The Hell Yes Entrepreneur with Becca Pike | Tripling Your Income Doesn’t Take Years - Here’s How

Have you ever felt stuck at an income level in your business, no matter how hard you work or how many strategies you try? What if I told you that tripling your monthly revenue doesn’t have to take years of effort but could happen as quickly as next month, and then never dip down again? This is what a quantum leap looks like in your business.

Want to know the mindset shifts and identity changes required to create a true quantum leap in your business? By examining the limiting beliefs and behaviors that keep us playing small, we can break free from the patterns holding us back and step into our full potential as entrepreneurs, and it starts right here.

Get ready to be inspired to think bigger, show up more powerfully, and take the massive action needed to 10X your business in record time. This is a must-listen episode for any of you who are ready to unleash your next level and make a real quantum leap in your business.


Get all 14 days of the What’s Possible Playground for $999, and if you love it, you can offset that tuition fee to join The Circle!

If you want to be bold and stand in your power, you need to join The Circle to understand marketing on a whole new level.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why quantum leaps are always a result of identity shifts, not strategy tweaks.
  • How to recognize and release the limiting beliefs keeping you stuck at your current income level.
  • The importance of setting firm boundaries and standards in your business.
  • Why you must be willing to let go of anything (or anyone) no longer aligned with your vision.
  • How to develop the conviction and consistency needed for exponential growth.
  • The power of investing in high-level support to get an outside perspective on your blind spots.
  • Why your monthly revenue has nothing to do with time, and everything to do with who you’re being in every moment.


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Full Episode Transcript:

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What’s up guys? My team and I are having so much freaking fun inside of the What’s Possible Playground. So in case you have missed this, we are in the middle of a 14-day class where I am talking all about quantum leaps. What do I mean by quantum leaps? 

Quantum leaps are like when you are making a consistent amount of money and then all of a sudden you start making like 3X, 4X, 5X what you are used to making. This has happened to me three distinct times. One of which I’m going to get into in this episode, but one of which I was stuck at $8,000 a month, month over month over month over month. Guys, it was like groundhog day. I could not seem to get away from this number, this $8,000 a month number. This was back in 2021. Okay.

I’m getting ready to take you through the story of how this went down. But basically January until September of 2021, I made about $8,000 every single month. Then come October, November, December, it shot up to $42,000, $52,000 and $43,000. 

I’m going to take you through exactly what happened. But guys, this is what I’m talking about with quantum leaps. The What’s Possible Playground is 14 days with 14 miniature trainings on what actually is a quantum leap and how to make them happen in your life at your will.

You have to first understand what a quantum leap is and where it is coming from and how it is created. It’s not usually what you think. It’s not necessarily based in strategy, but it’s also not just foo-foo mindset. I hate foo-foo mindset stuff. That is not how I teach this class. This class is unbelievably good.

I’m going to be completely honest with you. We were not expecting the amount of love that has been poured out over this class. We have had more people messaging us and DMing us and emailing us and dropping it in the comments inside of the What’s Possible Playground than we’ve ever had before.

People just saying, “Holy crap, my brain hasn’t been broken open like this in a decade.” I had one woman say, “I literally just stopped the audio and called my husband screaming with excitement. Like I have not felt this way in so long. You are striking so many chords with me.” I have had more mind blown emojis than ever dropped on these audios. 

Guys, when I say miniature audios, I’m not talking about like miniature trainings. These are excessively expansive trainings. These are trainings that each should be worth about $600. Each of these would take your business to the next level, which show you where a quantum leap is and where it’s coming from and how to have one yourself.

So the fact that we have 14 of these in a row is just chef’s kiss. So what we decided to do is we’re going to give you a little taster. We’re going to give you a little taster. We just plucked out, plucked out day seven at random because basically because we recorded it today, and we loved it. My team loved it. It’s giving you a little peek into what quantum leap actually looks like and where it comes from.

This is going to give you a little back journey on my story as well. So I hope you guys enjoy this right before this audio comes on. There is an audio from John Richardson, who is the head of the Zero to Coach program. He is the Hell Yes head coach here at the coaching facility. So you’re going to not hear from him. We’re going to cut straight to my audio, but I just wanted to give you a little context that I’m playing off of John. We’re going to get right into my story for day seven of the What’s Possible Playground. 

Now, if you listen to this and you are like, I want more of this conversation, I want to be all in on this, then you can purchase all 14 days of the What’s Possible Playground. This is $599. You can actually use that tuition afterwards to upgrade into The Circle. If you want to come into all of the trainings that I do all year long. So this is just the most no brainer thing on the planet.  

So enjoy this episode. Enjoy just marinating in the beauty of quantum leaps because my friend you are inches away from having one yourself. This is episode number 170. I am your host, Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go. 

Good morning, and welcome to day seven, y’all. We have done some work in here already. So let’s do a quick recap of all of this work that we have put in number one, day one, we talked about massive risks, building out true million dollar consistency. Our consistency conversation was everything. We talked about showing up in a way that gets other people to see you as an authority in your industry.

Day two, we went through what does it actually mean like level one, level two, and level three on how people perceive you, and what it takes to become an instant yes, and how to have a bigger vision and filter when it comes to your brand. All while having full permission to leave anyone behind that isn’t able to come with you. 

Day three was burning those motherfucking boats, what it means to completely eliminate all plan B’s, safety mechanisms, and making success the only option. Day four was it was just a deepening Q&A session. It was honestly one of my favorite days, the Q&A session. 

We are having another Q&A session tomorrow. So be sure that you are dropping your questions in by 5:00 tonight. If you do have to drop them in a little later than 5:00, we might be able to let it slip in. However, I do want to have all the Q’s dropped in so I can give you guys all the A’s tomorrow. But day four was Q&A such a great deepening.

Day five was the breadcrumb challenge, where we discussed step stoning people into your bigger offers and helping them taste your work without discounting your work, right? Only removing friction from your offers so that they slide in like banana peels. Yesterday was all about abundant mindset and beliefs and your thoughts being your undertone to your messaging and the foundation of your action. 

So we have lived 1,000 lives in here you guys. Are you all on fire yet? I am. So welcome to day seven of the What’s Possible Playground. We are finally warmed up and ready to hit the second half of this experience you guys.

So today brings a brilliant question to ponder what would be possible for you if you believed that your monthly revenue could triple this month and never dip again. What I want you to focus on here is the words this month. What would you need to believe or what would you need to do in order for your monthly revenue to triple this month right now? 

The amount of time that you have convinced yourself is required to make certain leaps is an opinion that you created. Have you been telling yourself it’s, quote unquote normal, and expected to yes, I might triple my monthly income, but it will take what? Three years, four years, seven months, nine months, 10 months. 

Let me ask it to you this way. What are you making per month right now? Now in your mind, triple that number. Okay. You got that number? That tripled number, when do you think that will happen for you? Put a date on it. Just put a date on it right now. Like what feels right? What feels normal? Now ask yourself why? Why did you choose that date? 

Was that date that you chose? Was that soon? Was it next month? Or was it in like two years? This is pointing to what you have normalized when it comes to the amount of time that it takes to triple your income. What if you believed it didn’t have to take a long time, that it didn’t have to take months of showing up, months of rapport building, months or years of habits being built, months or years of relationships being built? 

What if you believed that it doesn’t take years at all, that it could happen right now, that next month you could have a 3X month. Because, in fact, it is not time that triples your monthly income. It is the way that you are showing up and the person that you are acting like in every moment. If you believed this, what would you do and what would you need to change? 

So here comes story time with Mama B. At one point in my coaching career, it was my second-ish year in coaching, and I was making about $8,000 a month. To be honest, I felt stuck at this level for so long. Okay. So this was back in 2021. January was roughly $8,000. February, $8,000. March, roughly $8,000. April, May, June, July, August, September, $8,000, $8,000, $8,000, $8,000. So I want you to picture this with me. Okay.

It was fall. I remember that it was fall because in my mind, all of my chapters and eras in my life are either based on football season, basketball season, or grilling sunshine season. Okay. That’s how I see everything. It was football season. I specifically remember that it felt like the year was coming to a close, and I was just kind of like, okay, I make $8,000 a month apparently. I’m never going to get out of this matrix. I am stuck here. I don’t even know.

While a really big part of me wanted to simply just coast through the rest of the year and just be like okay, I’m just making $8,000 every month of this year. I didn’t. I chose not to do it that way. It was hella uncomfortable. I took out this massive credit card amount of money, and I bought a package way outside of my price range that I felt like I had no business purchasing. I did it in order to buy some private coaching with my coach at the time. 

Again, it felt insanely risky. The price tag was roughly what I made in a combined three months. Okay. It was like $24,000 to sit down with my coach and like hash out some shit that I needed to hash out. I was making $8,000 at the time, but I was just so done seeing this 8K number over and over and over again, despite how hard I was working.

I was killing myself, and I was aware enough to know that I wasn’t stuck at this number because of my audience or because I wasn’t willing to learn. I was willing to learn. It was because of something I was doing and someone that I was being that I couldn’t see. I couldn’t see the forest for the trees. I just didn’t know what it was. 

So I paid for the package, and I got on the Zoom meeting with her the very first time. I just laid everything that I could think to lay out for her. We worked on some deep and really personal stuff. I have a real problem with being vulnerable, or at least I used to have a real problem with being vulnerable with people and like really showing them what is actually wrong in my business. But I did. I was just like you know what? I’m fucking going for it. 

I laid out some deep and personal stuff, some identity stuff, some things that I needed to think about that I didn’t want to think about. Anger that I had with the industry, anger that I had with a couple of past coaching clients, and how I was allowing myself to hide because I was too afraid of allowing what I had allowed to happen in one of my masterminds, I was afraid to let it happen again. So I was hiding. 

I won’t go into details of this. John remembers everything, I’m sure. But I had allowed my boundaries to be crossed. I wasn’t standing up for myself. I had a couple of clients who I was trying to accommodate and not ruffle feathers with instead of standing for my own integrity because I didn’t want to lose them as clients.

If this happened today, they would be removed from my containers in a lickety split of a second, you know. But at the time, I didn’t have that self-leadership, right? Like I didn’t have what I needed in order to protect myself. With how hard they were working to like tear down my name, just out of boredom, out of frustration, like I honestly, I could have sued them. I didn’t. The way that I handled it, honestly, was like haunting me. Right.

But I sat down with my coach, and I knew that I wasn’t being the person that I needed to be. We broke down like deep who I am as a leader, and how I’m showing up as a CEO. What message am I sending to everyone else in the room by hiding my power, by accommodating, by being afraid to lose clients. 

After those four weeks, and after removing some people from my group, I took a massive breath that I didn’t realize at all that I was holding. I stopped hiding in ways I didn’t realize that I was hiding. I started showing up so unapologetically. This all happened so fast that people were asking me like what has gotten into you?

I was actually a different person. I became a different person when I really looked at my action and really took massive ownership in the way that I was acting and the way that it was creating results for me. 

Now remember, at the time, I had been making 8K per month. It was like Groundhog Day every single month. At the time, it was September. So I felt like the year was like closing in. August was 8K. September was 8K. I got the coaching that I needed. October was $48,000. November was $51,000. December was $43,000. My business has not dipped below $40,000 per month since then. 

In fact, my lowest month, it doesn’t even come close to these numbers. I went from consistently hitting 8K months and being stuck to immediately never going below 40 again. What I want you to hear in this story is that it wasn’t time that changed my sales. It wasn’t that rapport was built. It wasn’t that I built a new offer and that offer was exciting and everyone was excited about it.

It was me changing me. It was me changing my own leadership and the way that I carried myself and what I thought I deserved. I had to let go of everyone’s approval. I had to let go of my desire to be liked. I swear I killed my old self. I had to let go of so much. I had to decide to move in a way that I had never allowed myself to move before, to play harder than I had ever played before. 

I started saying things that I was too scared to say before. I started showing up as what I thought people might think would be too much. I remember thinking like I will never run a business that doesn’t just feel so good to me. If it’s not fun, I’m not doing it. If someone doesn’t feel delicious, they’re not able to come in. 

I knew that being this newer version of myself would cost me old clients, but I honestly, I didn’t even care because I was at a true turning point in my own mental health when it came to the coaching industry. In those calls with my coach at the time, I had been fully unleashed and my sales 4X’d immediately, and they never went back down. This was my first ever true quantum leap.

Now, what about you? Do you believe that your past is all that’s available to you? That because the 2022 version of you made X dollars and the 2023 version of you made X dollars then that means something about the pattern at which you’re going to make money in 2024. Do you believe that because you have averaged X amount of money per month every month this year, that it means that you’re going to finish out this year on the same pattern? 

Have you entertained the idea that your August, this month, August, this coming month, have you entertained that August, September, October, November, and December could very well likely be 3X, 4X, 5X, what your January through July was?

Quantum leaps start in your mind, and it is almost never strategy. Quantum leaps are almost never like hey, I started a new offer. Even though I’ve had many offers in my life, this one just really randomly took off and skyrocketed. Now I’m in a quantum leap. No, because it’s not strategy. It’s not like I tweaked my messaging and boom, quantum leap. 

No, quantum leaps are always a change in character. Quantum leaps are always a change in character, a change in identity, an awakening, an oh shit. I deserve more. I want more. I’m going to let myself want more. I’m going to say things in a way that I have never allowed myself to say them. I’m going to stop waiting. I’m going to stop moping. I’m going to become absolutely robotic in my consistency. I will not miss a day of work or a day of risk or a day of selling unless it’s an emergency. 

I will not miss a day in the gym. I will not miss a day of consistently eating well. I am done wobbling. I am done letting boundaries be crossed. I am done saying that I don’t know how to make more money because I do. I have just not wanted to do it. Now I do. I’m done having plan B’s, and I’m done with excuses. I’m going to be nothing but brutally honest with myself. 

I’m going to spend money in a way I have never allowed myself to spend money. I’m going to get support in ways I have never allowed myself to get support. I’m going to turn those clients away that don’t feel absolutely fucking delicious because I don’t want the money over my happiness that doesn’t align with my identity now. I’m going to make those staff members re-go through the training so that they meet my new standards. I’m going to have my clients step up to meet me and my new standards. 

I’m going to let go of past anger. I’m going to let go of past frustration. I’m going to set up boundaries. I’m going to stop blaming others. I’m going to look in the mirror and take absolute radical ownership over every single dollar that has not come into my bank account. I am deserving. I am excited. I am convicted. I’m going straight to the moon and no one can stop me. You’re either coming with me or you’re falling off, but either way I am going. I am 10Xing this company. 

Do you see that it is not strategy? It is you. It has always been you. So what is possible when you stop believing that time is what grows your business and instead believe that the person that you are is what grows your business, and the person that you are can change in the snap of a finger.

Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share. 

When you share this episode with a friend or leave us a five star review, it is like pouring a little bit of magic into our podcasting bucket. It is what gets our work recognized. It’s what gives us energy and keeps us going, truly. Not one share nor review goes without recognition from our team. As always, we fucking love you here at Hell Yes Coaching. Have a beautiful day. 

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.


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