The Hell Yes Entrepreneur Podcast with Becca Pike | Sprint Week: Turn on Customer DemandInside my business coaching group Three More, this week is Sprint Week. We do this every couple of months, where we take everything we’ve learned about how to grow a business, and we go into extreme massive action on all of it. We spend 15 hours in one week doing forward-facing business work – you know, the uncomfortable stuff.

This time always brings up a lot of uneasy feelings for my students, generally directed at me. So many entrepreneurs are terrified of this side of their business. But my clients who can commit to facing their fear during Sprint Week always create insane demand and mind-blowing results, and the same is possible for you too.

Tune in this week to discover how to start choosing when you make money and how much you want to make. I’m showing you why making money is something you can turn on and off, like a faucet, and how to start approaching the forward-facing, money-making side of your business with curiosity and excitement instead of fear and hesitance.

I’m always trying to figure out how I can overdeliver for you guys. Well, I’ve got some news. Three More is no longer just an 8-week course. If you join Three More, you now get lifetime access to the entire video library that we use inside the program, lifetime access to weekly group coaching calls, and the Facebook community where we gather to exchange high-level ideas. And all this for exactly the same as the 8-week price. So if you’re ready to sell your service and book yourself out, you need to get inside.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why Sprint Week is so heavy in mindset and thought work.
  • How so many entrepreneurs spend way too long on their backend, neglecting the forward-facing side of their business.
  • The mind-blowing massive results that my clients get when they truly commit to Sprint Week.
  • Why taking massive action for just one week will change the trajectory of your business forever.
  • The reason our brain naturally goes to the comfortable when we think about how to sell, and why we need to redirect it.
  • Questions to ask yourself to decide what Sprint Week would look like for you.
  • How to use massive action to start creating demand and make serious money in your business.

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Hey guys. What is going on? It is episode number 38. Today I’m going to talk to you guys about something that we’ve got going on inside of Three More, my business coaching group. We are doing sprint week this week. For those of you that aren’t in Three More, I can tell you what this is, but this is really geared towards the people that are in Three More. We have a large community in there. A lot of people are having a lot of feelings about sprint week. Let’s begin.

Hey, guys. I’m Becca Pike and welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast, the number one show for entrepreneurs looking to create their first six-figure year. If you’ve got the drive and you know how to hustle but you’re not sure where to channel your energy, we’ve got the answers. Let’s dive into today’s show.

Hello my friends. Let’s talk about sprint week. So I’ve got some students right now that are really feeling feelings towards me because they are in my class. We have a week called sprint week. It happened about every eight weeks.

So this is what goes down. Basically every eight weeks, we take everything that we’ve learned, and we go into extreme massive action. This program is built a lot around mindset, a lot around thought work. How your thoughts about selling, your thoughts about your business, your thoughts about yourself are all reflective of the success you’re having or not having. So it’s pretty heavy in mindset work and thought work.

Every eighth week we do something called sprint week. Sprint week is when we throw all the thoughts away and we go into massive action. This is when we spend 15 hours in that week doing forward facing business work, okay. So none of the backend stuff. If you have to do the backend stuff, that’s fine. It just doesn’t count towards the 15 hours of forward facing work.

Backend stuff is like you are checking your website. You are looking at your analytics. You are trying to figure out ways in which you can train your staff better. All of the stuff that’s behind the scenes that no one else can see. Forward facing work is when you’re talking to your audience. When you’re actually putting yourself out there. For the majority of entrepreneurs, they are terrified of this part of it.

So they think that they’re selling. They’re like, “I’m doing all these things, but I don’t know why it’s not working.” The truth is that 75% of the stuff that they’re doing is all like backend perfecting their business, perfecting their website, perfecting their podcast microphone, right?

This is a time in which we say, “Okay, you’re going to spend 15 hours talking to new customers, meeting new people, going to networking events, doing Facebook lives, doing webinars, emailing people, calling people, texting people, following up with people. You are literally using your mouth to talk to people a shit ton this week.

I’m going to be honest with you. It brings up a lot of uneasy feelings for people. I’m going to go into that, but first I want to tell you guys this. So the goal of sprint week, the whole entire goal is to blow your own mind. What I see throughout the—You know Three More’s been alive for like a year, almost a year and a half. We have had several sprint weeks.

Here’s the case, every single time every one is afraid. They have thoughts about why they can’t do it, why they shouldn’t do it, why they wouldn’t do it, why it’s not their style to do something like this. Then the ones that do it get massive results and make a shit ton of money. We have people that come in and they’re like, “Hey on sprint week I made $40,000. On sprint week I made $50,000.” Astronomical numbers. Astronomical?

Why is that? It’s because they are forced to…They’re not forced. I don’t like put a gun to their head. I would if I could because I think it would get people moving, but you can’t do that shit. People get mad. So they’re not forced, but they’re held to an extremely high standard. They have eyeballs watching them, right. So they are “forced” to do the things that actually propel their business, right.

A lot of business owners sit on their heels, and they say, “I’m running a business. I’m doing my thing. I’m not getting what I need. I’m not getting leads. I’m not getting volume. I’m not getting the demands that I want.” The truth is that they just aren’t doing the things that make demand happen.

So the point of sprint week is to blow your own mind. It’s to not look over your shoulder and see what other people are doing. It’s to look at what you did last week and 15x it, right. To realize how in control you are of actually making demand happen in your business. A lot of people don’t realize how in control they are because they’ve never seen what it actually feels like to take massive action, right. It’s kind of like I think about being extremely healthy.

When you are extremely healthy, it kind of knocks you into this mindset of like, “Oh, this is what life is supposed to feel like. Like I had no idea that I could have this much energy. This is an insane amount of energy. I just didn’t know.” You just don’t know what you don’t know, right?

I look at people that just haven’t experienced that. When I’m talking to them and they’re just like, “It’s just so hard. I don’t have any energy. They’re living on fast food. They’re not moving their body.” I’m like man, you must not. You must not have any energy. I can’t imagine. If I could just inject you with what it feels like to have massive energy then you would go out and you would do the work because you would be addicted to it, right?

This is kind of what that is. It’s kind of like where we take a week and we’re like, “Let me just give you a taste of what high demand feels like. I just want you to see what it feels like. I want you to get a little taste. A little licky lick. A little lalalba, right?” See how it feels because it’s going to blow your fucking mind.

I teacher people inside Three More that they are capable of turning on and off the faucet of money. For a lot of people, this is like an abstract thought to begin with. I think that it’s starting to really click for people after like the 10th or 11th time. You guys are capable of turning money on and off like a faucet. You get to choose when you’re making a lot of money and when you’re not, okay?

The more successful that you become, the more that you’re going to know when you’re doing this and how to do it. Right? You’re going to be like okay, this is the month of January. I am choosing to turn my money faucet on. I’m going to be selling. I’m going to be doing webinars. I’m going to networking events. I’m talking to people. I’m doing my thing, and I am making a lot of money.

You are capable of turning off the faucet, right? I think that beginner entrepreneurs just always have the faucet on, or they always have the faucet off. In Three More you learn a lot about underselling versus overselling. When you have your faucet on, you are doing anything and everything with just extreme curiosity on if it will work. You’re in like an experimental mode, right?

You’re like in this mode of like, “I’m just going to go out. I’m going to try everything. I don’t know. I’m going to do Facebook lives. I’m going to do webinars. I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this. I’m going to do that. I’m going to go to schools. I’m going to go football games. I’m going to talk to people. I’m going to set up a booth. I’m going to just do all of these things.” You’re just so curious what’s going to work.

Then as time goes on, you lose that curiosity and you become like I’m supposed to do this. I guess I’ll email my people today. I’m supposed to. I guess I’ll do this. I’m supposed to. You lose that curiosity and that excitement that really gets you the demand that you’re looking for.

Sprint week is showing people how to turn their faucet onto full blast. It is so fun watching people get into the Facebook group, into the community, talking about what they’re experiencing in sprint week. It’s fun watching the evolution of people because evolutions happen really quick during sprint week, right? When it’s not sprint week a lot of people have the ability to hide behind closed doors. They act like they’re watching the videos and they’re doing the things, but they’re not really interacting. In sprint week we really pull it out of you.

Watching people evolve, they’ll come on in the middle of sprint week and they’ll be like, “Okay, the beginning of this week I was so afraid. My brain was offering all these thoughts about why this isn’t for me. Why I can just like hide behind the trees. No one will notice if I’m not doing it, right? I decided to do it.” Boom, right there. That is the first part of like self-trust, self-growth is like overriding that part of your brain that is telling you things.

Then they’re like, “And then I started trying things. I started just becoming curious again. I thought, you know, I’m going to just get on this Facebook live and I’m going to just educate people. Guess what? Someone contacted me right after and they bought my program, or they bought my product, or they bought my thing. I just didn’t know that I could do that.

“Then I got super inspired. So I did another one. Then I signed up for a BNI group. I went to that networking event, and I was like I met someone. Then I got a sale from that. I’m just so inspired. The more inspired that I get, the more that money is falling out of my faucet, right?”

They start coming up with more creative ways. It’s the snowball effect that happens. It’s the most beautiful thing to watch, right? It’s so fun to watch people get creative again because this is what happens. Your brain, your brain can think of like two or three ways in which you’re comfortable to sell, okay. So let’s say that you are comfortable selling just by like commenting to people on Facebook and maybe talking to a friend about what you have to offer. Whatever it is. Whatever industry you’re in. Those are the two ways that you feel comfortable doing it.

So whenever you go to sit down and you’re like, “Okay, I’m going to sell.” Your brain can only think of those two things because it’s not willing to think about the things that it’s uncomfortable with. It’s not willing to think about the things that aren’t inside your realm of coziness. You have to be able to override that. You have to be able to be like, “Okay, not just the things I’m comfortable with, right?”

So a lot of times I get on the Facebook group and there are people, especially the newbies that are coming into sprint week, and they’re like, “I don’t know what I should be doing. I don’t know how to get out there and tell people.” This is all it takes, okay. It’s the cure all every single time. I say okay, tell me ways in which you could sell to people. They’ll say, “Okay I could make a post and I could send out an email.” I’m like fantastic. Those are the two ways that you feel comfortable with because your brain just offered those up. All right so now tell me more.

They’re like, “I don’t know. Maybe I could go to a networking event.” I’m like okay, what else? They’re like, “Oh gosh, man you’re really pushing me. I don’t know. I guess I could set up a booth and educate people at the mall or at an event. Like at a boutique event.” I’m like okay, what else? Then they start really panicking. They’re like, “Oh my gosh. I have never thought this hard. I can’t even imagine.”

But I push them. I force them to think. Again I’m saying language that is like really intense. I don’t force them, but I do. I force them to think harder than they’ve ever thought. It’s like if you’re not willing to push yourself to that extreme or if you’ve never pushed yourself to that extreme then you’re not going to know how to push yourself to that extreme. You’re not going to know how to open up that brain box in a way that it is capable of thinking because you will always tell yourself all the ways in which you should stay comfortable.

Then once you go through the two ways in which you feel comfortable selling, your brain will just shut off. You’ll be like, “Meh, I don’t know. My industry’s just hard to sell.” It’ll come up with all the excuses. I don’t want to sell. My industry’s just too hard to sell. I don’t have time for this.

A lot of people’s thoughts start surfacing whenever we announce sprint week. They’ll be like, “I don’t have time for this. I can’t do this. This is too much. That’s silly.” A lot of people will just be like, when I say a lot, there’s actually a few people that are just like, “I’m just not willing to do it. I’m just going to hide. Maybe next time.”

It’s always the people that override that that have to flex that muscle to join into sprint week that get the most results. We have so many people that are coming through sprint week that are killing it. They are killing it. Then the ones that stayed behind the scenes, watched that happen. They watched the celebrations at the end, and then they’re so upset that they didn’t do it. They’re so upset, right?

So guys, this is for anyone that is not in Three More. I want you to consider what would it require for you to do a sprint week for yourself, right? What would it require? I’ve got people that were in Three More in the very first round in the very beginning. They come to me, and they say I still do sprint week. This is it. I love that for them.

I want to ask you. What would it require? Would it require accountability? Would it require having people in a Facebook group that are cheering you on like other entrepreneurs that are helping you get your mind right when it comes to this? What would happen? What comes up for you?

Here’s another thought. I want you to consider what comes up for you when I talk about sprint week. What is the main excuse? What is the main resistance? Because whatever it is that’s coming up, whatever reason that you shouldn’t do it, can’t do it, it’s not the right time, that is the reason that you’re not making the money that you want to make. That is the reason.

I have a client who told me recently, “I just feel too egotistical whenever I sell. I can’t sell. It’s too egotistical of me. It’s too showy off. It’s too look at me, look at me.” I just thought damn. You’ve slipped so far out of contribution and so far into significance. Significance about you as if this is about you. As if you’re life changing product is just about you and your wallet. How dare you? Right?

It’s not really how dare you. We all do this. We slip out of contribution and into significance. I guarantee that whatever’s coming up for you when you think about yourself doing a sprint week, when you think about yourself doing 15 forward facing hours of just nothing but telling people. Telling people what you do, how you can help them, offering to help them, providing value to them. Whatever it is that’s coming up for you, that’s the reason you’re not making enough money. That’s the reason you’re not making the money you want to make, right?

I tell people. I’m like listen. Some of you guys work full time jobs. Some of you work nine to five. You get home, you cook dinner, you put the kids to bed. It’s 9:00 p.m. before you get a second to yourself. I want you to do sprint week too. What would you have to believe to do sprint week also? Because it’s going to come up for you. The people that are working full time, they’re like I can’t do it. It’s like okay. We want the wealth. We have to be willing to do the work.

All right guys. So that is it for me today. I came on here. I came off the cuff. I’m just spitting out thoughts about sprint week. So excited to see what happens after sprint week. Everybody that is in Three More right now, it is day one of sprint week. Everyone is up to their ears in anxiety. This is also what I think. This is what I think too.

I was telling somebody I used to bodybuilder. It was figure competitions. So it wasn’t as muscular as the body builders, but we were like one grade down. We were figure competitors. We trained all year long. We weightlifted all year long. Then for about 14 to 16 weeks before the show, we would really hone it in. We were doing two workouts a day. We were eating really clean. We were leaning down. We were getting ready to get on stage.

Around three days before I would get on stage, I kind of had this overwhelming feeling that the work that I did all year has to be enough. There’s nothing that I can do right now that will drastically change the way that my body is shaped in order to win a prize on stage. Like what I did is what I did, right? I can’t really do much more.

I tell people like listen. If you’ve been in Three More before sprint week, the amount that you watched the videos and the amount that you coached yourself, the amount that you received coaching. The amount of questions that you asked, the amount that you participated, the amount at which you evaluated everything that you were doing, that was the work. Sprint week is the show. It’s time to get on stage, and it’s time to sell the shit out of yourself, out of your work, out of your business, out of your product, right. Sell the shit out of your service.

For the people that didn’t do the work before, sprint week is going to be really hollow. It’s going to be pretty crappy. It’s going to be like okay you might be able to do the actions, but you don’t have the belief that follows it up. You don’t have the audacity to believe that it’s possible for you, right? You might be coming from a place of significance instead of a place of contribution if you haven’t done the mindset work.

The people that get on stage, the people that go into sprint week and they have done the mindset work, they’ve done all of the things. They have self-coached. They have gotten their belief to where they want to believe. They’re the ones that are wracking in $40,000 and $50,000 in a week.

So if it’s not sprint week when you’re listening to this, I want you to consider that. It is year round bodybuilding. It is year round flexing your brain, flexing your mindset, flexing your ability to believe in yourself. Flexing your ability to create new rituals, new standards, new protocols, new processes for your business. Right? Then sprint week comes and it’s time to rake in a lot of money.

All right guys that is it for me today. I can’t wait to talk to you guys next week as always. You guys know this is like my favorite part of my entire job is talking into this microphone, talking to you guys, and all of the love that you guys give me. Oh my gosh. The messages that I get. People are like, “I’m addicted to your podcast. I never saw that coming. Didn’t know that that was going to be a thing.” I’m so pumped to have you guys here. I’m so pumped to receive those messages. Always send me those messages please.

Of course, please review the podcast on Apple or iTunes or Spotify or wherever it is that you listen. Stitcher. The reviews are super awesome to read, super awesome to hear. So thank you guys so much. I’ll see you all next week. Bye.

Hey entrepreneurs. If you are ready to create your first six figure year, your next business investment is our course Three More. When you sign up, you will get instant access to our video vault. In these videos, I teach you exactly what I did to create a highly successful brick and mortar company as well as a booming online company. Both successful in their first year. It was not luck guys. It was a process. I am now offering that process to you.

In this class, you will become a master at organically attracting clients. Three at a time to be exact. #ThreeMore. You will know what to say during a consult or a conversation about your business so that people want what you’re selling when you speak to them.

You will know what to do when your client feels timid to invest in your service. They might want what you’re selling, but they feel on the fence about investing. This is normal. To become successful, you must know how to gently and confidently navigate these situations without being pushy but with their best interest at heart.

In Three More, you will learn new ways to think about money and sales and growing your audience, so they are lining up to buy from you. This is not gross and sleazy sales tactics. This is learning to inspire through quality service.

Best of all, you will have a community of other Three More members all reaching out for the same business growth where you can ask questions, make friends, and lean on each other. Our members say that the community is the best part.

If the community and the video vault doesn’t already make you feel like you won the business coaching lottery, we also have weekly live coaching calls. Every Tuesday at 1:30 Eastern Standard Time, you will receive live coaching in our community via Zoom so that you always stay in line with your goals. You can begin coming to these calls as soon as you sign up.

Guys between the video vault and the community and the live coaching, the program is fail proof. We are so confident that you will love three more that we have a risk-free guarantee. If it doesn’t work for you, we will send your money back no questions asked. There hasn’t been a single person that has wanted their money back. In fact, the reviews for this course are all five stars.

Do not wait. Go to right now, right this moment. Make the decision right now that our business will inevitably be successful. I can’t wait to see you in there.

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.

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