The Hell Yes Entrepreneur with Becca Pike | How to See the Big PictureThis week, I’m pulling back the curtain and giving you unprecedented access to my mini mind, showing you how we solve the biggest problems in your business. The call I’m sharing with you today is all about long-term thinking, the impact this has on your sales, the value of intentionally taking time away from your business, and how all of this big-picture stuff secures the future growth of your business.

We’re also delving into money, debt, and diving deep into tons of important aspects of your business. However, the overarching lesson from this episode is that long-term thinking is the solution to pretty much all of your problems and the secret to living the rest of your life while still growing your business.

Tune in this week to discover how to use long-term thinking to secure the future of your business. We’re discussing what to do when you hit a slump in your business, and you’ll learn what changes when you can expand your capacity for self-assuredness and certainty.


What will 2024 look like in your business? Join me for the New Year’s Planning Party, a free training happening on December 18th 2023. I’m showing you how to plan for 2024, prepping you with high-level ideas and strategies to make next year a success. Click here to join!

The Hell Yes community’s favorite live event is happening in January! Hell Yes Live is where you’ll learn how to break down 2024 into bite-sized, tangible tasks for you to reach your goals. This is the first time we’re opening this event to the public, so if you want in on a ticket, click here!

You can attend the live event on its own, but that event kicks off the Thirty More Mastermind and is included in the price of Thirty More. That’s Hell Yes Live, six months inside The Circle, and the Thirty More Mastermind from January to June in one purchase. Click here for all the details.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why 99% of your mindset troubles can be solved using long-term thinking.
  • How long-term thinking allows you to take valuable time away from your business without impacting your growth.
  • What to do when you hit a slump in your business.
  • The problem with tying your self-worth to your monthly revenue.
  • How everything changes when you embody self-assuredness and certainty.
  • Some important thoughts about money, debt, and the big picture.


Listen to the Full Episode:


Featured on the Show:

  • I have a couple of 1:1 coaching spots opening up. If you want to sit down with me face to face and get specific support in hashing out your business, the problems you’re facing, and the goals you want to achieve, email us right now to see your options!
  • If you enjoyed today’s show, please leave a rating and review to let me know and help others find The Hell Yes Entrepreneur Podcast.
  • Tony Robbins


Full Episode Transcript:

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Hi friends. Before we get started, I am hosting a completely free training on December 18 called the New Year’s Planning Party. I’m going to spend 45 minutes on camera showing you how to plan for 2024. I’m going to prep you with ideas and strategies that you may not be already thinking about. I do this with my high level Thirty More Mastermind CEOs every single year, and now it is your turn. 

This is for all business owners at all levels who want to scale and grow their company and are especially feeling pulled to do so in 2024. If this is your year and you can feel it, join me at the New Year’s Planning Party. Again completely free. You can access it at Or you can simply go to my Linktree in my Instagram bio where you can access it there as well. 

This class was on December 18 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Recordings are available, but you do have to sign up and register to get access to the recording. I cannot wait to help you plan out your year in business, and I will see you there. Bye.

Hello my CEO friends. Today I have a fun episode where I’m going to be pulling back the curtain and letting you listen in to a mini mind call with me and my mini mind. This was a few weeks ago. We were chatting about so many things. We were talking about long term thinking versus short term thinking in your business, how it affects your business, how it affects your sales. 

We were talking about intentionally taking time off, like really big chunks of time off from your business. We talked about maternity leave, how that plays into the longevity of your business. We talked about certainty in ourselves. We talked about money. We talked about debt. 

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this short little podcast episode that I’m going to be handing over to you guys and letting you all listen in to because I think it’s such an important message. We covered a lot of ground, but we also had just an overarching lesson that you’re going to hear in here that I think every business owner should be hearing about. 

But before I do, I have a message that is like coming through my soul to someone that is listening to this. I am a very intuitive person. I can feel that this particular message is meant for somebody out there in my audience. If it is you, fantastic. If it is not you, fantastic but here it is.

There is someone out there that is already considered successful. Like your friends would already consider you successful. You have the business basics down. Like it’s not a matter of knowing how to grow your business. Your offers are selling, and you don’t need a coach that is going to show you why it’s important to grow your business. You already get that. 

If we’re being completely honest, you don’t even like need to grow your business. You’re making, quote unquote, enough money that your income is above the American average. You could technically stop growing your business right now and just basically tell yourself that you should be thankful for it every day for the rest of your life.

But for you, it’s not about need, okay. At this level, it’s about wants. Like you want more. You want more clients. Yes, you’re already successful, but you want more revenue. You want more like bomb ass vacations with your family where you like go away and get richer, not poorer. You want more processes and team members so that you can make more money while you’re at home more. You want more. 

But you’ve got two different versions of you. I know this so well because it used to be me. You have two versions of you like kind of sitting on your shoulder. One of the versions is like hey, you should be happy with what you’ve already built. You’re doing better than so many of your peers. Like stop striving. Just relax. You’re exhausted. 

There’s this other side of you that saying I have so much left in me. I have so much potential. I know I can create multiple millions of dollars and be the owner, not the operator. You’ve got these two sides, right. You know which one is run by your brain versus which one is run by your heart. You don’t need anyone to tell you that it’s possible. You already know it’s possible. You’re on the next level already. You’re past that. You’re not looking for a motivator because you’re like the most motivated person that you know. 

So it’s not about whether or not it’s possible. You already know that there’s no ceiling, and that it is possible. You just don’t know if it’s possible without having to work significantly more. You don’t want to rally up another year of like hellacious energy trying to scale. Because in your mind you’re thinking scaling means taking a lot of energy from you and it taking a long time. You don’t want that. Instead you just want more money right now. You want more time right now. 

Okay, this is for you. This is my message for you, my friend. You have already built a beast of a small business. I agree that you don’t need the basics nor do you need to like grow your business from here. You don’t need to. You could technically just live off of what your business is already paying you, and you can tell yourself to be thankful for it, and you would be okay. 

But why would you? You’re so close. You’re only a few small tweaks away from where you want to be. You’re already past the hard part. You’re already past the startup phase. You’re like inches away from the millions of dollars and the working only when you want to phase of your company. You just need a few small tweaks.

Guys, I am here to show you exactly where to go from here. I have worked with every single industry. I have watched coaches, med spas, course creators, photographers, farmers, chefs, house cleaners, bookkeepers, CPAs, real estate agents, massage therapists, you name it, I’ve worked with them. I’ve watched them scale up to 800% in one year of working with me. 

The industry is different amongst all of these industries, but the strategy to scale is the exact same. I don’t know anyone in the coaching industry that teaches scaling like me. This is why they nicknamed me the Scaling Queen inside of my own coaches mastermind. 

So listen, I got you. I want to help you, but you got to trust yourself enough to come in. All right. My mastermind is enrolling right now, and we are so close to deadline. If you have created at least $50,000 in the last 12 months, and you want to scale your business then you qualify for this next round. 

This is where I see my students yield the biggest results ranging from 50% in a year to 800% in a year in upgraded revenue while 100% of people who have come through the Thirty More Mastermind report working less and working with less anxiety and more overall joy in their companies.

My mastermind is more personalized and intimate than any I have seen in the industry. Because of that, our retention rate is above average. So I will close down enrollment if we reach capacity before the deadline. Also for the first time ever, we are allowing the public to come join us for the mastermind kickoff three day event Hell Yes Live in Miami on January 16 to the 18th. You do not have to qualify to come. There is no minimum to come to this. 

We’re going to spend three days creating our 2024 marketing and scaling strategy for the entire year in the absolutely stunning Eden Rock Resort in Miami, Florida. This event is our most raved about and loved on offer that we provide. Hell Yes Live ticket is included in the mastermind tuition. If you are not coming to the mastermind, it is $3,500. 

Lastly, if you don’t qualify for this next round of the mastermind or you’re not looking for a high level mastermind to join right now, you can get my entire body of work and all the video trainings on customer growth and scaling inside of The Circle annual membership. This includes business coaching, monthly live workshops and courses, and, again, my entire body of work. The Circle is included in the mastermind. Okay.

So if you get the mastermind, if you join the mastermind and you qualify, you get your Hello Yes Live ticket, and you get your Becca Pike coaching Circle membership included in the mastermind ticket price. All right guys, I’m going to go ahead and let you have a peek into our mini mind call. Please enjoy this session. Again, I cannot wait to see you guys in Miami. We are getting so close. This is episode number 135. I am your host Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.

Hey, guys. I’m Becca Pike and welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast, the number one show for entrepreneurs looking to create their first six-figure year. If you’ve got the drive and you know how to hustle but you’re not sure where to channel your energy, we’ve got the answers. Let’s dive into today’s show.

Becca: I think 99% of our mindset troubles would just be eliminated if we started all thinking really long term, right? Like, let’s say you have a baby. Okay, I have another client that recently had a baby, and she was just so tore up about taking maternity leave. Like is my revenue going to dip? Is my, whatever. I don’t know. Just all the thoughts because she wanted to take three months off. 

When I had a baby, I was like fuck my business. Nothing’s going to happen in three months. In the long term of things, like if I’m looking at 15 years, is three or six months off of work going to really change anything? Like in 15 years, I’m going to look back and be so thankful that I took three to six months off. It was only because I was able to look long term. 

Now if I were like okay, every month has to count. Every month has to be bigger than the last month. Short term, short term, short term. Like this client has to sign, this client has to sign. Like, I won’t breathe unless my monthly revenue is bigger than last month’s revenue. Like that is a formula for depression. That’s a formula for never coming up for air. That is a formula for hating your fucking business. I’ve just never wanted to abide by that. 

I want my monthly revenue to increase every month, but I also know that life happens and I have babies, and I have times in my life where I just cannot. When I look at the 15 year span, I’m just totally comforted by that. 

Female Speaker 1: Thank you. I think, right now, I’m like in it. When you’re in it, it’s such a powerful experience. But in general, when you’re watching someone who’s like not where you’re at in business, it’s so much like more calming to watch them freak out about something. You’re like oh, you’re not even close to the big problems that are like really, right? You know what I mean? It’s just that’s why I continue to invest in coaches who are just like that much further along in me in business because I’m like I want you to tell me like, my thoughts and my problems are cute.

Becca: One of the number one things that kills, truly kills, business owners is when they get into a slump. So every business owner goes into a slump. Every single one. I would say 50% climb their way out. 50% make that slump mean something about them. It turns into this like snowball effect. 

I’ve watched this happen with a few people. I can think of like three people off the top of my head out of hundreds that they would make their slumps mean something about them. They would get tore up about it. I was always nonchalant. I was always like yeah, yeah, yeah.

I just trust that if I can grow a business, once I can do it when I’m ready again. Like if I want to wait after I have this baby, if I want to take time off because something in my life happened. Like, I just trust that I’m going to be able to do it. I don’t even think about it. 

But I’ve seen like three people that I know very well that had really big potential that were earning big. One of them, in particular, that I think about was earning like $300,000 a year and got into her head about a slump and stopped earning money completely. This one person that I’m thinking about hasn’t made money in like nine months. Not a dollar. Not one dollar. 

I’m working with her, and I’m like go make a dollar. That’s it. Like sell something for a dollar. Like she can’t do it because she has made this slump mean that she is a failure. That no one wants to buy from her. That she’s annoying people when she’s selling. 

So it is absolutely imperative that if you guys go into a slump, if you’re just not feeling it, if you want to take time off with your baby, if you’re just not feeling like motivated right now that you don’t make it mean that you lost your mojo or that you aren’t meant for this. None of that is true. You just get back out. You just start trying to figure out how to get motivated again. Like what podcasts can I listen to? How can I like get back into the swing of things when I’m ready?

Imagine two different people and one is like I’m not feeling very motivated, but I’m a fucking powerhouse. When I feel motivated again, I’m just going to turn the faucet back on. Versus another person’s like I’m not feeling very motivated. I must be broken. Right? Like we can tell what’s going to happen between these two people. I hope you all adopt the kind of like fuck it mentality when it comes to that. 

Now there is a fine line between like giving yourself so much grace that you just don’t put out any work. You don’t create anything for like months at a time. That is not what I’m talking about. Unless you had a baby, and you want to take months off. But I’m just saying like you’re just in your own head, and you’re just ignoring the hard feelings of getting back to it, that’s not what I’m saying.

What I’m saying is making your lack of motivation because you’re just tired, you’re hungry, you’re on your cycle, or you’re getting ready to start your cycle. Maybe your hormones are fluctuating, whatever it is. You’re just not feeling it. Making that mean that something’s so wrong. It’s just not. Like that, to me, is a death sentence when you start listening to that voice and obsessing over it.

Female Speaker 2: I feel like you’re really striking a chord with my heart right now. I say that every week, I think. But like in grad school, in my whole life, I’ve always been big picture. Or a therapist. Like I never let one week just get me down. Like what we’re going to recalibrate. Next week, we’re going to hit the ground running. But I’ve never taken on that mindset as a business owner. 

Like I’ve let it mean so much more about me personally than like looking at the big picture. I feel like I’m just kind of having an aha moment right now because I’ve always been big picture. So I’m like, why did that change when I took on a new role? 

Becca: Well, and I think because it’s very easy in the business owning world to gain worth by monthly revenue. Like monthly revenue’s just kind of talked about. It’s talked about in my mastermind a lot with Thirty More. We talk about it online. People are just talking about monthly revenue. It’s just an easy black and white metric that people use to discuss growth. 

I think it’s great. Like that’s a metric I want to use. But I have the duality of understanding that it’s not my worth. It’s just a number, right? It’s kind of like weightlifting. Everything in my life is a sports analogy, but it’s like weightlifting. Like just because I can deadlift 285 most days. If I go in and I deadlift, and I can’t get 200 up because I’m just having an off day. 

Even if I tried to do it like three or four times, and I just got stuck at 200, I wouldn’t make that mean that I can’t do 285. It just means that I’m having an off day. Maybe I’m not fed very well. Maybe I haven’t slept very good. Maybe my hormones are fluctuating. Like I’m just going to keep trying because I already know I can do it. I’ve already done it. Right?

That’s what I see with business owners. I’m like you can do it, you’ve done it. Like we all know you can do it. You didn’t lose the talent. You didn’t like get hit in the head and get concussed and like lost your ability. Just take a breath. Take the weights off the bar completely and build back five pounds at a time until you get to where you need to be. That’s why I was trying to get that girl to earn one dollar.

Sometimes when I can’t deadlift, I strip the bar completely naked. The bar by itself is only 35 pounds. So it’s like lifting a toddler. Then I do the bar, and then I add a couple pounds on until I get my mind right because it’s just a mind fuckery sometimes. Sometimes you got to go back to the bare minimums. 

So if you guys are in any sort of slump, it would be a great time to reassess what your bare minimums were. Like what got you here? What made your first couple thousand dollars? What made those happen? Right? Go do that for a while until you remember the more complex ideas. Y’all coming to church this morning. You didn’t know I was going to be preaching. Any thoughts, any comments, any hot seat coaching?

Female Speaker 1: I was listening to the podcast last night. It’s like keeping me up, and I was listening to you tell your experience of watching us be in the chat of the mini mind. Talking about we come into Thirty More and how we’re having some of the money drama. I was like oh, it’s so fun to like hear like from all the sides. Because I’ve experienced that too.

I think sometimes like having you as a coach is just like always, like such a mirror. It’s such a reflection of like oh, yeah. When are you slowing down in total belief. You’re not having to say as much. You don’t have to justify. You don’t have to like argue with people for why they should want to do something. 

I feel like maybe I’ve gotten into that a little bit. I haven’t done that in a while. So just interesting to see how like obviously, my thoughts are driving. Like I’m not practicing belief deeply enough. That I know that like oh, people want to come. That I’m not practicing those thoughts that people, they want to be here. It’s totally valuable. I don’t need to sell that hard.

Becca: Okay, so I went to the Tony Robbins event, right. It was in this massive arena. There was, I think, he said 27,000 people in person. He had 17,000 people online. So this arena was like the biggest Taylor Swift concert you can imagine, right? Just rows on rows on rows, stacking up to the ceilings. 

So it’s this huge stage, and he had tons of guest speakers and all this stuff. There was this teeny, little section, it was called the CIS section. I still don’t know what that stands for. Do you know what that stands for at speaking events? Something, something security.

Anyway, it’s 20 people. It’s right at the foot of the stage. It’s better than front row. It’s kind of like on the stage. Anyway, there’s like 25 seats in it. It’s just for celebrities that need extra security. So NFL players, people that just might get mobbed a little bit for autographs and pictures, celebrities, and then Tony’s family, and then like special invited guests. 

Well, somehow through connections, through luck, through universe, Mark and I were in these seats, okay. It was so funny because I’m surrounded by famous people. I can tell they’re famous based on all of the people trying to take pictures of them. You had these badges that had special security stuff. It had your name. It had your photo. Like you’d have to have this badge to be escorted by security. 

We had our own bathroom so that we didn’t have to go out into the public and get bombarded. No one was asking for my autograph. I don’t know why. But everybody was asking for everyone else’s autograph, super famous people. They were actors and actresses and all that stuff. 

In order to get to the CIS, you had to walk past basically the entire arena. Everyone could see who was going in and out of that section. You could tell that people were trying to see your nametag, see who you were. It was just a really special upleveled VIP section. Throughout the whole weekend I had this badge, I felt like a boss. I was able to go in and out of bathrooms. I was sitting next to all the famous people. I was doing all the things. It felt amazing.

Long story short, I had this kind of epiphany. When he was talking about certainty, he was talking about as business owners. People want to hire you when you bring certainty. You guys might have seen my Instagram story about this. You carry yourself with certainty and you have an authority about you, and that’s how people choose to work with you. Right? 

If there’s two lactation consultants, and one’s like I can absolutely get your baby to latch and one’s like we can try, you know which one you’re going to go with. So I’m sitting in there, and he’s talking about certainty. I’m thinking why am I not like trying to take pictures of the famous people? Why do I feel so at home in the CIS place? 

I almost felt like finally someone put me in CIS. Obviously, I need security. Obviously, I need to be escorted to the bathroom. Not from a place of like, I’m deliriously unhumble. Not from a place of like I just carry myself with such certainty, and I carry myself with such like I am going places, and I know I am. No little three month maternity leave is going to knock that. No three months slump is going to knock that.

Just a few months ago, I had a zero dollar month. I didn’t make any money. I can’t even remember it because I just didn’t care. Because it didn’t mean anything, right? The next month after that was an explosion. So I’m sitting in the CIS, and I’m just like I’m not fazed by the celebrities. I’m looking at all the people that are looking at us. I can tell that they’re wanting to be in there. 

I ended up going to dinner with some people, and they were like how did you get in there? Oh, my God. I was like your energy is so desperate right now. I didn’t say that, obviously. But it’s just kind of like a lesson on self-concept and a lesson on how you view yourself and the certainty that you have within your body and how that’s going to take you to where you belong, right?

I just thought to myself this is exactly where I belong. The connections that I have are what brought me here. I’m sitting next to this woman who is Tony’s head of marketing. Now because I feel like I belong, because I’m not trying to take pictures of the celebrities, and because my energy is very humble in the section, all these people want to talk to me. I’m making friends with like celebrities and NBA stars and like all of this stuff.

This woman next to me is like I do all of Tony’s marketing, and then she a and I hit it off, and we have this whole marketing conversation. I gained so much insight into Tony’s marketing, which is a freaking billion dollar marketing plan. I would have never had that had I not had the self-concept to feel like I belonged enough to spark conversation and talk with everybody.

So I don’t know exactly what my lesson is that I want to pull out of this. Something about self-concept. Something about not making anything mean anything. Something about having so much self-assuredness that it doesn’t matter if you take three months off maternity leave. It doesn’t matter if you have a zero dollar month. It just doesn’t matter. Like it just doesn’t fucking matter. To me somehow that Tony event comes into the conversation. I can’t figure out exactly how. Maybe you guys can find my words for me. There’s that.

Female Speaker 1: I just agree so much. I think it’s so true. The certainty is, it’s so calming. It is like something that ends up getting people more results, right. Like we can borrow certainty and certainty is emotion I think is very infectious. When someone else is certain, it’s why we like crave other people believing in us. We’re like believe in me so that I can do the thing, right, instead of creating it for ourselves. But sometimes it is calming and nice to hire people around you who are also certain. 

Becca: Yeah. I think people that are certain hold a capacity that other people can see themselves fitting in. Where if someone’s not certain they have a blockage and like a client isn’t going to come along and feel like they can fit into that. Like they can only hold so much certainty. How can they hold yours and hers and hers and hers. Right? You want someone that can hold certainty for everyone. 

Do I have a recommendation for percentages for take home debt savings? I mean, not particularly. I can tell you some thoughts that I have. When we were getting started, we paid minimums on debt. Because we were a big picture. We knew that one day we were going to be able to take out debt in big swoops, and we did. So we paid very minimum on our credit cards, on our cars, on our house probably until two years ago.

Then two years ago we started sitting down and being like okay, today we are going to pay off the car. Like today we are going to pay off a student loan. Like big swoops. I don’t know if that works for your family. That worked for us. We just had this big picture. 

Like when you have a really big picture idea of understanding where your business is going and having certainty in yourself and having certainty in the fact that you will make as much money as you want, debt doesn’t really mean as much. Because debt truly is just borrowing from your future self. So if you’re borrowing from the future version of you, you’re like saying hey, can I borrow some money that you’re going to have later in life? I want to buy this mastermind. Your future version’s like hell yeah, that’s like a drop in the bucket. 

Female Speaker 2: Like, does that apply for business too because we don’t have any personal debt. Just business debt. 

Becca: Yeah. I’m never in a rush to pay off debt. Unless it’s like, if it is hindering me from being able to grow my business, that would be the only problem I would see. If I was like capped out on debt and I needed to expand my business and I couldn’t do it, then it would be a problem. Otherwise, I mean business debt is the safest debt to have. 

This might sound backwards, and this might sound risky. But this is the way high level business people think. Your business debt, it can literally just go bankrupt and it doesn’t matter. Nothing fucking matters. This is why you hear about rich people going bankrupt, and everybody thinks it’s this huge deal. Donald Trump went bankrupt, and what the fuck? You can’t even trust him with money. 

No, he’s a smart as fuck businessman. He went bankrupt because he knows that bankruptcy doesn’t fucking matter. You just start a new LLC, and you just do it again. Like your business debt, it doesn’t hold that much risk. As long as you are protected with an LLC, it’s not like they’re going to count for your house unless you’re signing your business debt to your house or something like that. 

So business debt to me doesn’t really matter. Do I want to take it out in a big swoop if I have enough money to do it? Absolutely. Because interest and all of that. But I don’t make my business debt mean anything about me. 

Then as far as take home, kind of like what I told you guys before, we were just always willing to live on rice and beans for a long time. I, even to this day, I mean we don’t live a super extravagant life for what we bring in, and we choose that. To me, it’s just not about having as much money as possible. It’s about making as much money as possible. 

So like, I want to make as much money as possible. As long as my basic needs are met and now a few little extras, I’m happy. It’s one of the reasons I’m not so obsessed with profit. You guys will hear me talk about profit in the Thirty More Mastermind. I’m going to actually track your profit. But to me, like as long as my minimum is covered, I’m just happy building a business. 

Some of you guys are like fuck that. I’m tired of rice and beans. I get it. I remember having actual breakdowns to mark being like we’re close to making a million dollars a year, and we are living on rice and beans. What the fuck gives. Right? So I get it. And big picture. 

Most people don’t have the capacity to hold big picture. Most people want things now, now, now. I started my business a year ago. I need it. I deserve it. I want it. It’s mine. I’m pissed. It’s like they’re completely forgetting that they are growing a company. They are adding on employees. They are making big ass decisions, big ass investments that are going to pay off big time. All they can think about is oh no, this month doesn’t look good. This year doesn’t look good.

One of my favorite things is being in a very common person place, like in common person clothing with a common person car and knowing that I’m creating multiple, multiple millions of dollars. Like sometimes I’m sitting at a coffee shop, and I’m just like I am the richest person in here. I can buy this coffee shop. I can buy everyone’s bank account that’s sitting in here.

Female Speaker 1: I really love that you said you could buy a dentist in the podcast. I laughed out loud so hard. But yeah no. I just think that it is so fun, right? Like that is what money mastery is to me too. Right? Like it’s all made up just for fun. Right? Even the pleasure things that we’re seeking for money. Like, we think that that, like that’s made up too. What is fashion, right? What is a good?

Becca: Here’s what’s going to happen when you guys make more than your means. You are going to, let’s say that right now you’re making exactly what you need to survive. When you start making 5,000 more dollars a month than that, it’s just going to go to things that you think are going to be what you need to survive. You’re just going to uplevel what you think you need to survive. All of a sudden you’re going to get a nanny or a house cleaner, and that will just become a normal part of your life. You’ll be like well, that’s just part of survival. Like, I need that.

You can’t see it now. You’re like no, it’s going to help so much. It will in some ways, but in other ways, you’re going to be in this exact position again. Exact position. So we put this carrot in front of our nose, and we’re like we’re going to be happy when. We’re going to be happy when. No, you’re just going to have a cleaner house. You’re just going to have someone that fold your clothes maybe, but you are still you. 

Money will buy you small things here and there, but you will look back and be like man, I lost a big part of my life obsessing over making more money. I’m still just the same person. 

Female Speaker 2: I guess like in looking at the bigger picture, I know you’re talking about five years down the road, but what’s like a healthy place to kind of have those check-ins? Is it quarterly? Is it once a year? Am I progressing towards what I envision five years down the road? 

Becca: Yeah, I would say check all the time. Like, I want you to look at your monthly all the time. You want it to be growing in some way. If your revenue is not growing, what is? Is your capacity growing? Is your staff growing? Is your product line growing? What grew this month? So I would check every month.

Then a quarter is a really good picture to go back and look at between years. How was Q1 compared to Q1 of last year? How was Q2 compared to Q2 of last year? Then yearly, you know. I like the bigger picture of the year because you never know what’s coming every year. Like your March this year might be shitty because you know your mom passed away. Or your April might be shitty next year because something else happens. That’s just going to be life. 

So when you just compare month to month, you have to have so much grace and not make it mean anything, but when you compare year to year, that is a much better snapshot, a much better picture. I think you should be looking all the time at this stuff but with the understanding that in 10 years, you’re going to look back at your numbers from this year, and you’re just going to be like I’m so proud of her. 

Like that was so cute. She was doing so good. It doesn’t really matter that she felt like shit from April until June. Like it doesn’t really matter that this happened. Like none of that. All right ladies, well that was wonderful. Any last comments? 

Female Speaker 1: It was great.

Becca: That’s what I hope for. Okay. All right you bad bitches. Stop making shit mean things that don’t mean anything and go make some money. I love you all.

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