In a world where stability has been upended, it is easy to find ourselves seeking comfort and security from external sources.

Many people stay in jobs they hate because of the security they perceive the job to have.

This perception of security may be a reality. There are many jobs that provide stability and a good salary. And, many people like their job. If you have one of these jobs, good on ‘ya!

However, if you have a job you hate, but you think it provides security, and you’re hesitant to do something else, think about this – you are capable of providing your own security.

Crazy, right?

If the last year and a half has taught us anything, it’s that anything can happen. Countless people in “stable jobs” lost their paychecks. Industries that seemed bulletproof suffered greatly. 

Nothing is guaranteed.

If nothing is guaranteed, why do we seek stability in areas that we do not control all the variables?

Let’s talk about how to control the variables and create the stability you seek, rather than allow something else to provide it.

Step 1 – Know what you want

Without knowing what you want, the other steps do not matter. What is the lifestyle you want to live? What activities will bring you joy? Who do you want to be? 

Step 2 – Work hard and commit to your path

 “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” – Samuel Goldwyn

This step cannot be overlooked or undervalued. You must get after it and put the work in. Get involved in your targeted industry and get good at whatever it is you want to do.

Step 3 – Increase your education and experiences

Learn from others and learn from books, videos, etc. Information has never been more available than it is now. Immerse yourself and become an expert in your field. 

Step 4 – Take risks and minimize risks

You will need to simultaneously become daring and risk averse. Become good at calculating risk and reward, but always lean on the side of risk taking. Most things can be easily corrected and most decisions can be reversed.

Step 5 – Have faith

Have faith in something. It may be God, it may be nature, and it should always be in yourself. You will succeed if you believe you will succeed.

There is no better bet to make then to bet on yourself.

 What are you waiting for? Go ahead and create your own stability.

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