If you don’t have as many clients as you want to have right now, it is *NOT* because of the season, the upcoming holidays, the kids being back in school, or the coronavirus.

If you aren’t making the money you want to make it is simply because you are not inspiring people to buy.

Too harsh? I know, it feels bad even saying it. But If I want to help you with sales, I gotta be honest.

Your audience isn’t inspired by you or your service until you make them inspired.

They aren’t pulled toward you.

If they haven’t made a move, it’s because you haven’t given them a reason to make a MOVE.

It’s not because they aren’t interested in the service you provide. In fact, they NEED the service you’re providing. However, they aren’t interested in receiving that service from YOUR business.

They’re just waiting and watching and wondering if they’ll ever feel compelled enough to make a move.

I am hosting a discussion about a selling technique that I learned when building my brick-and-mortar business as well as my online business to over a million dollars annually.

Click here for access. 

I will NOT be teaching you manipulation, nor how to spend all day on social media, nor how to lose all your friends and family while learning sales. (Please for the love of all things holy, do not pitch to your friends and family. We must grow a business keeping our personal life and business separate.)

I will be teaching you how to INSPIRE your clients to buy in a way that they will be signing up before the consult even happens. I will be showing you the amount of time, effort and work it requires to land as many clients as you want so you can stop guessing about what you should be doing. (spoiler alert: it’s much more simple than you realize.)

You’ll leave this training knowing exactly why you aren’t selling the way you want to be, and what to do about it.

See you there,


Here is the link again.

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