.

I hear it all the time, from some of the top coaches, yoga teachers, farmers, spa owners,  course creators, real estate agents, and other industries.

The real problem that entrepreneurs face, that’s really sucking the life out of their business is that they spend too much time perfecting the back-end of their businesses, like their website and their font colors, and other bullshit that’s safe and not scary…and not enough time learning how to actually get people in the door so they can change their life with your kick-ass skills.

Staying in the back end of your business is safe and easy and cozy. There’s almost zero rejection involved.

But my friends, the front end of your business is where the magic happens.

This is my passion…helping entrepreneurs build the confidence to show up, speak up, and help people like they never have before.

It requires trust, grit, and a little bit of rejection tolerance.

I am hosting a 3-day virtual class called Sprint to Success. It is filled with teachings, live coaching with me, and a Facebook community called Sprint to Success. Doors are open, you must pre-register and we begin on the 23rd.

You will leave knowing exactly what’s NOT working for you in your business, why the front end has been scary,  how to approach growing your customers in a way that feels good and you will leave with an actual game plan for boosting your business quickly.

This is your time. Join me and commit 3 days to learn how to Sprint to Success.

This is for anyone who considers themselves an entrepreneur and wants to surround themselves with other like-minded people to grow their company.

Sign up here

I cant wait to see you inside.


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