The Hell Yes Entrepreneur with Becca Pike | How to Structure Your Webinar for Maximum Conversions and Sales

Want to create a masterclass or webinar that converts to paying clients? What is the secret to mastering webinars and online classes so they make a ton of money for your business? The real key to a successful webinar lies in a simple, three-part structure, and that’s exactly what you’ll learn on today’s show.

Get ready to discover the secrets to crafting a webinar that not only educates your audience but also inspires them to invest in your offerings. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a clear roadmap for creating a webinar that generates more revenue and grows your business.

Tune in this week as I break down the essential components of a webinar that converts like crazy. I share my proven framework for setting the stage, delivering valuable content, and guiding your audience to take the next step with you.


Come get in my Scale to Seven Mastermind. This is the environment to upgrade your business, we begin in January, and you can get all the details if you click right here!

Want to convert more clients? Get my course: Convert Like Crazy! It’s all on Telegram, and the details are here.

If you want 2025 to be your biggest, most successful year in business, you have to join us for Hell Yes Live. It’s happening January 14-16, 2025 at the Four Seasons Resort in Miami, Florida. There has never been a better time to be in my world, so click here to buy your tickets right now.

If you want to be bold and stand in your power, you need to join The Circle to understand marketing on a whole new level.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why the beginning, middle, and end structure is crucial for a successful webinar.
  • How to set the stage in the first four minutes to convert your audience from the start.
  • The importance of balancing education with selling in the middle section of your webinar.
  • Why the end is the most critical part of your webinar for driving conversions.
  • How to guide your audience to take the next step and invest in your offerings.
  • The power of simplicity in creating a webinar that resonates with your audience.


Listen to the Full Episode:


Featured on the Show:

  • Sign up for my email list and get a free two-day class on how to grow your Instagram following and start selling to your audience!
  • I have a couple of 1:1 coaching spots opening up. If you want to sit down with me face to face and get specific support in hashing out your business, the problems you’re facing, and the goals you want to achieve, email us right now to see your options!
  • If you enjoyed today’s show, please leave a rating and review to let me know and help others find The Hell Yes Entrepreneur Podcast!
  • If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit Hell Yes Coaching online.


Full Episode Transcript:

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Guys, this is episode number 178. Do you know what that means? I have not missed talking to you for one single Wednesday in 178 Wednesdays in a row. What? Welcome to episode number 178. I am your host, Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go. 

Welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast. I am your favorite business coach, Becca Pike. If you’re looking for high level CEO leadership skills, modern day marketing strategies that actually convert the hell out of your leads, and you want to create a big ass wallet and big ass impact in your community, then this podcast is for you. 

Welcome to my world. In here, we do two things. We scale, and we play. Because what’s the point of being rich if you can’t have fun? If you want to make multi six and multi seven figures without sacrificing your gym time, your music festivals, your wine nights with your friends, then I’m your girl. Enjoy. 

Hey guys, I have an announcement. After four years of running the Thirty More Mastermind, I am shutting it down. You guys, this program, Thirty More, has created my team and I multiple millions of dollars in the last few years. It has been an insane success. I have watched my students grow like crazy. I will always be thankful for Thirty More. 

However, I have up leveled and I am not the same coach I was when I began this journey, and my students are far more advanced now than they’ve ever been. Thiryty More has been the home to six figure earners and seven figure earners and eight figure earners. You’ve watched for years as I’ve sold out this mastermind, and you have seen the insane testimonials coming out of this room. You see my celebrations for my students going from like 5k months to 10k months from 20k months to 50k months, 50k months to 200k months. 

Guys, I mean, I fucking love it. I love it. I love the Thirty More Mastermind. Just to sit here and toot my own horn a little bit, there is a reason I am known as the scaling queen inside of my little corner of the internet. I have scaled over four dozen companies into the seven figure range. I’ve scaled even more into multiple six figures. I’ve created my own multi millions, but not through hustle, not through grind, but through like spaciousness and calm and still having my hobbies and still hiking every day because I have zero room for a business running my life. I don’t think yours should run yours either. 

I’ve been publicly showing the world how I’m creating 300k months and working less than 15 hours a week. I know exactly how to get you into the next level in your business. I know exactly what to do. All you have to do is flex the courage to come into my new offer. I want to introduce you right now to the Scale to Seven Mastermind.

It is time for a new era, an upgrade that represents who I am and who you are. I want to introduce you to this new beast that I am releasing and just getting started. The Scale to Seven Mastermind is the new home for my students who are on their way to their first million dollars. 

You guys, we begin in January. What’s crazy is there are already more people signed up for this mastermind just signing up behind the scenes than we ever expected. Like we haven’t even publicly launched it until a few days ago. We already are like almost sold out. 

So if you’re ready to scale to seven figures with me and my team, and you want to do it in a life in your hobbies, and you want to make more money than you know what to do with but you want to have the space to enjoy it, then I would really encourage you to jump in quickly. 

The investment for this mastermind is $25,000 for six months. You will get an included live ticket for yourself and to bring a business bestie. Okay. So you get to come to Hell Yes Live with us. You get to enjoy the next six months with me, and you get access to The Circle for free the entire time you are in the seven mastermind. This is the most no brainer mastermind on the planet. 

This is a $25,000 investment, and you have to have made a minimum of $50,000 in the last 12 months in top line revenue in order for your application to make its way to my desk. Let me tell you, inside of this mastermind, we have people that are right at the cutoff. They have made $50,000 like literally to the T. We also have people that are making $400,000, $500,000 $600,000 a year, and they are all on their way to scale to seven figures. 

This is for you if you have made at least $50,000 or more. If you are in the multi six figures, it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. It doesn’t matter if you’re online or brick and mortar. I can take you there. I’ve taken multiple, multiple, multiple dozens of people into seven figures. So get those applications in. 

Guys, let me do a quick story before I get started. So I’m going to gift you guys a small piece of the class that we just released last week. You guys get to have a little taste test of that. If you love it, you can come in and join the entire class. But before we get started, I just want to do a little celebration because this was such a fun way to wake up.

So my student, Danielle, she hired me for one on one coaching for one month. She told me that when she sends emails, it is complete crickets, like no clicks, no purchases. She also said that she only has she, quote unquote, only. This is her words because I don’t think that this is a small number.

But she said she only has 156 people on her list. This can feel underwhelming, and sometimes she doesn’t even send out emails because it’s only 156 people. Which by the way, if half of those people bought her program, she would die, right? You don’t need a huge number of people, you just need people converting.

So anyway, she hired me for one on one, she’s not feeling real great about her email. In our very first session last night, I helped her write an email. It took us like 20 minutes, we tried to make it really quick to the point potent. I helped her write this email, and I showed her why I was writing it the way that I was. 

She went to bed last night, she texted me this morning, she got 86 clicks on this email. Guys, there’s 156 people on her list. She got 86 clicks overnight out of 156 people. Like, okay, first of all, knowing how to write your emails is important because when you know how to write, you know how to captivate people’s attention. But when you know how to actually convert, you know how to always and forever get paid. 

So I have writing classes. You can buy my classes. I have an entire class on email writing. I have an entire class on social media writing. But when it comes to conversions, I have a class called Convert Like Crazy, that just released last week. This is the king class for getting people to convert. So you can get people to read and follow you and listen to your podcast. You can get people to come to your classes and come to your live events. But let’s talk about actually converting them. What does that actually look like? 

So in my class that I released on October 3, this is through the app Telegram. If you haven’t been following along, I’ve been releasing all of my classes on a Telegram app, which is so fun. It’s basically like a private podcast channel where I speak the value into the microphone, and it comes through an audio format. So if you are someone that loves audio, you definitely want to jump in on one of these classes because it is the best way to learn. 

This is the number one way that I like to learn. I like to put my headphones in and go on a walk and be in a class at the same time. So anyway, I digress. 

Convert Like Crazy is on telegram, and we released it on October 3. I marketed this class as, I’m laughing because welcome to my world. I marketed this class as one thing, and I presented it as another. I marketed it as you need to know how to convert from your low ticket offer. 

So if you’re doing webinars, if you’re doing masterclasses, if you are doing live events where you’re showing up at like doing a booth rental where people are walking around and coming to you and experiencing like a taste test of what you are and who you are, you need to know how to convert people into actually getting on your schedule, actually booking with you, actually paying you. This is exactly what that class is about. 

However, day one, they come in and I’m like, surprise. What we’re actually doing here is we are building out our class together. We are going to do this all while I’m going through these audios. You are going to be following along and building out your class with me. We’re going to create a class that is going to convert like crazy. You are going to have your biggest payday ever. 

You’re going to make more money than you’ve ever made, and you are going to move quickly through your highest cash month. You’re going to convert new people into clients. You are going to have the most successful launch of your life, and we’re doing it together. 

So what I’m doing is I’m clipping out a little piece of this class to give to you today. It’s going to be quick. It’s going to be short. It’s honestly, it’s plucked right out of the middle of the class. So you’re missing context from the beginning, and you’re missing a whole hell of a lot after this audio that I’m giving you. However, it is going to give you a little taste into building out a class that converts like crazy.

Because guys, when you know how to convert, you know how to make a lot of money. I cannot encourage you enough to get into this class. It is $888 for the entire class. Listen to this taster, love it, love it, love it. Then come on into the rest of the class. All right, guys, I hope you all enjoy. I will see you on the other side of this audio. 

Male Speaker: I learned a long time ago that the beginning, middle and end is a great way to approach lots of things, presentations, workouts that you’re designing because consumers are really used to it, right? Like when we’re a little kid, and we learn stories, or we’re told stories, they have a beginning, middle, and end. It flows well. People are used to it. They like it. So I’m excited to hear what’s next.

Becca: My goal here with you guys and all of the time is to make business as absolutely simple as possible. Because you guys, I think that this is why I’ve created what I’ve created because I really do see business as being very simple. It’s like I’ve got a service, you’ve got money, let’s trade. Or I’ve got a service, I don’t want to do this service all the time. So I’m going to hire somebody else to do this service, and I’ll give them money, and we’ll trade. Like, that’s really all businesses. It’s crazy. It is crazy. 

So in that same vibe, I am going to explain to you guys the way that I think about webinars and masterclasses in the most basic and simple way possible. That starts with the fact that there is a beginning, a middle, and an end to every webinar. I’m going to be breaking down the beginning, I’m going to break down the middle, I’m going to break down the end, okay. Each part of this webinar piece has its own role, and it has its own responsibility. 

The beginning is a setting the stage for them. It is an important piece, because your sales and your conversions have a lot to do with how they feel when they enter your vicinity, when they enter your environment, when they enter your home base. So being able to set the stage and saying the things is going to drastically change how they feel like immediately as soon as they are in.

You can convert someone in the first opening four minutes just by being you, by being confident, and showing up in a way that makes them think, wow, who’s this person, right? Like this person’s got their shit together. Like I love this person. You can go ahead and have them converted before you even get to the educational piece. 

So the beginning is an important piece, the middle obviously is an important piece. That is when you’re going to be doing the actual education, the actual training. This is what I call the meat and potatoes of it. A lot of times people get too lost in the meat and potatoes. They try to over serve. They try to just make it all about educating when they are lacking the beginning piece and the end piece, which are both very important. I think a lot of conversions are lost by trying to make it too perfect. So, I’m going to talk about that as well. 

Then the end is your most important part, the number one thing that you need to be thinking about, and that is converting people and selling them into the next step and helping them understand what the next step is. So every webinar has a beginning, a middle, and an end, and we are going to get right into that. I’m going to start the next audio with just the beginning and setting the stage. 

Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share. 

When you share this episode with a friend or leave us a five star review, it is like pouring a little bit of magic into our podcasting bucket. It is what gets our work recognized. It’s what gives us energy and keeps us going, truly. Not one share nor review goes without recognition from our team. As always, we fucking love you here at Hell Yes Coaching. Have a beautiful day. 

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.


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