The Hell Yes Entrepreneur with Becca Pike | These Simple Tips Will Help You Scale Your BusinessWhen I realized it was time to scale both Massage Strong and Hell Yes Coaching, I resisted it so hard. I let my fear get the best of me and made the process of scaling so much harder than it needed to be. I was scared, resentful, and angry at myself throughout it, and I’m here this week to show you how I royally fucked up so you don’t have to.

In the brick-and-mortar world as well as in the online realm, scaling looks much the same. It’s what will get you out of being a workhorse in your business and maxing yourself out to the brim so you can enjoy your business again. But if you’re like me, you’re either too scared to take the leap, or you just can’t see the exact path forward. 

Join me this week to discover why I put off scaling my businesses, the consequences of listening to my fears, and what became possible once I fully embraced the process. I’m offering the four signs you’re ready to scale your business right now, and what to expect along the way so you don’t fall into the same traps I did. 

Sprint to Success 2.0 is happening TODAY and it’s not too late to sign up! If you want to reserve your spot for one of our most-loved masterclasses so you can create your highest-grossing sales month in October, you can’t miss this. Click here to sign up right now! 

If you’re interested in Thirty More, I have good news for you. Enrollment for the January 2023 round of Thirty More is open right now up until November 2022. This is going to give you so much more time to make that strong, unwavering decision and apply to be in that room. 

If you are ready to create your first six-figure year, your next business investment needs to be Three More. Three More is where you’ll get access to our video vault of everything I did to create a highly successful brick-and-mortar company, as well as a booming online company. It’s not luck. It’s a process. And you can have it by clicking here. 

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why I didn’t scale my businesses sooner. 
  • How being courageous enough to scale Massage Strong brought joy and passion back into my life and business. 
  • 4 signs you’re ready to scale your business. 
  • Why you have to expect to be bombarded by your inner mean girl voice when you decide to scale. 
  • What’s available to you on the other side of doing the work of scaling your business. 

Listen to the Full Episode:

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Full Episode Transcript:

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Hello, hello. Welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur, my friends. How are we doing today? Today we are going to talk about knowing when it’s time to scale and how to actually do that. Guys, I think the word scale is misused a lot. Like I hear people throwing it around like as if scaling just means growing the hell out of your business. Like someone might say, I took my one on one coaching from $100k a year, and I scaled it to a million. I hear things like this a lot. Y’all this is not what scaling means.

Now, that is like awesome hella growth, and totally should be respected. But the true meaning of scaling, and what I’m going to talk about today, is growing the hell out of your business without utilizing any more of you physically, right, or emotionally by creating processes and strategies and roles in your company. Right?

Guys, I am no stranger to scaling. I scaled my brick and mortar massage business. That’s why it can see hundreds of people per week without me. I had to scale my Hell Yes Coaching business, which is also why I can see hundreds of people without me working myself to death, right? I’m only working like 10-ish hours per week.

In the brick and mortar world as well as in the online world, scaling was a lot the same. It was implementing processes, creating systems, hiring out certain roles, and like implementing a different type of organization. That’s really what allowed me to scale at least somewhat successfully. I had a really hard time doing it, right. It didn’t feel super successful at the time. I learned so much from it, and I’m going to talk to you guys about that today.

So let’s get to it. This is episode number 72 of The Hell Yes Entrepreneur. I am your host Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.

Hey, guys. I’m Becca Pike and welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast, the number one show for entrepreneurs looking to create their first six-figure year. If you’ve got the drive and you know how to hustle but you’re not sure where to channel your energy, we’ve got the answers. Let’s dive into today’s show.

Hi friends. Today, today, today, we are starting Sprint to Success 2.0, and it is not too late for you guys to sign up. So even if you’re listening to this a day or two late, you can still hop in, and I urge you to hop in. If you are listening to this way late, you can access the recording also. We have more signups this year than ever before. We have more potent material than ever before. We are bringing the energy this year.

My company’s head coach John Richardson and I are hosting it starting today. All you have to do is grab your coffee or your tea or your beer or whatever it is, no judgement, pop in some headphones and relax while we teach you exactly what is holding your business back from the amount of success that you’re truly wanting, exactly what to do about it, and then we’re gonna give you guys the blueprint of how to host your own sprint week.

Y’all sprint week is where the freaking magic happens. This is the week that has put Hell Yes Coaching on the map. Okay. This is why people come into Three More because they want to know what sprint week is, what all the fuss is about, and why people are making so much money. This is the game that I’ve been teaching my students since I started coaching that will inject so many new clients, so much cash, and so much confidence into your business.

I’m going to read you guys what Joseph said about sprint week last time. He said, “Two brand new clients just today from complete strangers to credit cards in hand about three hours total. Today alone I am clearing about $10,000 in sales.” Nicole said, “I thought this was going to be just another workshop. I had no idea I was signing up for so much gold. I am a Becca Pike fan girl for life.” Thank you, Nicole. Last but not least, Courtney said, “This was way better than I hoped. You have literally broken my mind open.”

So listen, guys, you do not want to miss this. It’s only $22. I made it cheap as fuck for you guys. So get your asses in here. Come play with me. Come hang out with me. Let’s go make some hellacious money so that I can use your testimonial on the website so we can put your name in the stars. We can talk about how much money you are making, how many more clients you have. All right, so come join us.

All right guys let’s talk scaling. You all, I remember when I realized that it was time to scale in both of my businesses, and I resisted it so hard both times. I can remember it very clearly. The only regrets that I have in my business is that I didn’t scale sooner. But like most humans, I let my fear get the best of me 1,000%.

So when I started Massage Strong I was, to be honest, I was well known for being really good at working on people’s injuries and getting them out of pain through soft tissue bodywork. So I had people driving an hour or two to come see me for their weekly appointments.

I had honestly carved out like this piece of Lexington and really made a name for myself. In the first few years, I was a workhorse. I was willing to take as many clients as I possibly could. So, of course, I maxed myself out. I maxed myself out pretty quickly, like completely, like to the brim. I was doing the most massages that a human could possibly do without breaking themselves. And to be honest, I kind of did break myself.

Honestly, I had a lot of fun building the clientele. Like I loved each and every one of them for a while. I’m going to be honest with you. I loved building it. I was thankful for the money. Every single day I would be in awe that this was my life and that I didn’t have to work at the bar anymore. I didn’t have to work until 2:00 a.m. anymore. I could be home by 6:00 at night. I could tuck my kids in bed.

It was just such a special time and not a day went by that I wasn’t just insanely thankful that I had happened into this industry. I loved what I did. I loved my people. I loved it. I was getting so many results from it. People were like healing back pain, and it was just so fulfilling guys.

Eventually I hit my max, right. Like while I was building my clientele, I got to the point where I was like literally I can’t take any more clients. I’m gonna die. For a while, I was proud that I had hit my max, and I had started a waitlist. But I started having this voice in my head that I couldn’t ignore. Honestly, it kept getting louder.

It was like all right Becca, is this it? Like you did it. You maxed out. But you can’t go anywhere from here. Like you can’t see more people. This is it. This is your life now. This is the income that you will forever have unless you, I don’t know, raise your prices by $5. You know? On top of that, you’re already exhausted. Right?

Then there would be this like battling voice that was like no, Becca, you should be thankful. You should be so thankful you’re making a good living, and you’re working the hours that you want to work and that is it. So stop complaining and be happy. Right? Then the other voice would be like, yeah, but you can’t really ever take a vacation. I mean, you can, but it would be like thousands of dollars have gone in your monthly wages. Like thousands of dollars gone if you took a week or two off.

Then the other voice would be like yeah, but that was the same scenario that you had when you were a waitress. So I mean, stop complaining. This is so much better. Right? Like you can imagine the arguing. Your brain has probably done the same thing.

So I played this dialogue in my head for like a whole year, staying maxed out, staying thankful and secretly not thankful, and happy and secretly not happy, and proud and secretly itching for something different. It almost made it worse when my clients would thank me endlessly for their healed knee or their ankle or their hip or back pain because I began accumulating so much evidence for why I am the only person that can do this kind of work. No one else will ever be able to see my clients.

I just lucked into all of this different knowledge that I’ve accumulated on understanding the body because I was a bodybuilder and because I was an athlete and because of my history of sports and my sports medicine degree from the University of Kentucky. It just all angled perfectly together so that I am the perfect person for this job. If I ever even wanted to hire other massage therapists, they could never do the type of work or care as much as I would, right.

Oh my god. I could go back and just shake myself. I do this with clients all the time. Like now that I’ve come out the other side and I get a client that is like no, I’m the only person that can do this type of work. I am definitely the only person that understands this. No one will ever be able to do what I do. No one will ever care as much. It’s almost like I get angry at myself when I’m listening. Like it feels like I’m angry at them, but it’s really I’m angry at me. I’m angry at my past cell for not seeing it right.

Okay, so the story goes I hit a breaking point. I’m just going to be completely vulnerable with you guys. Like I became resentful, and it showed up as resentful to my clients, resentful to have to go into work when I wasn’t feeling awesome, resentful that I had to work while I was pregnant and postpartum, and resentful that I had to lug my milk pumping supplies with me every day and pump while I ate lunch and on break, and resentful that someone canceled their appointment today, and resentful that my schedule was maxed and resentful that I had to say no to that vacation.

These are all the ways that resentment showed up in my life. But really what I was really resentful for was me. I was resentful towards me and me only, none of the other stuff. I resented myself because I knew that I could do better. I knew that it didn’t have to be this hard. I knew I could build something bigger than me if I would get out of my own way.

But guys, I was too scared. I was scared because I didn’t know how. I was scared because I didn’t see the exact path. I was scared because who the hell knows how to do taxes and employee paperwork? And what if, what if, what if, what if, what if? I resented myself for not being courageous enough to make changes.

Because the truth is, once I started hiring out new roles and putting strategies in place and creating more space for growth, the resentment dissipated. My passion came back. My love for my clients came back. When I started meeting my actual potential and healing that part of me that was so scared instead of ignoring it and pretending that the fear wasn’t there, that’s when the joy came back.

You see with brick and mortar, my scaling looked a lot like hiring people, other service providers. It looked like more people. It looks like more equipment. It looked like more physical space, physical room, bigger building for more physical clients. But the online world is different in the sense that there is no physical space or physical rooms. There is only time, but it’s the exact same principles of scaling.

So a few years after I started scaling Massage Strong, I began coaching. Again, it was like freaking Groundhog Day, you guys. It was like I didn’t learn a single thing from massage because I did everything exactly the same, again. I allowed Massage Strong to begin running without me right while I started one on one coaching clients. Oh my god, was it a beautiful experience. It was new. I couldn’t believe the money that was in it. I was like this is like NFL money. Like what the hell kind of industry is this?

I couldn’t believe that I could work from home. No more packing my lunch and driving to work and leaving my babies and no more getting dressed. No more overhead. This company didn’t require buying a building or paying for a build out or anything. It was just me and my phone and my massive headset that I’d walk around my neighborhood wearing, decked out in my flannel pajama pants, passionately yelling about business growth to some client that was paying me way too little for what I was giving them.

But oh my gosh, was I thankful. It was just like the beginning of massage when I was like oh my gosh. I can’t believe I don’t have to work at the bar anymore. Like this is it, right? It was just the best career I could ever imagine doing.

So what did I do? I rode the high. I booked myself to the max. I maxed myself out. Like six months after starting the business, I was doing so many one on one calls you guys. I felt like I was making so much money. I was making such a huge difference in these people’s lives. All of a sudden these businesses in Lexington, Kentucky were thriving.

I was on top of the world until I wasn’t. Until I started getting burned out. Until the dialogue in my mind started again. You should be thankful. You should be happier. Why are you stressed? People would kill for your job. Just keep working.

Guys I will straight up tell you right now the year I scaled my online business was the hardest year of my life. I’m pretty sure I did it all wrong. I’m pretty sure I fucked up so many things. If I could go back, I would do it so differently. I have learned so much, and every day I am thankful that my clients trust me enough to let me teach them what not to do. Okay. If you’re gonna pay for a coach, pay for someone that has royally fucked things up so that they can passionately tell you what not to do.

But even though the approach that I took was most likely the most stressful approach, the strategy I nailed. Instead of coaching one person at a time, I was like okay, I’m just gonna learn how to coach several people at a time. Right? Sounds simple, but by the way, it’s not. Like as a coach, you have to learn how to hold space for more than one person when you’re scaling.

When you’re used to having dialogue with one person, it’s simple. Like they ask a question, you answer it. They ask another question, you answer it. You ask a question, they answer it. It’s a conversation, right? We’ve been having conversations our whole life. But when you scale as a coach, you change careers. You go from a coach to an educator, like a teacher, and ultimately a curator of curriculums. You have to decide what they need to know before you’ve even met them.

Like when I created Three More, it was weeks of me deciding exactly what people need to know to gain more clients and what they didn’t need to know. Like, what can I remove? What is just fluff? What is important? Not only that, but how do they do it exactly? Asking myself what questions are going to come up when they are going through this material? How can I create a curriculum where someone comes in from any industry at any level, at any age, any gender, and they get exactly what they need, and they’re left with virtually no questions?

This is something I had never done before. Right? Like I had all always been good at selling one on one because I sold myself on one on one. But then when it came to selling this new thing that I wasn’t super confident with, I found all the evidence for why this wasn’t gonna work, why I wasn’t capable or good enough or smart enough to make this happen.

Even when my clients, my first few Three More clients, were doing really well and getting these amazing results. They were telling me how good it was, I still was finding the evidence for why it wasn’t working. It was just honestly like one of the hardest things that I have ever, ever done.

Not to mention, like, having to swallow your own pride. When you want to build this thing, you think about it for months and weeks, and you get everything in the backend figured out, and you do everything that you can. Then you finally like you’re selling it and selling it, and all these people are like yes, I want in. I want in. I can’t wait to get in there. I can’t wait. Then you open the doors and like no one buys, right?

Like that happened. I had to be able to hold my belief and hold my energy and hold my space while there was one person in Three More. While there was two people in Three More, right. Like the amount of courage that it takes not only to take the leap, but then to continue to believe in yourself when it’s not showing up yet that it’s working, when it’s not proving that it’s working, when there’s not money rolling in. Guys, not all heroes wear capes, but people that scale online businesses and brick and mortar businesses, they need a cape, and they need a beer in their hand. Holy shit.

But it doesn’t have to be so hard. I hope that you’re understanding as I’m articulating all of this, what I’m saying is, for me, it was terrible. It was hard. I didn’t do it the right way. But it doesn’t have to be. I’m seeing that with so many of my 30 More students where I’m showing them hey, you should try it this way and this way.

This is what might happen, and this is what it’s going to look like and watch out for this. If this happens, this is what you should do. It’s just such a seamless process compared to the way that I did it. So I don’t want you to hear this episode and think oh my gosh, I’m doomed. This is going to be a terrible time. It doesn’t have to be at all.

But anyway shout out to my Three More students. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me and just being there while I figured everything out. Some of you guys have just been around for so many years. Not a day goes by that I’m not thankful to you guys.

But guys scaling, scaling is everything. If you want to grow your business with your head on your shoulders, like without losing your mind, it might be the scariest leap you’ve ever taken, but it’s worth it. If you’re listening to this and you feel like you might be at a place to scale, I can help you. So let me point out some signs that you’re ready to scale.

So one, you physically can’t take any more clients. Like you can only see so many people in a week. No matter what you are, no matter if you are an accountant, a massage therapist, a hairstylist, a med spa owner, like anesthetics injector, a photographer, it doesn’t matter. Like you’re maxed out. That’s a great sign to know it’s time to scale.

Next up, like you know you could grow your business by increasing your prices, but it’s not even super appealing. Because you don’t even want to spend another second working as much if you’re having the thought of like, if I raised my prices by $100 an hour, I still wouldn’t feel happy. Like I’m just that exhausted and burnout. That’s a huge sign.

All right, number three, the amount you’re working is causing problems for your personal life. So you’re missing out on things that the things that made you want to be an entrepreneur to begin with. Like you’re craving more personal space, and maybe even your health and your energies are slowly declining. That’s a huge red flag.

Number four, you’re beginning to feel resentment. In an industry that used to spark so much passion is now frustrating the shit out of you. You find yourself not giving your absolute 100% best to your customers or to your staff. That’s a red flag. If you feel like a zombie, like you’re doing the daily things to get by, and you feel like a hollowed out workhorse, you’re not putting the heart in it that you used to huge red flag.

Guys, it is time to scale when you are at 80% of your physical, emotional, spiritual capacity. You do not want to wait till 100% maxed out because you need that 20% extra energy to put into the work that it requires to build the systems of scaling. Or if you’re like me and you’re a dumb-dumb, you will wait until you’re at 130% maxed out, losing your mind, and then you will throw all the tasks of scaling on top of that.

Okay, so as I’m going through this, some of you guys are probably like yep, yep, yep, yep. Yep, that’s me. That’s me. Now what right? Listen, scaling is very in depth. I could sit here and go into what you need to know about interviewing, how to hire, how to manage, what jobs to give, like how to turn your one to one practice into a one to three practice or a one to 10 practice or a group practice or a mastermind or multiple locations or a multiple offer practice. I could go into so much, and I go into all of that in 30 More. But we only have so much time, and I already spent most of it talking about my life.

So here’s what I want to lean on and talk to you guys about. When you decide to scale, your brain is going to give you so many excuses. It will tell you that you don’t know how to hire, and you don’t know how to teach in groups, and you don’t know how to do the taxes, and who are you to think that you can do all this and all the things. I promise. You will get bombarded with mean girl voice in your head.

You must understand on the deepest level how important it is that you turn that volume down. Those voices won’t go away. They won’t. They never will. They won’t. Even when you’re making millions of dollars, those voices are gonna be there. You’re just gonna get better at turning them off. You have to stay committed. Guys, it’s so easy to be committed when things are going right and when people are calling and paying and signing up and giving you external validation and compliments.

But both times that I have scaled, it has been like a year of frustration and mistakes and friction. The only thing that kept me going was the unwavering belief that it would work, and that I could bet on me. If anyone can do it, I can do it. I kept telling myself that. Like there are dumber people that have done this. I remind myself that a lot. I’m like Becca, dammit, like dumb people have done this. I know they have. I know they have. Somewhere out there.

But listen, the year that you guys scale, it will be uncomfortable. You might be in the middle of that year right now. There might even be a dip in your sales. There might be a dip in your confidence, right? But my friends, listen to me. Listen. Listen to me. After that dip, after that year of learning curves, guess what is on the other side? More freedom than you have ever experienced. More time and more energy and more passion restored than you even know.

The type of life that you hear about, the work for two hours a day and spend the rest of the days just cooking and baking and hiking and drinking beers. The go on vacation for two weeks and come back to find that you’re $40,000 richer than you were when you left. Do you hear me? The type of life that other people envy, the type of life that gets you back to being a present mom and a wife and a brother and a husband. The type of life that you literally look around on a daily basis and think what the fuck did I do to deserve this?

I experience this every day. Guys, I used to be a waitress six years ago. I used to have eviction notices on my door. I used to live in my car. I used to not be able to afford my dogs dog food. I am not smarter than you. I am not anything more than you. But I trusted the process, and I kept going and I stayed consistent. I think every day what if I was just still grinding away and trading my time for money, and that was it. It would be a good life. You know? My needs were met, I would have gotten by.

But this life, this life that I’m living right now is what fucking dreams are made of. I don’t have anywhere to be. I don’t need to really do anything. I get to talk to you guys in a microphone. If this company burnt to the ground, my other company is still making me a millionaire. I am thankful every day for the effort and the courage and the work that I put in it to get here.

If this message is resonating with you and you want help getting your business scaled, and you don’t want to do it the terrible way that I did it, and you want to learn from my mistakes, the deadline for the 30 More mastermind is just around the corner. This mastermind curriculum is built to show you exactly how to scale properly. This is what the mastermind is about.

When you sign up, you get immediate access to all of the videos. Then you get to come hang out with me in Austin, Texas and with other men and women who are also learning how to scale their businesses. You get to do it together with peers, with community, with me. This is the last time that I’m running this mastermind for only $12,000. It will double in price next round.

So get in there, save your seat right now. If you have any questions you can reach out to my team. It is [email protected]. Don’t forget to come hang out with me at Sprint to Success 2.0. You can find the link in my bio on my Instagram. We have so many exciting things happening right now. I can’t wait to see you guys and celebrate you. I will talk to you all next week.

Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share.

When you share this episode with a friend or leave us a five star review, it is like pouring a little bit of magic into our podcasting bucket. It is what gets our work recognized. It’s what gives us energy and keeps us going, truly. Not one share nor review goes without recognition from our team. As always, we fucking love you here at Hell Yes Coaching. Have a beautiful day.

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.

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