Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a leader that people can’t help but follow? As an entrepreneur, your ability to lead yourself and others is the key to unlocking massive growth and success. But what does it really mean to be a mature CEO?
In this episode, I share my insights from the incredible Hell Yes Live Miami 2025 event, where I witnessed firsthand the power of strong self-leadership. From the energy in the room to the transformations that took place, it was clear that I have clients who are eager to rise, and I show you how to foster the same kind of community.
Join me this week as I dive into the five key traits of a mature CEO and explore how you can cultivate these qualities in your own life and business. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, this episode will challenge you to rise to the next level and become the leader you were meant to be.
One of my top-selling classes, The Mature CEO, is back from February 11th to 13th, 2025! If you want to learn how to lead the way I do and start snowballing your business, check out my Instagram for more details or email us here.
Come get in my Scale to Seven Mastermind. This is the environment to upgrade your business, we begin in January, and you can get all the details if you click right here!
If you want to be bold and stand in your power, you need to join The Circle to understand marketing on a whole new level.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- Why strong self-leadership is the foundation of a successful business and loyal following.
- How to create a culture of trust and growth by being honest and direct with your clients.
- The importance of openly discussing and upholding high standards in every area of your life.
- Why people are drawn to leaders who can hold their big dreams with ease and confidence.
- How to make it a no-brainer for your clients to stick with you for the long haul.
Listen to the Full Episode:
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- I have a couple of 1:1 coaching spots opening up. If you want to sit down with me face to face and get specific support in hashing out your business, the problems you’re facing, and the goals you want to achieve, email us right now to see your options!
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Full Episode Transcript:
Hello, my friends. Boy, do I have some fun things to discuss with you guys today. Things that have drastically changed the way that I lead and therefore the way that people follow. This is episode number 194. I am your host Becca Pike and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.
Welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast. I am your favorite business coach, Becca Pike. If you’re looking for high level CEO leadership skills, modern day marketing strategies that actually convert the hell out of your leads, and you want to create a big ass wallet and big ass impact in your community, then this podcast is for you.
Welcome to my world. In here, we do two things. We scale, and we play. Because what’s the point of being rich if you can’t have fun? If you want to make multi six and multi seven figures without sacrificing your gym time, your music festivals, your wine nights with your friends, then I’m your girl. Enjoy.
So I just returned from Hell Yes Live Miami 2025. So if you guys have been following along, and I know a lot of you guys have been around for years, You know that Hell Yes Live started years ago, and it started from humble beginnings. The very first Hell Yes Live that I ever hosted was a barbecue in my backyard where I got all of my Mastermind members together to eat food, break bread, grill some hot dogs, and just talk about life.
And I remember at that first Hell Yes Live thinking, oh I could take this same culture, this same community feel, this same intimate feel, and I could put this on a bigger scale. And six months later, we had our first traveling Hell Yes Live where I brought all of my students to Miami at a place called Eden Rock, and we had no idea what we were doing. We had no idea. I had a different team at that time.
And we rented a room and we didn’t know what a food and beverage minimum was, and we didn’t know how to do our room blocks in a way that made any sense. And we hired an AV team because we thought that we had to, we spent like $10,000 on an AV team just so that we could have like a PowerPoint because we just didn’t know the extent of what you could do with AV teams. Like we just had no idea. We had no idea what we were doing.
And I think we spent like $30,000-$40,000 on that specific event. And this was before I’d even considered having upgrades or bonuses or ways that I could monetize this event. It was just like out of the goodness of my heart to take all of my students and spend this much money and put them up in a nice hotel and have them kind of basically have what we had as a barbecue except at the Eden Rock, Miami. And we have come so far since then.
We just had our eighth Hell Yes Live, and you guys, when I say that it was the best one yet, I feel like I say that every single time. And my husband kept reminding me as it was getting closer and as I was trying to put everything together and make sure all of my T’s were crossed, he kept saying, “Becca, in a few days, you’re gonna be saying that was the best event we’ve ever had.” He said, “‘Cause you always do, because it always is. Because you learn and you learn and you learn every single time.”
And you guys, this was the best event yet. The energy in the room, the community in the room, it was like instant. Everybody was excited, everybody was ready to get to know each other, everybody was there to work. And there is a correlation here. I believe this was our highest earning group yet. So like the average person was bringing in somewhere between $300,000 to $400,000, where it used to be we had a lot of $50,000 earners, $100,000 earners, $150,000 earners. And this time we had some much higher in the six figures going into the seven figures.
And I do think that this matters. I think that there is a level of all-in that happens at this level. There is a level of I’m not just here to see what I can get from Becca. It was I’m here to see what I can create. I’m here to see what connections I can create. I’m here to see what’s possible. I’m going to lean all the way in. I’m gonna use Becca’s brain as a tool. Like I know what I’m coming here for. And it played out that way.
And it was the most beautiful event ever. We had the most beautiful food, the most beautiful conference space. We had the most beautiful place to have our reception. We had the most intimate connections. We of course had our handstand walking competition at the end for all of the CrossFit athletes that tend to follow along in Hell Yes Live, it’s just something random we started doing a long time ago and we haven’t stopped.
And so I’m coming down off of that high. I came back to a very snowy Kentucky, a very cold Kentucky. Right now with the wind chill, it’s like negative 15 degrees. We are in some sort of polar vortex and I am coming down off of the high of the most beautiful Hell Yes Live ever. And one of the things that was, you know, so fun to us, you get to see little evidence, sprinkles here and there that your hard work is paying off.
And something that I have been working hard on over the last couple years, but really in the last year, just asking myself how I can up level even more is my self-leadership. Because when I’m able to lead myself with integrity and with courage and without worrying about everybody else’s opinion and just doing what I think is right and calling the shots and being a mature CEO, when I work on that the most, it is obvious that people follow me the hardest because I’m being a leader and people want to follow.
And there are too many people out there that aren’t actually exuding an example of a leader and they still want people to follow. They want to be a coach. They want to be an influencer. They want to have a ton of, you know, followers or eyes on their Instagram, on their podcast, on their business, but they’re not actually having the aura of a true strong leader. And so they’re confused why people aren’t following.
And while I was at this event, I had several mastermind members there. I think there were eight or nine mastermind members at the event. And after the event was over, 75% of my students chose to upgrade from my 6-month mastermind package to my 12-month mastermind package.
I want you to hear me when I say this, you guys. 75% of my mastermind chose to go from the 6 month package that they were already in to upgrade to the 12-month package. And I wanted to bring this here today because this is a massive example, not of marketing, not of how well my reels are doing. It had nothing to do with my podcast. It had nothing to do with my Instagram feed.
This had everything to do with my own self-leadership and their feeling of being able to follow and fit inside of my vision. And I laid out about five bullet points that I’m going to go over with you guys today on self-leadership and why followers follow, at least for sure in my own example, in my own life.
And so I want you to listen to these and I want you to really put yourself in a situation of asking yourself, is this the way that I lead myself? Is this the way that I lead my clients? Is this the way that I lead my team? And is this the way that I lead my family and my life in general?
All right, so let’s start with these bullet points. Number one. So as I was asking myself, why are so many people upgrading? Why are so many people following? Why are so many people trusting me? Why am I getting DMs from people I don’t know that say, I’m all in? What is your top one-to-one package? How can I work with you right now? People that I don’t know, right? How is this possible? The minute that you can understand this, the minute that you can replicate it, and the minute that it can snowball.
So number one, and this goes back to me as a kid, me as a teenager, me as my whole life, this is an authentic piece of me. I am not worried about hurting your feelings with exactly what you need to hear in order to rise. And this type of energy for me creates trust. And I’ve always been this way.
I’ve always been the friend that’s not like, “Everything’s fine, you’ll be okay, Your boyfriend is just having a hard time. He loves you so much.” I was the friend that was like, “Hey, remember that this happened last year and now it’s happening again and it just happened last month. This is a pattern. This is a red flag. And until you do something about it, you’re going to continue to see this, and I don’t want to see you hurt. So this is, it’s time. It’s time to rise, it’s time to change, it’s time to evolve, and it’s time to have higher standards for your boyfriend.”
That’s just a boyfriend example. But my priority is not to coddle my students. My priority is not to coddle you. And I say this with all the love in the world, but I just don’t care if you like me. I care that you get the results, right? It’s to help you have the life of your dreams regardless of what demons you need to face.
And therefore, I’m clearly and concisely and consistently laying out exactly what it means to create big with me to my students. I don’t sugarcoat it. I don’t pretend. I’m not obsessed with inclusion or protecting your emotional fragility. And in our society right now, I think that this is rare.
I think people are so worried about saying the wrong thing, being politically incorrect, hurting feelings because everyone’s feelings are hurt. So I’m not worried about inclusion or protecting your emotional fragility, and therefore you either rise or you never return because you aren’t ready to face it. And both things have happened.
I would say 90% of people rise and they’re thankful for this straightforwardness. 10% of people never return and they’re not ready to face it and that’s okay. And I do this in a kind and honest way. And I think that that can be felt from my students. So this kind and honest directness has proven to be a breath of fresh air for my students.
And this willingness to look into the face of the problem, look the tiger right in the eye and hold their hand and look at it together, this creates a long-term trust and staying power, as opposed to not saying the thing that they need to hear, even though we both know it’s the elephant in the room, even though we both know it is going to help them rise, but being afraid to say it because I’m not comfortable in my own self-leadership enough to say it.
I’m not comfortable with the fact that they could get mad and leave. I’m not comfortable with the fact that they could be upset and say shit about me on Instagram, right? But because I am, because I’ve done my own work, it is so obvious to me that what’s more important here is not my image, but their results.
Number two, I openly discuss standards all of the time with my students. In fact, at the event, I asked my students, if you had to stand in public right now in a swimsuit for everybody to see you, let’s say that we’re in this conference room and we all go into swimsuits right this moment, how would you feel about your body? Would you be proud of your body? Because your body is a representation of your standards, period. How you look and how you feel in your body, how well you’re taking care of your body.
It is all a representation of your rituals, your standards, how you operate. And this is the same for like if you had to allow us all to right now get a peek into your living room, right this moment with no notice. Is your living room something you would be proud of or would you be embarrassed of the mess and the lack of care? Your standards about anything are your standards about everything.
And this is where we rise by looking in these nooks and crannies and these cobwebbed corners that can create an elevation that make a difference. And when you hold these conversations that most people aren’t willing to have, your students commit to you on a different level. Because they’re like, oh, this is a leader that is willing to converse about standards in every nook and cranny in my life.
Humans want this level of leadership, guys. They want it. They desire it. They’re tired of the mediocre leading the mediocre, right? Striving for greatness wins. Perfection isn’t what we’re going for, but the greatness and the striving for greatness, that is what people want.
And again, too many leaders, and if this is you, please just take this with a big grain of salt that you get to rise in this area and you get to see immediate reflection across the board with your students, with your clients, with your staff, with your family. People are tired of the mediocre leading the mediocre. And striving for greatness always, always wins.
And this is why I love showing off my family and my marriage, my body online. Because yes, I am a business coach. Yes, you are going to come to me and we’re going to be talking about profit and loss. But when you look at my body, when you look at the way that I weightlift, when you look at the way that I raise my family, when you’re on Instagram and you get a peek into my living room and you get a peek into the way that I raise my children and how they are carrying themselves and the leaders that they already are at the ripe age of six and nine and 12 and 16, you’re gonna see my standards. So where are you letting your standards slip and where are you letting your audience see that?
Number three, my students chose to go into a longer term package with me because they found a coach that has the capacity and self-leadership to hold their big-ass dreams with ease. With ease is the word here I want you to hear. Your coaching spaces or your leadership spaces, they will max out when you become the person that people know can carry their weight.
So my students know that regardless of if they’re facing a legal battle or a disgruntled employee or a problem getting new clients every day or if they wanna celebrate having their first $100,000 month or a $200,000 month, they know that I can handle this with ease and with my eyes closed because I have risen above all of this time and time and time again and simply, right?
So like, was there a time in my life where a legal battle would have just knocked me off my ass? Yes. Was there a time that a disgruntled employee would have made me just so sad? Absolutely, but I’ve risen above it over the years. And if you’re a leader who wobbles every time something problematic comes up in your own life, you won’t be able to hold your own celebrations plus your students, and people can sniff that out. And this is why the best coaches are paid because of who they are, not just what they know.
So you can know everything. You can read a thousand books and know everything about business. But the moment that you wobble, the moment that you wobble when real life happens, that can be sniffed out so easily. And good news, the vice versa is true as well. The people that can hold big life and can hold their students’ big life and just tuck it away in their purse and carry it with ease throughout the day, those are the people that are magnetic. Those are the leaders that people wanna follow.
My students also leaned into the long-term mentorship because they know that the big transformations come from relaxing into one mentor. I openly talk to them about the relief that long-term mentorship brings because I know I am the person that stays with mentors forever and they know it is not salesy and gross to openly discuss with my clients why they need to stick around.
There are a lot of leaders that quiver at the conversation of openly talking to their students about why they need to continue to pay them, why they need to continue to stay in their world, why they need to have staying power, because they think that their clients think it’s salesy. Helping them understand that jumping from coach to coach wrecks their nervous system, and it prolongs that ability to create a deep, long relationship with their mentor, right? Like, this is the key.
Finding a new mentor every six months in hopes that they have a new answer is like looking for a new boyfriend every six months to heal your own abandonment issues. You’re like, well, I got way too close to that one. He almost saw the real me. I need to make sure that I break up with him and go find someone else where we can keep it light and surface for about six months when we’re still in that honeymoon phase before he starts wanting to get serious.
When you stick with a mentor for a long term, they are going to get to know you on a level that you don’t even know yourself. And that’s scary to a lot of people, but that is where the magic happens. Mature CEOs know that the growth happens in longevity and vulnerability, and that only happens with time.
And this one, this is the last one. This is not as mindset. This is a little bit more strategy, but guys, I made it a no-brainer for them to stay with me. So on top of providing them an experience of a lifetime at Hell Yes Live, and I was over delivering at every single turn before they arrived, when they got there, when they left, it was an over-deliver, over-deliver, over-deliver.
I was sending flowers to their house, I was over-delivering in the conference room, I was over-delivering with the food that I was providing, I was over-delivering with the drinks I was providing, I was over-delivering with the dinners that I was taking them to, I over-delivered to them by having a photographer flown in to do amazing photos and then gifting them all of the photos of the event for free. I was over-delivering at every single turn, right?
So on top of giving them the experience of a lifetime and over-delivering to them, and giving them intimacy and strategy, I also made it a no-brainer to stay with me. I offered to pay for their hotel accommodations at our next event if they go all-in on themselves and they commit to close proximity for the year. Making your retention a no-brainer is just top-level business intelligence.
Finding ways to always give opportunities to gamify to create incentives to open the door to things that might not have been had you not been there to open the door, to keep your students going in on themselves time and time again. Guys, this is what real coaching is about. This is the same thing that sports coaches do, high level sports coaches. They are constantly helping their athletes get reinvested and reinvested and reinvested into the sport and this takes strategy.
But what it all comes down to is your own self-leadership as a coach, as a leader, as a boss, as the leader of your family, as the leader in your relationship, you can spend your time trying to keep your clients around and “approving” of you by contorting yourself into a safe little box of saying the right things and doing the right things and not ruffling feathers and making sure that everyone likes you and making sure that you’re tippy-toeing and you’re doing well, or you can spend your time keeping your clients around because you have created an unwavering self-leadership, a portfolio of experiences that your clients want to learn from forever, and an ability to make them rise over and over again so that they can actually hit their dreams, so they can build their revenue, they can build their team.
And whatever it is that you’re providing, the life of their dreams is available to them because you’re willing to be the person that goes first. And this entire conversation guys around self-leadership it also has a sprinkle of resilience you have to be someone that is able to lead while also allowing people to unfollow and to quit and say, hey, she’s not my cup of tea. Or say, hey, she’s too much. That requires resilience. It requires boundary setting. This is a different level of handling uncertainty and holding really big responsibility in order to create a space that people desire to follow. This is big girl stuff. This is where you’re going from like a spazzy entrepreneur.
We all start there, right? Where we like following this person and following that person. We don’t really know what we offer. We don’t really know exactly who we are. We don’t know how to lead people well yet. And over time, you have all these, this portfolio of experiences that happen to you where you start really cutting out exactly who you are and what you stand for and what you represent and what you’re willing to take and what you’re not willing to take and what you’re willing to represent and what you’re not willing to represent. And that’s all like kind of chisels down until you become this mature CEO.
And then you’re standing there and you’re becoming this chiseled out mature CEO and you realize that you had the answers all along, you just weren’t willing to stand for them. You weren’t having people follow you because you weren’t standing strong in who you are.
And guys, this is why my class, The Mature CEO, which is coming out on February 11th to the 13th, is one of our top sellers. Because the people that are coming into this class understand that it’s not just about what you’re saying on Instagram. It’s not just about the emails that you’re sending out. It’s not that your reels are going viral. It’s not that you know all of the strategies to get people to buy in and follow you. It’s about being who you are. That is the foundation and That is where the people decide if you are someone that they want to follow.
And boy, let me tell you, when they really see you lead the way that I am talking about, the way that I teach inside of The Mature CEO, the way that I open my students’ eyes to, this is when you start really snowballing and getting paid like the leader that you are.
So if you are interested in coming into this class and learning more, we are starting on February 11th through the 13th. You can find this link over on my Instagram, @1beccapike. You can of course email us, [email protected], or we will link in the show notes.
I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day, and I hope you guys carve out that leadership. See you soon, bye. Thank you.
Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share.
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Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit hellyescoachingonline.com. See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.
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