Do you ever feel like you’re juggling too many offers in your business? Like you’re constantly hustling and grinding just to keep up? What’s the secret to offering everything your clients need without burning out? What I’ve learned over years in business is that having an offer suite that works for you is actually the key to scaling your business without sacrificing your sanity.
Get ready to discover a new way of approaching your business that allows you to scale without the suffocating feeling of constantly being busy. By the end of this episode, you’ll have the tools and mindset shifts needed to create a thriving offer suite that allows your business to better serve your lifestyle.
Tune in this week as I share my secrets for managing multiple offers in your business while still maintaining a spacious, fulfilling life. You’ll learn how I leverage my team, repurpose content, and refuse to feel overwhelmed, even with a seemingly elaborate funnel that looks way more demanding than it really is.
Come get in my Scale to Seven Mastermind. This is the environment to upgrade your business, we begin in January, and you can get all the details if you click right here!
If you want 2025 to be your biggest, most successful year in business, you have to join us for Hell Yes Live. It’s happening January 14-16, 2025 at the Four Seasons Resort in Miami, Florida. There has never been a better time to be in my world, so click here to buy your tickets right now.
If you want to be bold and stand in your power, you need to join The Circle to understand marketing on a whole new level.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- How repetition and discipline can make even the most daunting tasks feel mundane and manageable.
- Why focusing on selling into your lower-ticket offers can naturally lead to upgrades and higher-ticket sales.
- The power of delegating to your team and leveraging their unique strengths and ideas.
- How repurposing content across emails, podcasts, and social media can save time and energy.
- Why refusing to feel overwhelmed and reframing your language is crucial for a spacious business and life.
Listen to the Full Episode:
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Full Episode Transcript:
Today I’m going to talk to you guys about the way I am capable of juggling so many offers in my coaching business and having such a large offer suite and why a great offer suite is actually the best way to scale. This is episode number 180. I am your host, Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.
Welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast. I am your favorite business coach, Becca Pike. If you’re looking for high level CEO leadership skills, modern day marketing strategies that actually convert the hell out of your leads, and you want to create a big ass wallet and big ass impact in your community, then this podcast is for you.
Welcome to my world. In here, we do two things. We scale, and we play. Because what’s the point of being rich if you can’t have fun? If you want to make multi six and multi seven figures without sacrificing your gym time, your music festivals, your wine nights with your friends, then I’m your girl. Enjoy.
I get told all of the time you must be the busiest person I know. People come up to me and they’re like, not only do you have these brick and mortar businesses and these kids, but just your coaching company alone. I see that you’re selling masterclasses and mini minds and freebie lead magnets and podcasts, and you’re on Instagram and all over the place and emails all the time. You must be absolutely losing your mind. I’m not. I’m not. I’m really not.
I have a really spacious life, and I don’t put my spacious life on Instagram enough, I don’t think. I need to show more how just slow my mornings are and how chill my life is with my kids. We’re eating around the dinner table every single night. Like we eat dinner together seven nights a week, and we have breakfast together seven days a week. Like I have a lot of spacious, spacious time.
This is ultimately the movement that I want to create in the business world, which is like the grind insane hustle culture is required at the beginning of almost every single business. But getting out of that grind and hustle culture is such a big flex. Most people aren’t capable of doing it.
This is why the majority of businesses never get past $350,000 a year because that’s about the cap that most industries can handle when the owner is the one pushing all the buttons and pushing all the levers and being in charge of everything. So I just really, really want to create a movement of business owners who deeply understand this spacious life is so capable without sacrificing the money that is being made.
So I’m just going to take a minute and I’m going to talk to you guys about how I juggle so much in my coaching company and why my funnel might seem really elaborate, but it’s not and it works for me. It can work for you too. Adding things to your plate and adding more offers to your business doesn’t have to feel suffocating. It doesn’t have to feel like you’re adding more tasks to your life. Okay.
So right now, my funnel is that most people find me through my freebie or my low ticket offers. So my freebies or my podcast and my Instagram. Okay. These are the free places where you can come and you can get business advice and you can watch me talk about business and how to build your company.
Then I have low ticket offers. A lot of my podcast listeners, my Instagram people come through my low ticket masterclasses. These are ranging anywhere from $200 to $700. This is where people are coming in and they’re learning how to convert people from their webinars into paying clients and how to write emails and how to scale their company and how to hire and how to train their team and all of these beautiful things inside of these low ticket masterclasses.
Then there’s my membership. My membership is just a place where if someone says hey, I want to be a part of all of your masterclasses forever. I want to get some coaching too, then I can sign up for the membership and I get access to all of it. Then from there, there’s mini minds and masterminds and one-on-ones and live events.
But here’s the deal. I don’t feel overloaded, and I don’t feel busy, but a lot of this is just because of my mindset around it and because of the leverage that I use to not only delegate, but repurpose and create things repetitively, which almost makes them mundane.
So let’s start there. Repetition creates a feeling of mundane-ness. So like my podcast episode, I think this is episode number 180. I’ve been doing this for 180 weeks in a row. Every Wednesday for 180 weeks, I have done this podcast.
Honestly, it feels mundane. I could do it in my sleep. I could do it while I’m eating.
I could do it in a bath. I could do it without thinking. I just get on here, and I try to give you guys something that you can take away to chew on for the week. So, in the beginning, did it feel this way? No, absolutely not. I thought I was on fire for the first 10 weeks. I didn’t have the capacity to handle a podcast. It felt like a part-time job. It felt like I was constantly thinking about it and worrying about it.
So by sticking with it, by being repetitive, by putting in the reps, by being disciplined, my capacity grew and it became mundane. So anything that you’re feeling like is moving your business forward but it’s requiring a lot of effort on your end, keep going. Because if it’s working, it’s working and you don’t want to pull the plug just because you’re uncomfortable. Make yourself comfortable by making it mundane, by putting the reps in. Like make it just who you are.
A podcast is just who I am. Instagram, every day, every single day I’m posting on Instagram and I’m putting in CTAs. This is just who I am. It’s just the way, it’s like me brushing my teeth. It’s non-negotiable. It’s kind of like exercise. To someone who has never exercised in the morning, like getting up and putting on your exercise clothes and driving to the gym, it might seem like this big, big task.
But to someone who has been in the fitness world for 20 years, and they have exercised every morning for 20 years, I mean, honestly, I know these people. I am one of these people. I have been one of these people. We’re doing it half asleep. We don’t even think about it. It’s not some big task. It’s mundane. It’s just what we do in the morning. We get up, we’re half asleep, we’re zoned out, we’re relaxed. A lot of us show up to the gym in our slippers. Then we know and we trust that we will get into the zone within the first five minutes of lifting. So we’re not thinking about it as a big task. It’s just mundane. It just is who we are.
So make your shit mundane by putting in the reps. It won’t always feel like you’re juggling a lot because it’s just who you are. It’s just what you do. You will build a repetitive regimen around that that feels easy to you. Another reason that having all of these offers doesn’t feel bombarding to me is that I don’t sell people into all of these offers. So you won’t see me sell The Circle very much. You won’t see me sell one-on-ones very much because that’s kind of what happens behind the scenes.
So if I put all of my effort into the top of my funnel, my low ticket offers, my Instagram, my podcast, if I put my effort into selling into those, then once people fall into my funnel, they see how quality the work is. They see how much their business is growing. They see how quickly it’s happening for them. Then the rest of everything kind of happens behind the scenes. I’m not publicly pushing all of the time to come into my mastermind or my membership.
Now, of course I do. Sometimes I want it to be known that I have a membership. I want it to be known that I have a mastermind. But once I get people into the lower ticket offers, my students kind of just fall through the funnel themselves. Like they are the ones that are coming to us saying, how do I upgrade? How do I get more of this? How do I have more attention from Becca? How do I get a one-on-one with Becca? How does it look to do this and this and this?
So, if you put a lot of effort into being really fucking phenomenal in your lower ticket offers, the way that people find you, it will sell itself. You don’t have to sell all of the big things all of the time. I can’t remember the last time. I mean, honestly, with one-on-one coaching, I might talk about one-on-one coaching publicly. Maybe three times a year, I’ll make a post about it. But most of the time, it’s people that have come into my podcast and then they’ve started following me on Instagram.
Then they started coming to my $300, $500 masterclasses. Then they immediately were like, obviously I need this in my life every month. So I’m going to be in the membership. They hang out in the membership for a little while. They get their capacity around that. They start feeling good around that. then they’re like, I want more. What does that look like? Then it’s usually them reaching out to us to upgrade into the mastermind or into one-on-one. So it doesn’t require me constantly selling.
This is just a little hack when it comes to having a big offer suite is like, get good at selling people into the funnel and then relax and allow your processes to work for themselves. Most of your sales can be behind the scenes, meaning you are giving really good quality coaching and people are just coming right in and asking to upgrade.
All right. Another way that this doesn’t feel overwhelming is I am the motherfucking queen of delegating and repurposing, right? There’s a reason they call me the queen of scaling in my little corner of the universe because this is what makes me able to have so much space.
So we started implementing Team Hell Yes voice emails. What this means is I’m able to at any time contact my team and say hey, can you write an email in Team Hell Yes voice? Which basically just means you’re not pretending to be Becca. You’re not pretending to be me. You’re being you, and you’re saying hey, this is Team Hell Yes. This is what we got going on. This is the deadline for this. It’s usually just a very strict sales email.
But I can contact my team at any time and say, hey, can you create an email from Team Hell Yes voice and make sure that everyone knows that we’ve got these deadlines coming up, make sure they understand that this is the last day that they can use their upgrade. This is the last day that they can get their bonus, whatever it is so that I’m not constantly writing all of the emails. Then Team Hell Yes sends it over to me to review and then sends it out to my world.
Honestly, these emails, you would think my emails would do like way, way, way better because people are following me. But honestly, people are also following my team. There has been a relationship built between my email followers and their conversations that they’re having in emails with my team.
So, a lot of people are like emailing like hey, Gigi, it’s been a long time since I’ve chatted with you. Can we talk about the upgrade? Gigi’s like oh, my God, how are your kids doing? There’s this whole relationship that’s happening behind the scenes here at Team Hell Yes that I think is just beautiful, but it doesn’t require me. All right.
Then also, as you know, John is coaching inside of my membership. He’s coaching inside of Zero to Coach. He’s a big part of the Hell Yes Live events. I leverage John’s brain all of the time. John is the king of creating these really cutesy ideas for upgrades and incentives. It’s always so funny to me. It’s like a private joke between me and my team that we lean on John for these cutesy, titled, fun little bonuses.
We’ll be racking our brains for how we can incentivize something. Then John will be super quiet the whole time. Then finally, we’re like, John, what do you think? He’ll just spit out the most amazing, funny thing. Then we all laugh. We’re like obviously, why didn’t we start with asking John what he thinks? So I leverage my team. I leverage my team’s brain.
Guys, this is what you want to do. Your team is your team by the definition of the word. These are your people. Talk to them. Create a culture with them. Have a friendship with them. Really build out leveraging their brain and asking them to do new things and just see what they’re good at. See where they’re at.
John is someone who probably wouldn’t speak up. He’s very reserved and quiet, unless asked. So when I ask him, he is able to articulate these really awesome things. But if I didn’t ask him, he wouldn’t. Because he would be like I’m just going to stay in my lane. This is just who I am. This is what I was hired to do. He would stay in his lane.
So it is your job as the leader to be able to communicate and pull out ideas with your team. So leveraging brains, leveraging your team to be able to write sales emails for you. This is a really, really great way to feel like you have a lot less on your plate.
Honestly, you guys, I don’t think you should do this unless you’re in a place where you have built out a good amount of emails. But right now, about 30% of our emails are completely repurposed. They’re repurposed. So like I launch my mastermind twice a year. I launched my mini mind every year. I go back, and I look at the emails that we sent last year, and I edit them to my liking this year. I repurpose them all of the time.
Same with my masterclasses. Some of my masterclasses I ran last year. I look at my emails. Now let me tell you right now, I have grown so much already in my marketing that some of these emails are like I can’t believe I even wrote this just last year. Like I’m so different now. Like I would never write it like this now. So some of them are heavy editing. Some of them aren’t. I repurpose these.
So every, I don’t know, month or so, my team sends me a list of emails that are going out or that went out last year this same time. I just repurpose them and send them back and they queue them up to go out. This is why we’re able to send out so many emails and why we’re able to keep communication lines open because these are just the processes and the delegation and the repurposing that we’re using that is allowing us to really show up all of the time, which is huge. It’s huge.
If you’re trying to reinvent the wheel every day and you’re like okay, today I need to send an email and you don’t have anything to go off of, or today I need to do a podcast or I need to, I don’t know, get on Instagram. You’re not feeling like this is who you are and this is what you do. It’s become mundane. It’s just part of your life. You’ve got all of these resources that you can go back to and reuse. It must feel like such an uphill battle. I know it does because it used to be me.
I also have emails that I repurpose. I will take an email, and I will turn it into a podcast episode, or I will take a podcast episode, and I will turn it into an email or turn it into an Instagram post. So it allows me to have this same message but across all these different platforms. But there’s never a time where I’m sitting down, and I’m like I’m writing a different post and a different email and a different podcast episode today. No, it’s all the same.
So you just got to get really good and really savvy at being able to blast your ideas and blast your CTAs in many different places, but leveraging the same message. Okay.
Honestly, last but not least, the reason that I can have all of this and not feel overwhelmed is because I just refuse to feel overwhelmed. I refuse to feel that emotion. I don’t want to call it that. I don’t want to label it that. I think our words hold so much importance to how we are showing up and how we are acting. Like what we say to ourselves, it tells our brain what to think.
So if I’m like feeling this sensation of overwhelm and I start saying oh my God, I’m so overwhelmed. Oh my God, I got so much to do. Oh my gosh, there’s so much on my plate. I don’t know how I’m going to handle it. Then I call my friend and I’m like I’m just so overwhelmed today. Like I just cannot like that is sending little micro messages to my brain all the time that I am incapable of handling what is going on in my world. I don’t want to do that.
This is the same reason that I don’t want to watch really scary television. I don’t want to watch really stressful television. I don’t want to watch television that is like just kind of shitty personalities with people that are complaining a lot because this is sending micro messages to me that I don’t want in my brain. Just like I don’t want chemicals in my food. I don’t want shitty messaging in my TV.
So I stopped using verbiage that fucks with me. So like right now, if I feel the sensation of overwhelm, instead of saying I’m overwhelmed, I just think to myself, there’s a lot on my plate. This is slightly inconvenient for today. I’ve started using the word inconvenient because inconvenient feels so much better than like I’m going to fucking die. Right? So, this is inconvenient today. But I know that I am the queen of getting things done that need to get done.
This isn’t just like a mantra that I’m saying to myself. I’m not just saying it to myself to make myself feel better. I’m saying it because I actually believe it. I really do believe this is slightly inconvenient. I mean, I live in a champagne fucking world. I live in America as a white woman. Like none of my problems are actually that big. None of my problems are how am I going to feed my kids? How am I going to get water to my children? How am I going to keep my husband alive? Because I don’t know.
Like, I really do feel like all of my problems are champagne problems. They always have been even when I was broke, even when I was a waitress, like these are still just champagne problems. I think this is probably a shout out to living in a third world country for a year when I was 22. So now I still have this just like rocking perspective of like, everything in my life is pretty fucking easy compared to what it could be.
So I just refuse to feel overwhelmed. I won’t use that word. I won’t allow myself to feel that way. I don’t like being around people that are like I’m so overwhelmed. I’m so, oh my God, it’s okay. I’m like pull yourself together. You have more self-leadership than that. You have more self-leadership. You get to decide how you feel. You get to decide what you can take off of your plate. you’re the person that put all of this on your plate. So little slap on the ass there, but you can just choose to refuse overwhelm.
But the overall message here is you can add so much to your plate without feeling like you’re weighed down, without feeling like you’re so much is on your plate. You can add more offers to your business suite. You can make this work. You can create a totally different business plan this year and next year that absolutely blows up your business and not feel like you’re overwhelmed.
The difference is in the micro ways that you manage all of it. You can manage it all by reinventing the wheel all the time and telling yourself you’re overwhelmed, or you can use delegation and repurpose and recreating and up-leveling and mindset control. You can feel really spacious and really good.
When you’re ready to scale at a new level and you want to have a new relationship with your work that feels fucking awesome, it’s time to come into my membership or my mastermind. Both are enrolling now. If you come into my mastermind, you get the membership for free. If you want to talk to my team to decide which one is best for you, you can email them at [email protected]. I hope you guys have the best day.
Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share.
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