Do you feel like, after grinding and working this hard to reach the level of success you have, you now want to just stop and coast? It’s easy to get complacent when you’re making good money and living a comfortable life. But what happens when life throws you a curveball, and you need options beyond what’s readily available?
In this episode, I share the story of my husband Mark’s severe neck injury and our journey to find the best possible treatment for him. Despite having access to top-notch medical care in the United States, we found ourselves looking for alternatives that could provide real, lasting relief.
This experience taught me the importance of not settling for “just enough” when it comes to financial success. By continuing to grow your business and increase your wealth, you open up a world of possibilities for yourself and your loved ones. Tune in to discover how you can create a life of abundance and options, no matter what challenges come your way.
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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- Why settling for “just enough” money can limit your options in times of crisis.
- How having “fuck-you money” can give you the freedom to do everything you want without sacrificing anything.
- The importance of scaling your business to create a no-ceiling situation for your income.
Listen to the Full Episode:
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Full Episode Transcript:
Let’s talk today about my husband’s injured neck and what this has to do with your wealth. This is episode number 192. I’m your host, Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.
Welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast. I am your favorite business coach, Becca Pike. If you’re looking for high level CEO leadership skills, modern day marketing strategies that actually convert the hell out of your leads, and you want to create a big ass wallet and big ass impact in your community, then this podcast is for you.
Welcome to my world. In here, we do two things. We scale, and we play. Because what’s the point of being rich if you can’t have fun? If you want to make multi six and multi seven figures without sacrificing your gym time, your music festivals, your wine nights with your friends, then I’m your girl. Enjoy.
So Mark has a pretty terrible neck injury. And if I’m being completely frank, we don’t know when it started or exactly what happened. When he was a teenager, he got into a car accident and broke his collarbone and had some whiplash. But then, before he even healed his collarbone, he got into a second wreck. Neither one of these he was driving.
He was just the passenger in an unfortunate circumstance. And before his collarbone was even healed from the first wreck, he got into another wreck and broke his collarbone again. And this caused a lot of problems in his shoulders and like cervical spine area.
However, fast forward about 15 years and it is 2019. He and my daughter get into an accident and totaled my Honda Pilot. It was one of the scariest nights of my life. It wasn’t his fault. Somebody came head on into his lane on a country road going way too fast, totaled his car. Thankfully, the only thing that happened was my daughter’s ice cream cone smashed into her face and my husband had some injuries to his eyeball as well as whiplash.
Now he didn’t seem to experience a lot of neck pain after that. Like he had some neck pain, but he did some physical therapy and it seemed to be okay. Fast forward a couple of years and he’s in terrible neck pain. And when I say terrible neck pain, guys, I’m talking like now it’s 2024. He has been in neck pain for like a year and a half.
And I think I’ve talked to you guys a little bit about this already. However, it’s still going on and he’s done all of the physical therapy that you could imagine, all of the chiropractic work, all of the massage, all of the acupuncture, all of the things you could ever imagine he has gone to the ends of the earth.
He did stem cells in Cincinnati, which are the American version of the stem cells. The true stem cells that are doing like miracle work aren’t allowed in the United States. So we decided to send him to Tijuana where he can get the real stem cells. Okay, so we just dropped $30,000 to send my husband on a quick trip to Tijuana to heal his neck injury with the best medical team and stem cells available in the entire world.
Now I don’t know if you keep up with modern medicine, I don’t know if you keep up with medicine across the ocean, what’s going on, but it’s insane what they are healing with stem cells. And when I say healing I mean instant healing, instantly healing diabetics, instantly healing schizophrenia, instantly healing injuries, like people that have had knee pain for 20, 30 years, instant heal.
And these are the options that you’re capable of having when you don’t stop grinding, when you don’t just stop at, okay, I’ve got enough money to get by. And this is what I ultimately want to talk to you guys about today.
There was a long time for like years where I was kind of in this headspace of like, we’ve got enough money. Like, why am I even grinding? Why am I even doing this anymore? Like we’re making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Like I’m good.
And it took me a long time to get to where I’m at now, which is like, oh no, I want more money than this. I don’t want to stop at just enough money to be kind of comfortable. And I’m so glad that I was grateful and I have always been grateful for that comfortable level of success because it really does show the gratitude. But coasting thereafter and staying there is leaving so many options on the table.
Like you didn’t work this hard for this many years to just have nice money. Like, I’ve got a nice car and I’ve got a nice house and, you know, I can go out to eat whenever I want. That’s not why you worked this hard. And Mark and I didn’t either.
You want crazy-ass money. You want fuck-you money. You want money that says fuck you to the countless people who tell you that Mark’s injury is something that requires extensive surgery and a lifetime of problems and that’s the answers that we were getting. This is where fuck-you money comes from. It doesn’t mean fuck you.
It means fuck you to the people that don’t believe that true healing is possible, that don’t believe that you can get yourself out of circumstances that you want to get out of, that you know that you can get out of, that you know are solutions right outside of the American borders, right?
So we’ve been being told that Mark’s injury is going to require extensive surgery and a lifetime of problems no matter which way we go. And the majority of people that get the type of surgery that the doctors want him to get don’t even have any healing. A lot of them have worse pain. A lot of them have other problems from this American surgery.
And after eight months of constant physical therapy and massage and chiropractic and doctors, we just decided to take this into our own hands and go overseas to better doctors without even blinking. I have been unlucky enough to watch firsthand what can happen to a family when a parent is in severe and relentless chronic pain.
Best case scenario, they lose the light in their eyes, right? They’re just a little bit less happy in life. Worst case scenario, and the one that I’m the most familiar with, watching them battle with the highest form of opioid addiction while the family completely falls to waste around them and the kids follow suit.
Okay, and so when Mark’s pain wasn’t easing up, I wasn’t playing around you guys. Mama Bear came out. No, we’re not going to be going the painkiller route. No, we’re not going to be dealing with this forever. I have zero plans on allowing my man to lose himself to an injury, nor my kids to lose the playful and active dad that they love.
So two weeks ago, Mark spent seven days in Tijuana and he received daily NAD Plus treatments. These NAD Plus treatments guys, if you’re not familiar, these are like $2,000 for an IV treatment. NAD Plus is well known to go into your body and circulate through your organs and basically get rid of a lot of the aging that has happened over time, aging of your actual organs. He went through daily hyperbaric chambers, he had advanced MRIs, he did ozone and oxygen flooding therapy every day, he did disc regeneration, and the world’s most advanced stem cells.
And he did this at the concierge medical facility that drove him around to each appointment and fed him five-star food at every meal and put him up in a swank-ass hotel. And this, you guys, is what family options look like. This is what money can do.
More money can mean nice cars and houses, but it can also mean medical options, loopholes, health options, longevity. Saying no to the American health system when it’s not giving you your best opportunities, it allows you to get second, third, fourth, and 10th opinions while flying around the world to find the best of the best medical options without even noticing your bank account.
So all in all, we’re like $50,000 deep into this neck injury. And honestly, it doesn’t even matter. Like we don’t notice it. We made that in the last 48 hours in cash because of the way that we have scaled our businesses and decided not to stop at just enough.
And this is very reminiscent of when my mom got sick, you guys were along for that ride, and we were able to pay for the hospital to come to us as well as around-the-clock teams to give her the most comfortable at home 21 days of her life before she passed.
So life is going to happen. Here’s the deal. Life’s going to happen and things are going to come up, medical things, and you can stop at being able to go out to eat at fancy dinners kind of money. Or you can set yourself up so fat that when shit hits the fan, you can create your own options regardless and protect your home and your family at the highest possible level.
When you’re ready to go to insane, crazy, fuck-you options, I’m your mentor, guys. But first thing that you have to do is you have to learn how to turn your client demand on and you have to learn how to scale. These are your two pillars. You have to be able to create as much demand as you can possibly handle and you have to increase the ceiling at which you can handle those people.
So right now, if you’re only able to handle 100 people coming in per week to your facility, or you’re only able to handle 10 one-to-one clients, the first thing that you need to do, whether you’re brick and mortar or whether you’re online, is you need to increase your capacity to receive more clients.
Because your 100% max ceiling capacity is right around the corner, and you can’t hit that and turn your client demand on and expect to have this kind of money. You have to have no ceilings. And this is where I come in.
This is where the scalability comes in. This is where knowing how to build a team comes in. This is where like have the softwares and the organization to create a no ceiling situation in your life so that you can make as much money as you possibly want so that you can have the options every single day of anything that you could want or anything that comes up.
And here’s the deal, there’s so many freaking ways to do this. In my world, I don’t teach one specific way of making really big money. Like let’s say you wanna run ads, awesome. I know how to make your ads profitable as fuck through SEO optimization, localized targeted audiences, social ads, funnels, so that you can break away from always being on and let your ads pull the money in for you 24/7.
Or let’s say you don’t wanna do ads. You wanna do everything organically. Sounds great. You don’t need ads to be profitable as fuck. I will show you how to create authority in your messaging so that people want whatever you are selling the moment you introduce it to your socials and your email list because of the trust and the influence that you have already built through your messaging.
Or let’s say you wanna have an in-person event that makes you six figures in a day. I could do this with my eyes closed. My in-person events haven’t profited less than a quarter million in ages. This requires knowing how to play the game, and it’s a game that I can show you how to master.
Let’s say you don’t wanna do any events in person. You wanna do all your events online. Okay, I’m gonna show you how to get your entire audience signed up for this and on the edge of their seats for it to begin by creating desire and trust about your event through messaging, social proof, and branding.
Let’s say you want to build a membership. Every business I have runs off of memberships. Monthly recurring revenue is my middle name. It’s my favorite thing on the planet. I have close to 1,000 people on a monthly membership altogether. That, my friends, is insane.
I’ve seen it all and I’ve got you. Let’s say that you’re just looking to get more consistent high-ticket clients. I’m going to teach you how to attract the clients at the highest level who are ready to go all in with you immediately. No more wishy-washy, no more asking for discounts, just high ticket conversions from high level people seeking out service right this moment.
Let’s say you want a large team of people who are all working towards your vision together. Great. This is my expertise. There’s about 80 people in total on my teams right now. And this is where I excel in radical leadership and influence. And I will teach you how to be the leader that is capable of helping highly sought after talent commit to your team and help you move about 100 times faster than if you do it alone, okay?
And let’s say you wanna hold it all without sacrificing a single ounce of your family time, never missing dinners, kids’ sports, date nights, hobby life. I’m gonna show you how to do this. I’m gonna show you exactly what it requires to be the mom and the wife, the husband, who can handle it all with ease and with joy.
There’s literally no limits in my world. I am paid every single day to show you that your way is going to be your best way. So my tweaks to your way is what’s going to turn you into a seven-figure earner.
I cannot wait for you to reach out. I cannot wait to start working with you. I love you. Have the best freaking week ever. Goodbye.
Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share.
When you share this episode with a friend or leave us a five star review, it is like pouring a little bit of magic into our podcasting bucket. It is what gets our work recognized. It’s what gives us energy and keeps us going, truly. Not one share nor review goes without recognition from our team. As always, we fucking love you here at Hell Yes Coaching. Have a beautiful day.
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