The Hell Yes Entrepreneur Podcast with Becca Pike | Anti-Busy Success Secrets with Rachael BodieIf you want to know what it takes to succeed in business, you’re in the right place. My guest this week is no joke. She’s a friend and colleague of mine who has been recognized in international publications, worked directly with none other than John C. Maxwell for over a decade, and has consulted with giant companies like Coca-Cola, Delta, and Chick-fil-A.

These days, Rachael Bodie coaches entrepreneurs on how to make their first six and seven figures in the direct sales industry without hustling themselves into the ground. What she’s achieved and how she helps other entrepreneurs is truly incredible, and I can’t wait for y’all to learn her anti-busy business secrets in today’s episode.

Join me and Rachael as we dive into the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and what it takes to become successful in this world while maintaining balance and purpose. We’re discussing the importance of looking for help to get your business off the ground, as well as the mindset that you will need to step into if you want to reach your first six figures and beyond.

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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How Rachael helps her clients approach their business with less hustle and more balance, without compromising on results.
  • Some characteristics of success, and why these are available to anyone.
  • How so many entrepreneurs trip themselves up by unfairly comparing their business to others.
  • The mindset and thoughts that moved Rachael forward, especially in the early days of her business.
  • Why, if you can put your clients first, the money will always follow.
  • What you can do to build a rapport with your ideal clients before they even pay you.
  • Some actionable tips you can use right now to improve how you show up in your marketing.

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Hello and welcome to episode number 10 of The Hell Yes Entrepreneur. I’m your host Becca Pike, and today we are talking to my friend and colleague Rachael Bodie. Rachael has been featured in Yahoo! Finance, Thrive Global, and Medium. She worked directly with John C. Maxwell for over a decade, and she has consulted with companies like Coca-Cola, Delta, and Chick-fil-A. She is no joke y’all.

Today she coaches entrepreneurs on how to make their first six and seven figures in the direct sales industry, and I cannot wait to introduce you guys to her. We will go into the ups and downs of entrepreneurship as well as what we think it takes to become successful in this world. You won’t want to miss this episode.

Hey, guys. I’m Becca Pike and welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast, the number one show for entrepreneurs looking to create their first six-figure year. If you’ve got the drive and you know how to hustle but you’re not sure where to channel your energy, we’ve got the answers. Let’s dive into today’s show.

Becca: Hello, hello. Hi Rachael. How are you doing?

Rachael: I’m good. I’m so excited to be here.

Becca: Yes. Thank you. I am so glad that you’re here. I know that my audience is excited to hear from you.

Rachael: Yes.

Becca: Can you give us a quick intro? Who you are, what you do.

Rachael: Yeah, I would love to. So I am Rachael Bodie, and I’m a business coach specifically for social sellers. I really got into this space, I kind of started my journey as a leadership consultant. So I worked for John C. Maxwell for a little over 10 years. Did consulting and got to go all over the world and work with these awesome companies, a lot of Fortune 500 companies. I had babies back to back. I decided I don’t know if this travel schedule is for me. My husband was travelling. It was just a lot.

So I decided to do something I never thought I would do, and that is start a network marketing company. It’s funny because when I used to travel with John, we’d go to all these big events and people would try to recruit me. I’m like ugh, I’d never do that. So never say never. I ended up starting that social selling business. I scaled it to six figures in less than two years.

That was kind of my first like dipping my toe into kind of the entrepreneurial water. So I did that for some time. Then I really just missed working with high performing women. So now I started this business coaching practice being able to teach women all the things that I wish that I knew. All the mistakes that I made and really help them to fast track and grow their businesses, but in a way that is balanced. So non-crazy hustling yourself into the ground. Having purpose and balance in building your network marketing business.

Becca: Yeah, I love that. I love the work that you do. I love following you on Instagram. You always had the cutest stories and the cutest reels. I love it. So let me ask you this. I’m just going to jump right in. It can be really easy to say that you became so successful because of your background. Like your background being able to work with John C. Maxwell and all of that, but I don’t want to discount who you are as a person and why you became successful just by saying that you were put into these circles a long time ago. You know?

There’s something about you as a person regardless of your past that has helped you become successful so fast and with such high quality. What do you think that is? Do you think that you have a quality or a trait? What would you pinpoint that as?

Rachael: It’s so good. So certainly I think you are who you do life with. I think more than just being in those circles. Just who I became being in those circles and what I learned from watching these incredible leaders and how they showed up, how they served other people. John would come to meetings with a notebook and pen and take notes, even if it’s someone who’s a director level. He was just like a constant learner.

So I learned things and I really adopted those things. Like okay, this is what success looks like. From a trait standpoint, I think probably the thing that if I were to pinpoint one thing, I think it’s a version of discipline. Maybe that would be also connected to belief. So here’s what I mean. Like when I decided that I wanted to transition out of my consulting job and replace a pretty significant salary, I just decided no matter what I’m going to figure this out. No matter what. It was very messy.

We kind of chatted a little bit about that before we hit record is like momentum is messy. We can look at all these incredible leaders and women and think like, “Oh, it’s easy for her.” But it’s just not. You’ve just got to be okay that you’re going to fail and you’re not going to know what you’re doing. Even when I started my business, I didn’t even have Instagram. I had like 600 friends on Facebook. I knew nothing about social media. First time I did Facebook live I thought I was going to die.

Becca: Same.

Rachael: Yeah. It’s just like being okay with that and being okay with being a beginner, being okay with failing. Like that’s hard. When you’re used to being a high achiever, it’s hard to be okay with it not being perfect and knowing that that is the path.

Becca: Yeah absolutely. You know who I see, and I see this because it was me, but who I see has the hardest time with being a beginner is usually people who have been an expert in other things before. So that can be anything from like you were the top athlete in your high school and you were seen as the expert in basketball. Or like for me, I owned a business before coaching where I felt like an expert. So it was so hard for me to take that expert hat off and allow myself to be a beginner again. So much harder than the first time that I was allowing myself to be a beginning in business.

Rachael: 100%. I do feel like an expert when it comes to leadership development. I did it for actually 14 years. I’ve read all the books. I’ve consulted all the companies. It’s totally different. It’s a different space too. Like corporate America, very different than strappy entrepreneurial figure it out, right. You don’t have a staff of marketing people to help you or edit photos. All the things that you just learn along the way.

Becca: Yeah. I think scrappy is such a good word. When you’re talking about comparing yourself to people who seem like they have it all, it’s so interesting because I see so many people and I do the same thing where we look at someone that’s been an entrepreneur for 10 years. We see their Instagram. We see that they have a virtual assistant. We see that they have all of the amazing articles and blogs and the podcasts and the canvas.

They’ve got all of the things, and we start thinking, “Oh man. I’m not like her or I’m not like him.” When we’re not comparing our first year to their first year. We’re comparing our first year to their tenth year. Then we’re feeling shitty about ourselves. It doesn’t make any sense, right?

Rachael: Oh my gosh. I actually literally just posted that yesterday on Instagram. Basically we compare our beginning chapter to the middle or the end of theirs.

Becca:  Yes absolutely.

Rachael: Especially like high achievers. That’s what we do. We don’t compare to someone because they’re our level. We compare to someone who’s been doing it 10 years.

Becca: Yeah, absolutely. If you’re in your first year of business or your second year and you have someone that you think is amazing at what they do, I highly suggest trying to dig around and find out where they were in their first and second year. If you’re going to compare at all, I don’t suggest comparing anyway. But if you’re going to do it, at least do it fair to yourself.

Rachael: Well, the other thing that I would say, that brings up a really great point because I did this in my direct selling company. I would even look at someone who’s been in the business, let’s say she’s been in the business two years. Like she’s the top of the top of this massive company. I’m like, “Oh my gosh. She did it in two years. Why can’t I?” Well then looking at where they were also. Like she was an entrepreneur before, right?

It’s not really a fair comparison to look at my business as a coach and say, “Wow, you did $300,000 your first year.” I’m like yeah, but before that I was showing up consistently for four years on social media. Before that I was showing up consistently. So it’s like you’ve gotta look at the full picture.

Becca: Absolutely. Same for me. People come to me and they’re like, “Your first year of coaching was so successful.” I’m like yeah but it was my fifth year of entrepreneurship. Like I had already created a million dollar company. I already had that structure in place. It was just like plug and play by the time I started a new company. Yeah, absolutely.

So we are in a circle. So Rachael and I are colleagues and good friends at this point. I can’t wait to actually meet you in person. It’s weird to have a friendship with somebody over Zoom, but I think that that’s the world we live in. We finally get to meet each other in August in Cabo San Lucas, and I am so excited to see you there.

Let me ask you this. So we live in a world where we talk a lot about mindset. So a lot of the business coaching we receive and the business coaching we give is all about mindset and how the thoughts that we have create the results that we have in our lives, right? Like the thoughts that we have, guys, about our marketing, about ourselves, about our audience. Those are what create the feelings that we have and the actions that we ensure, and then the results that we get. This is like Brooke Castillo Life Coach School model 101, right?

So let me ask you this Rachael, what kind of thoughts have you had maybe in the beginning phase of your business or maybe just in the last year? Like is there any one particular thought that has really helped you or really served you or just sticks out to you most?

Rachael: Oh man, yes. There’s like a million of them. What I would say is probably the one that I teach the most to my students is some version of this. I can help. What I have is valuable. I have something that could change her life. I’m the exact coach she needs. She’s been waiting for this. Some version of that. Because when you believe that it becomes so easy to want to share.

When you think to yourself, “I have to get clients, or I’ve got to get people. I’ve got to make this happen. I’ve got to make money.” Like that, those are not money making thoughts. Those are pressurizing thoughts. When you feel pressure, typically you don’t show up in the way that’s going to really serve you the best. When you’re thinking, “I can help her. It’s about her. It’s not about me.” There’s so many versions of that that really allow you to feel purposeful, inspired. That then leads you to want to really think about her, serve her. I’m saying her, sorry. I work with mostly women.

Becca: Right.

Rachael: So we talk about her as like your ideal person. So whoever that is, when you think about it, how do you help that person? Really thinking about all the ways, and really focusing on believing that to your core. Then taking inspired action from that place.

Becca: Yeah. Absolutely. I love that. I think that any time we slip into significance of ourselves, our ability to sell drops drastically because we have forgotten what we’re doing. When I say significance of ourselves, I mean when we’re thinking about having a client and it’s about us. It’s about our wallet. It’s about our goals. It’s about how much we need them. If you’re in that place, stop what you’re doing. Everything is about your client and how you can help them.

When you drop into that, when you drop into this girl—maybe for you as you work with a lot of females. I don’t know this girl through and through, but I do know this. I know that what I have can help her. It can move the needle towards the life that she wants to have, right? When you start thinking about your client like that where their results are at the forefront of your mind, the money always follows.

Rachael: 100%. I love that. I always think that money follows value. Income and impact follow value. We get so focused on the result instead of on value.

Becca: Yes. So let me ask you this. So a lot of my audience are beginner entrepreneurs. People that haven’t yet made their first six figures, but of course we have people that are climbing well into the seven figures as well. Let’s talk about beginner entrepreneurs. You work with a lot of beginner direct marketing entrepreneurs, but let’s talk about entrepreneurs in the grand scheme of things.

When you look at the beginners, what do you see as some of their biggest strengths? Like if you see this strength or this quality in someone, you just feel downright like, “Okay, they’re going to do it. They’ve got what it takes.” Does that make sense that question?

Rachael: Yeah, it does. So I work with kind of two different buckets. I work with some women who are coming in to make their first six figures but then also with those who are scaling the multi six to seven. I do see some consistent traits, I guess, in both of them. I think it goes back to the belief or grittiness. Like really just deciding that they’re going to figure it out.

A willingness to be coachable. So I think that’s a big part too. Even when you’re not sure of the coaching that you’re getting or you’re not sure like, “Oh I’m not sure if this is going to work.” They’re open. They’re willing to go out there and try it even if it’s something that they’re not sure about, even if it’s something they’re nervous about.

Like when I first started, for example, and my upline said to me, “Live video is where it’s at.” I’m like I don’t want to do that. I decided to do it anyways, right? It gave me confidence that wow, okay. I leaned into the edge of my comfort zone. I did it. That helped me to build confidence that I could do harder things too.

Becca: Yeah, absolutely. Whenever I am getting coached, and this goes for everyone that gets coached or that’s in a group program. Being coachable is extremely important to the success of your business.

So there’s one of two ways you could get coached. Like if you hire someone to help you in their business and they start giving you advice or they start trying to open up your minds to new thinking. You can either A, assume that they don’t know your life. Play victim. They don’t know what they’re talking about, and then try to explain yourself over and over for why what they’re saying might not be true, right? I see this happen all the time. Or you can say to yourself what if it’s true?

Rachael: Yeah.

Becca: Anytime I take criticism from other people or advice from other people, I try to drop into that immediately. Which is they don’t have to know about me. They don’t have to know exactly about my business. What if what they’re saying is true. If what they’re saying is true, why would I not just take this advice and put it directly into action?

So when I’m getting coached, and I’m sure you do the same thing when you’re getting coached. It’s just this open-mindedness that I’m not always capable of tapping into, but I tap into it in a different way when I am being coached.

Rachael: Yeah, I love that. I agree. I think it can be easy for all of us to maybe feel a little defensive if someone is giving you coaching and you’re like, “Oh my goodness.” To your point, the other thing that I love is I like to consider the source. If it’s somebody who has done what I want to do, I’m going to think that they have probably a greater perspective than I have.

Becca: Exactly.

Rachael: So I’m going to lean into what they’re telling me. So I think that’s important to always consider the source. Then to your point, the other thing that I love to ask myself is I like to say, “Okay. Where can I level up as a coach or a leader or entrepreneur? So what can I take and then make better?” Then sometimes I think it’s helpful to look at that advice too and say, “What can I let go of?” Because sometimes people like us who are high performers, sometimes we take ownership or things that aren’t ours to take. Right? So I think it’s like a both and.

Becca: Yeah absolutely. I am a big believer in extreme ownership. By looking around at any of the results that I have in my life, I take a lot of ownership on those. Like the results of my clients as well as the results that I have for myself. Everything down to how many Instagram followers I have. All of that is on me, and I think that that’s one of the top qualities that you can have as an entrepreneur.

And it’s extremely empowering. Do you know how empowering and how much easier it is to assume that it’s all within your control versus it’s in the hands of other people? Like that is a very unempowering thought. So I’m always trying to teach my clients how can you make this result your own?

Rachael: Yeah. I actually feel like you said that a lot more beautifully than I said it. Because you’re asking me what is the trait, and I think that’s a really great way to sum it up, extreme ownership. It’s like that grittiness. It’s like just deciding you’re going to figure it out, and you’re going to keep on deciding like I can figure it out. It is in my control instead of going to all the things that are “not” in your control.

Becca: Yeah absolutely. Have you read the book Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink? It’s a fantastic book. I’ll have that link in the show notes if you guys want to check that out. It’s a wonderful, wonderful book about taking extreme ownership in your life and in your business.

Let me ask you this. So when Rachael Bodie is behind the scenes and she is thinking about her business, are you structured in your marketing? Like do you have X amount of days that you write out your emails? Do you write them out in advance?  X amount of days for social media. Or do you like fly by the seat of your pants more like inspired?

Rachael: Oh that’s a good question. This comes up all the time. I think your listeners are going to love this. So I think there’s no right or wrong way to do it. For me personally, I’ve never done well with a content calendar. I have a lot of clients who love using content calendars. It actually takes me longer to write out the calendar, and I feel like I’m wasting time to do that.

So the way that I do that, I time block everything. I’m like a time management ninja. I’m very disciplined with how I spend my time so I can do my workouts and spend time with my kids and rock my business and have all that time for all those things. It’s helpful to pre-decide, right, how you’re going to invest your time. So I plan my social media time.

So like for example this morning right before our call I had a block of time where I’m writing content. So now I have four blocks every week. I have content writing blocks. I will write content that I’ll use for Instagram. I’ll also write content for Insta-stories. Then I also repurpose content. So I look at high performing content, and then I like to integrate that into email marketing. I think it’s really helpful to create something incredible one time and then use it in multiple places.

Becca: Yes. I love that. You sound exactly like me. I have clients all the time ask me like what platform do you use for your content calendar? I’m like nope. I can’t. I don’t think that it is necessary. Now if that’s the way that our brain works, and you want your content calendar then fantastic. Use the tools that you need. You don’t have to be the person that necessarily writes out all of your emails in advance or all of your content in advance unless that’s what you want to do.

I also have time chunks in my calendar. Every week I have a certain amount of hours that I spend on just content creation. Honestly one of the best things I ever did was change my mindset on what my job is now. I now assume of myself as a content creator. Like that is what I do. So it’s no longer something that I do on the side. It’s not just like some side thing that I do while also coaching, right? So me, I now coach alongside of creating content. I write for the podcast. I write for social media. I write for emails. That is what I do.

Just having that in my mind that is my identity now has made it so much easier to want to do it, to structure the time to do it, to take it super seriously. I’m the same as you. I fly by the seat of my pants, if you will, but not really. Like it’s structured out. I just decide at that moment what I’m going to write about and what feels good.

Rachael: Yeah. That’s so good. So I love the shift that you had because it goes back to what we were talking about: how money, income, and impact follow value. Content is value. You’re marketing with your words. Those words are the value that you’re providing before someone pays you, right?

They go to your page and you’re giving them the breakthroughs you’re having. You’re providing transformation for them before they ever pay you anything. The more that you do that and the more consistently do that where you’re speaking to their problems and you’re solving their problems and you’re empowering them and inspiring them, then when you do a call to action, they’ll be compelled to want to work with you.  So it’s everything.

Really as you think about it, as a coach it’s what you’re doing too. So that’s why it’s so important to really listen to your clients. That’s why I don’t like to do a content calendar. I like to see what’s going on in my client’s worlds and say, “Oh, I need to talk about this because this is something that can add value to my platform on Instagram.”

Becca: Yeah, I love that. I think you’re absolutely right. I think it’s just a continual conversation. A lot of people get really worried about how to market themselves to their clients that haven’t paid yet. I try to think about it like it’s just this continual conversation, right? It’s like it might be a one sided conversation at the moment. They haven’t spoken back to you at all. You’ve spent the last year talking about their problems and solutions to their problems. You continue this conversation even if they’re not talking back.

Then people are always surprised when someone pops up and they’re like, “Hey, I’ve been reading your content for a year. I’m officially ready to buy, right?” Well it’s because you’ve had that conversation. You’ve been nurturing them. You’ve been building rapport with them. You don’t even know it at the time, right, until they come forward.

Rachael: That’s so good. I actually never really thought about it as a continued conversation. I love that because that is what’s happening.

Becca: It is.

Rachael: Like we have this thought, a lot of us, that we’re judging our own effectiveness of course by the results, but also, we look at a lot of metrics. Like likes and comments. When ultimately like that’s what you see above the waterline. If you think like an iceberg, you see just the very tip, right. It’s all the likes and the comments. What you don’t see is what’s beneath the waterline. It’s the people who are stalking your content that are never commenting on anything. All of a sudden out of nowhere they’re like, “I’m ready.”

Becca: Yes.

Rachael: You don’t know. You don’t know who’s out there. That’s another thought that I love. You were asking about thoughts that really serve me. One of the things that I share all the time with my clients is this thought that someone is ready to say yes to me today.

Becca: Yep.

Rachael: I love thinking that. I love thinking that they’re just out there waiting.

Becca: Yep. You’ve just gotta go help them. You’ve gotta find them. They’re just floating around. It’s funny to think too like with the continued conversation. Sometimes people will come to me and it’s like they were in the room the whole time and I didn’t know. They’re like, “Remember like six months ago when you were talking about social media marketing, and this is what you said.” It’s so interesting because I’m like, “Oh you were there. Like you never liked it. You never commented on it. I didn’t even know you were in this hypothetical room that I was in.”

So to them it’s like they’ve been building that trust and rapport. They’ve just been doing it quietly, and you just never know. You’re right. There’s always someone out there that’s ready to buy. A lot of times they just need one more post. They just need one more social media. They just need a little bit more nurturing before they click the button.

Rachael: 100%. This is the perfect example of why mindset is so important. Because when you choose to believe that thought, it feels exciting. You feel inspired. You show up in your business differently as a result versus, “I have to find these people. I don’t know where they are. There’s not enough people out there. The market’s saturated.” It’s like you’ve got to really watch your thoughts.

You’ve got to be the boss of your brain not allow your brain to boss you around, right? When a thought pops up in your brain, you get to decide. Is this true? Do I want to keep thinking it? Or do I want to believe that I’m the exact person that she’s been looking for a coach like me or he’s been looking for a coach like me? I have so much value to offer. They’re just waiting to say yes to me. This opportunity could change her life. This coaching.

All those kinds of thoughts, it sounds very simple. But redirecting your brain to focus on thoughts that are going to create more positive emotion is a discipline that can change everything.

Becca: Yes. This is where mindset actually informs strategy. Yeah absolutely. An unempowered person is going to spin in confusion. They’re going to take inaction. They’re going to tippytoe. They’re unempowered, right? An empowered person is going to show up. They’re going to know what they’re talking about. They’re going to wait to talk to people. They’re going to be empowered. So your thoughts decide whether or not you’re empowered or unempowered. Period.

So what can you tell my audience right now that they could take away if they wanted to just slightly improve how they show up in their marketing? Like just some small tidbits that they could do today right now.

Rachael: Lots of things. Okay. So probably the biggest thing that I would share is when is the last time that they shared about their own story. I think there’s nothing more powerful than you living in transformation. It’s easy to look at me or you and be like, “Oh my gosh. She’s got it all together.” Now-ish, right? It’s been a long journey, and there’s been a lot of transformation along the way.

So being able to go in your stories, show your face, talk to your people, share where you were. Share the transformations you’ve had. Share the problems you’ve solved for yourselves. Explain where you are now, and then you can actually save that in your story highlights as your journey or your story, right? Because you want to think about when someone comes to your page, I don’t know where everyone is, if you guys are marketing on Instagram or Facebook.

On Instagram right now, reels are a really great way to get lots of eyeballs on your page. Instagram reels. They’re not just cutesy videos. They’re a way where you can get 10, 20, 30 plus times the views you’re getting on your stories. So the one two punches, you create a reel that educates, informs, inspires. That drives people to your page. Then they go to your page, and they don’t know you.

So if you have a highlight on there sharing your story explaining where you were, where you are now, that’s going to do a couple things. That’s going to connect with them and build some trust, but it’s also going to potentially solve a problem.  Because in your story it’s helpful to share what are the tools that you used to transform. Bonus points if you want to share what your offering is too and how you can help them. That’s another great highlight. Testimonials, that’s a great thing to add to your highlights to show social proof of the people who you’ve served. So it’s not just you saying this works. It’s like lots of your clients and customers who are sharing that too.

Becca: Yeah, I love that. Something I want to hit on. You hit the nail on the head. Like letting people see where you were is super important. Sometimes I see people that they want to have a big following, or they want to be seen as the expert. Guys there’s a way to be seen as an expert and still be vulnerable enough to show where you came from.

Sometimes I see people that like they want to be seen as the expert so much and they want to be so perfect in their image that they’re not willing to share how human they are. That is not benefiting you. That is hurting you. Get out of that perfect image. I don’t even know how to describe it besides this like perfected expert.

Like when you take that guard down and you start showing who you actually are as a person and you allow people to see where you’ve came from and the mistakes you’ve made and the problems you hit and the fails and the fall on your faces, that’s when people are going to really start building rapport for you. If you can show how you came out of that and what it looks like on the other side and what you did and be able to give them valuable steps to also get out of that themselves.

Rachael: Yeah, I totally agree with that. What I would say too just as an encouragement, I really struggled with that. Like probably at least my first year on social media, maybe even into my second year. I really struggled with I live in the south and I am a Christian. I felt like I had to be perfect. I was afraid to share like I curse sometimes and just who I actually am in real life.

It’s been so freeing to just be who I am. By being who I am, I’m attracting people who are just like me. When you present this perfect expert, everything in my world is perfect all the time, you’re not going to attract people who really know you. You’re not going to attract your best client because you’re not really presenting who you are.

Becca: Right. The more that you hammer in this image of you that’s not actually real, the more you’re like pigeonholing yourself into this identity that people start expecting out of you. Yeah.

Rachael: Right. You get to decide what your identity is, right? Like you can be all the things. It’s like the ands. You can be both and.

Becca: Yeah, yeah. I love that. Right. So last question for you Mrs. Rachael Bodie. Where will you be in five years?

Rachael: That’s a good question. Oh my goodness.

Becca: When you are listening back to this podcast, you’ll be like, “Oh my god, look. Me and Becca we were such babies. Five years ago we were just getting started.” Where’s that Rachael at?

Rachael: I love that. So, for me, the thing that I love most about what we do as coaches is we get to impact so many lives. I love, love being able to equip women like me, like women who were really successful, maybe in other endeavors and give them this gift of having freedom and autonomy and flexibility, right. I get to be home with my kids, and they get to learn about building a business around our kitchen table. It’s the best.

So for me, it’s continuing to scale this business. Next year the goal is we’re tracking for a million, which would be incredible. I want to continue to just impact as many lives as I can in the social selling space, specifically helping more women to scale to that six figures.

Honestly, you know one of the things I’ve been toying around with is I’d love to create a space for really high network marketers. Like a very high level, almost like a million dollar round table group because I feel like that’s something that’s missing. When you get to a certain level, like we get to have conversations like that. Like you and I in the group that we’re in. I mean how cool would that be in that social selling space?

Becca: Yeah. I love that.

Rachael: So that’s something. That’s a little seed of a thought. So we’ll see. I’m going to have to check back in.

Becca: I know right. I’ll make sure to put it in my calendar to like check back in, five years. 2026. So let me ask you this. This is just for my own curiosity. You and I came into 2021 with the exact same revenue goal. Are you projected to hit it?

Rachael: I am. Actually I’m slightly ahead.

Becca: Yeah. I’m projected to be about $200,000 over my revenue goal. I know, right? Which is so funny. I don’t know if you remember this. I had to get coaching on my revenue for 2021 because my brain couldn’t understand how I could ever hit that goal. Like I remember writing on pen and paper. I was writing all the ways that could possibly hit that goal. I was like it just doesn’t add up. There’s just no way. I sat in that discomfort for a long time, and then I got to work on myself on just believing that I could do it.

Now it’s so funny that we’re exactly halfway through the year right now. If I were to not grow anymore and just have the exact same year, I’m way past my goal.

Rachael: That’s amazing.

Becca: Isn’t that funny how that works? Like just one last piece of advice for you guys. You never know how you’re going to reach your goal. If you would have seen me, like Rachael and I had the same revenue goal for this year. When I set that goal in my mastermind, there was no way that my brain could wrap around how it was possible. Now here we are and I’m like, “Oops, way overshot.”

Rachael: Well that’s amazing. Congratulations. I love that. You’re exactly right. You’ve got to get to work selling yourself that it’s possible, building that belief. Like almost stepping into that future version of you, right? Thinking like her. Feeling her feelings. Taking action like her.

Becca: Yeah, absolutely. If you ever don’t believe you can reach your goal, it’s only because you’ve sold yourself on why you can’t reach that goal. Like you’ve looked for the evidence your whole life. Like maybe you’ve had other goals that you haven’t reached. So you’re selling yourself every minute that you’re not a goal reacher or whatever it is. What I’ve learned is that you can sell yourself on anything.

I can do what I call inspo walks where I go on a walk, and I don’t have headphones. I don’t have any input. All I do on that walk is the whole reason for it is to inspire myself and to sell myself on something. I remember going on my inspirational walk where I just spent 30 minutes walking and choosing to believe and selling myself on the revenue goal. When I came back from that walk I was like, “It’s done. I’m sold.”

Rachael: Oh that’s good. I love that.

Becca: Yeah. You guys would be really surprised what can happen in your brain if you spend 30 minutes not allowing any negativity in. Like all you do is think about all the reasons why it’s possible. By the time you get done with that 30 minutes, you’re like on fire. I do this all the time by the way. Secrets to success.

Rachael: I love that.

Becca: Yeah.

Rachael: I love that.

Becca: Yeah, I had to do an inspo. Well, you and I have talked so much about going from one on one to group. One of my secret weapons is that for a long time I had to go on like these 20 minute walks basically selling myself on why this is a really good step in the direction for my clients, for myself, for all around, right? I have now sold myself on it so much that if it wasn’t for those walks who knows where my mindset would be with it.

Rachael: That’s so good. Love that.

Becca: Awesome. All right Rachael. So how can my audience find you?

Rachael: Yeah, so for sure Instagram. That’s probably the best spot to find me. So it’s just my name. Look in the show notes because it’s a weird spelling. So it’s just @RachaelBodie. I love Instagram. I love stories. I love just sharing stories. I love being able to add a lot of value. I think clearly so I’m in the social selling space, you’re in the coaching space, but business is business. Marketing and selling, delivery, managing your brain, managing your time. It’s all things that we all need to know how to do. I share about all of that on my page.

Becca: I love it. Perfect. Thank you. If my calculations are correct, this episode will air, I think, when you and I are having a glass of wine in a Cabo San Lucas pool. So.

Rachael: That is so fun.

Becca: You guys can get on our Instagrams and watch us.

Rachael: Watch. Yes, that’s so fun. I love it.

Becca: Awesome. Well thank you so much Rachael. I have loved having you on here, and we’ll see you here on this podcast in the future, I’m sure.

Rachael: Awesome. Thanks guys.

Becca: Awesome. Thanks Rachael.

Hey guys. Thanks for listening to Rachael and me today.  I hope you loved it. If you own a business and you’re interested in taking it to the next level, I highly suggest reaching out to us here at HYC. We have a team of people on staff that are ready to take your call and to help you decide what you’re looking for whether it’s a business coach or just a point in the right direction.

Our goal here at Hell Yes Coaching is to give every entrepreneur more tools in their toolbox to better their businesses. So don’t be shy. If we can’t help you, we will find someone who can. Contact us at, and we will chat with you about your business directly. See you guys soon.

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.

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