The Hell Yes Entrepreneur with Becca Pike | Finding Last-Minute BuyersI’ve got a story this week about marketing under pressure, finding last-minute buyers, and finishing 2023 strong. If you lean into it and dig out the gold nuggets, this story could actually change your life. I’ve been launching my Mini Mastermind to funnel people into my main Mastermind program. I went ham on preparing for this launch, and the day before, things weren’t going according to plan. However, the way I was able to turn it around blew my own mind.

There are going to be times in your business when things don’t go exactly as you planned. However, these are the moments where the biggest growth is available to you, and you get the opportunity to do your best work.

Tune in this week to discover what sprinting to the finish of 2023 really looks like. You’ll learn what separates the five and six-figure earners from the seven-figure entrepreneurs, why good coaching is priceless, and I’m showing you how to sprint through the finish line instead of taking your foot off the gas on the home stretch.


The Hell Yes community’s favorite live event is happening in January! Hell Yes Live is where you’ll learn how to break down 2024 into bite-sized, tangible tasks for you to reach your goals. This is the first time we’re opening this event to the public, so if you want in on a ticket, click here!

You can attend the live event on its own, but that event kicks off the Thirty More Mastermind and is included in the price of Thirty More. That’s Hell Yes Live, six months inside The Circle, and the Thirty More Mastermind from January to June in one purchase. Click here for all the details.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How even the most experienced coaches have launches that don’t sell.
  • Why nobody signing up for your launch doesn’t mean something’s gone wrong.
  • The difference between people who make thousands and people who make millions per year.
  • Why good coaching is priceless.
  • How to sprint toward the end of 2023 and finish this year strong.


Listen to the Full Episode:


Featured on the Show:

  • I have a couple of 1:1 coaching spots opening up. If you want to sit down with me face to face and get specific support in hashing out your business, the problems you’re facing, and the goals you want to achieve, email us right now to see your options!
  • If you enjoyed today’s show, please leave a rating and review to let me know and help others find The Hell Yes Entrepreneur Podcast.


Full Episode Transcript:

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Hello my friends. Welcome to episode number 130. I am your host, Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go. 

Hey, guys. I’m Becca Pike and welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast, the number one show for entrepreneurs looking to create their first six-figure year. If you’ve got the drive and you know how to hustle but you’re not sure where to channel your energy, we’ve got the answers. Let’s dive into today’s show.

Hello, my friends. I have a quick story for you. I really believe that if you lean into this story, if you really listen and dig out the gold nuggets, this could actually change your life. Okay. Okay. Okay. So as you know, you’ve heard me talk about it on the podcast, you’ve probably seen my emails, you’ve seen my social media. I was running a launch to funnel people into my very first mini mind. 

So the mini mind is simply a six week Mastermind. It’s a miniature Mastermind, that’s what it is. I lined it up so that it would fall the six weeks before the deadline to my Mastermind. This would give people a taste of what it’s like to be in a Mastermind with me before they have to decide if they want to come into the big daddy, rock solid, massive bicep, straight flexing real Mastermind that I have. 

So I promoted the mini mind for weeks. I think there was probably like eight to ten emails that went out about it. There was definitely podcast episodes that went out about it. I talked about it on my stories for probably three weeks. I had all the branding done for it. I mean, I went ham on this launch. All right. 

It was set to start last Thursday. On Wednesday night, it was 6:00 p.m. I was shutting down my office. I was shutting everything down for the night. I was getting ready to go out to eat with my husband and my kids. We were going to go have Mexican drink margaritas, take a load off. 

All I had to do was sit through one more Mastermind with my coach, like I’m in a Mastermind. I knew that I had one hour of work left. I was going to sit in on this Mastermind, get coached, and then go on about my day. So here’s the thing. At 6:00 p.m., the night before my mini mind was to start, I had, are you ready, one person signed up for the mini mind. That was it. One person.

I had been very loud about how this was going to be an intimate group, but it was going to have six people in it, and that I was going to cut it off at six people. You could only get in if you were the first six people to buy. I was very loud about this. The night before I had one person signed up. Okay. 

Here’s the thing I had gotten myself to a place of this is going to be great for that person. This is going to be absolutely wonderful. This person is going to have the surprise of their life when they realize that this is a six week one on one session. I had given myself all the grace. I had said you know, I have never ran a mini mind before. I didn’t market it the way that I would something else that I knew how to market. I’d never had a mini mind. So I didn’t know exactly how to describe the way that it was going to lay out because it had never laid out before basically.

I had given myself all of the reasons to let myself off the hook. I honestly wasn’t sad that there was one person in it. I was grateful for the one person, and I was ready to get started the next day. So I turn on the Mastermind that I’m a part of. I’m the first one to talk to my coach. It’s a group setting. So she talks to each of us for about 10 or 15 minutes and then she moves on to the next person. 

I’m telling her about it. I’m leaning in, and I’m wanting coaching. I’m basically like hey, I’m running this mini mind. I’ve got one person in. It starts tomorrow. But I think I’m done selling. I’m going to go eat Mexican with my husband. I’m out. 

She simply said, “Becca, keep selling it.” I basically was like what are you talking about? “You still have 12 hours? What are you talking about? Go sell your mini mind.” That was exactly what I needed to hear. It wasn’t profound, but it was a reminder of the fact that my entire life is pushing myself to the next level. That’s what I love to do. 

I knew for a fact that I could get more people in the mini mind if I wanted to, if I wanted to continue to sell it, if I wanted to reach out. I was just simply letting myself off the hook. So she’s telling me like you’ve gotta keep selling it. I’m like okay, yeah. You’re probably right. Absolutely. 

So we wrap up the coaching, and she moves on to the next person. I’m still on this call while she’s coaching someone else. While she’s coaching someone else, I forced myself to really think about what people want to hear. What do they want to hear? What do they need to hear? What am I missing with this marketing? 

It wasn’t just slapping together some stuff to put on Instagram stories and shoot out like a you should join story, right? It was more of a what am I missing? What do they want to hear? What details? What fine tuning is left out the night before this launches? So I did. 

So while she was coaching someone else, I wrote out some Instagram stories, and I posted them. Let me tell you something. Before she was done coaching the next person, it had to have been maybe 20 minutes after she coached me, I had two more people signed up. This is the $6,000 mini mind. So in 20 minutes, I had 12,000 more dollars, two new clients, and now a total of three people in my mini mind instead of one simply because I didn’t give up at the very, very last minute. 

Here’s what I want you to take from this. Lesson number one, coaches at my level still have lunches like this sometimes. When I tell people this, they are mind blown. They are like what? I thought at your level, you would be selling everything out. It appears like you are selling everything out the way that you talk about your offers like they’re the best thing on the planet.

I talk about my offers like that because they are the best thing on the planet. I truly do believe that. But no, I don’t ever lie and say that they’re sold out if they’re not sold out. I never put the sold out banner across anything that’s not sold out. I am just simply on social media giving the vibe that all of my offers are absolutely killing it. Because of that, a lot of times people are extremely surprised whenever I tell them about the ones that don’t kill it. 

So please know, if you are a coach or if you’re a brick and mortar business owner, and you are putting stuff out into the world. Let’s say that you are really launching it. You’re launching it for two weeks. You’re sending out eight to ten emails. You are posting about it on your stories every single day. You are talking people’s ears off about it. You still have only one sign up the night before, nothing has gone wrong. 

This is where a lot of people quit. This is where a lot of people say I was not meant to do this. This is where a lot of people say I just don’t have what that coach has. No you do. That coach has it too. At this level, I’ve made $8.3 million in the last four years. I still have launches that do not sell out or that only sell out to 50%. 

You guys, this is the difference between people that make around $200,000 a year and people that make millions of dollars a year. Who are the ones that don’t give up at the last minute? Who are the ones that don’t just get comfortable in their finances and then say you know what? I’m good here. I’m just going to stop here. 

Now, I will tell you I was about to give up at that 6:00 p.m. I’m getting ready to go to Mexican time of day. That’s where lesson number two comes in. Coaches are absolutely priceless. Here’s the thing, my coach is a phenomenal coach. 

But during that time, at that moment, she didn’t say anything earth shattering. She didn’t change my mindset forever. She didn’t lay down advice that was going to carry me through the decades. All she said was come on Becca. You know better. That was it. That’s all it took for me to think oh my god, she’s right. I do know better. What am I talking about? Of course, I’m going to keep selling it. 

So, lesson number two, coaching is priceless. Your coach doesn’t have to say things that like align the stars in order for you to get results. Sometimes it’s best to just have someone that is watching you, that sees you, that calls you on your bullshit, that shows you when you’re quitting, and then you have the ability, you have the awareness, you have the gumption to coach yourself through that. Coaching is absolutely priceless. 

Lesson number three guys, there’s so many last minute buyers out there. So many. I should know this because I’m one of them. I am the person that will buy the container an hour before it shuts down. Not because I’m trying to rebel. Not because I’m trying to keep my coach or other coaches on their toes. Like I just put it in my calendar at the deadline, and then when my alarm goes off that the deadline is an hour away I buy the thing. That’s just how it is. 

So we can’t get in our heads with no one is going to buy this thing because no one has bought it yet. Right? We have no idea who has an alarm set, who is talking to their spouse, who’s getting their money in order, who’s about to come into your world. You just have no idea who is around the corner. 

So I want to ask you guys where is it in your life that you have not sprinted through the finish line? What is it that you’re selling? What is it that you have sold? What is it that you have a goal with? What is it that you were aiming towards, and now that you’re seeing evidence that it’s not quite working out the way that you hoped, you’ve kind of taken your foot off of the gas pedal? Where are you doing that?

We are in Q4. You’re in Q4 motherfuckers. This is the best time of the year. If you are someone that was like, I’m going to hit X goal in 2023, and you haven’t hit it yet and all the evidence is pointing towards it doesn’t look like you’re going to hit it. Because of that you are letting your foot off the gas and gliding through 2023, I just want you to wake up. Wake up. Let me shake you. You don’t have to put your foot pedal to the metal for 2024 if you don’t want to, but don’t take your foot off the gas just because you’re not going to reach that goal that you set in January, right? 

If you set a goal to hit $400,000 by the end of 2023, and it’s now November, and you are nowhere near that goal, don’t give up. This can still be your best year yet. This can still be the biggest year yet. Whatever you end your year at is going to create the vision for 2024. 

So guys, where are you letting up? Where are you deciding that you’re just going to go off and eat Mexican food and just stop and brush your knees off and be done with it? Because that’s where I want to bring your awareness to. I’m so glad that my coach did. You guys as soon as she brought awareness to me, I made $12,000 in the next 20 minutes. I had two brand new beautiful clients in my group of three. Where are you doing this? Okay.

So I know this was a quick and a short story. But if you really hear me out on this, this will make you a lot of money. Okay? You’re going to always have launches that don’t go as planned. You are going to always want someone to lean into and to wake you up. You’re going to want to continue to put your pedal to the metal throughout the entirety of your launch. You guys, I love you all so much. Thank you for having me today. 

A quick couple of announcements before I go. We have two things coming up. For the rest of November and December and all of 2023, I am only going to be talking about two things. Number one, we have a live event coming up in January. January 16 through the 18th. 

You guys, I probably shouldn’t play favorites when it comes to my offers, but Hell Yes Live is by far my favorite offer. I can’t tell you how fun it is. I cannot tell you the camaraderie that happens, the friendship that happens, the laughing, the fun, the clinking of champagne glasses, the eating of good food, the relaxing on the beach that happens at Hell Yes Live. This is the thing that like makes the tight knit community in my community. 

To me, I think of the people that come to Hell Yes Live as like the main tight crew. Then the other people that are in my world seem to always constantly be like orbiting around those people. You can tell the difference between the friendships that happen at that event and then the friendships that try to happen just virtually. I cannot tell you enough to be at this event. 

So it’s January 16 through 18th. We are going to Miami. You can buy your ticket $3,500 now until December 15. The first day when you arrive on January 15, we have a welcome reception that night. I pay for food and cocktails. We mingle. We get to know each other. There’s no educating here. We are just straight up chat and having fun on that first night.

Then when you wake up, it is the official day one. Day one is everything about CEO mindset. I’m going to take you through how to think like a CEO, how to think with a bigger vision. I’m going to show you the ways that you’ve been thinking that have been holding you back. Then on day two, we do all things marketing, all things pushing yourself out to the world. We have an entire copy workshop where I’m going to teach you how I write copy, and how that copy brings millions of dollars into my life every single year. 

Then on day three, this is 2024 exact strategy. There has never been a better time to do this than in January. The January round, we sit down and we talk about what the entire year is going to look like for you. We decide the exact goal, how we’re going to get there. We break it down little by little to where you leave Miami knowing exactly what you need to do, who you need to hire, what that’s going to look like, how to delegate it, and how to create the 2024 that you absolutely could never even fathom.

Then at the end of that night, we have the most beautiful intimate dinner and drinks with my Thirty More crew. Guys, that dinner is my favorite dinner of the entire year. When we sit down, we just worked our ass off. We have entire strategies built out. Everybody is so hyped. They don’t know how to stop talking. We are chatterboxes. We are excited. We know that we are leaving Miami absolutely changed. That is the vibe every single time.

You guys never ever, ever have I allowed the public to come to this event. It has always only been for the Thirty More crew, and it is completely shut off to the public. So the fact that we are now opening it up for $3,500 a ticket to the public, you don’t have to have made the minimum. You don’t have to have like built a massive company in order to come. You can be an entrepreneur. You can be a multimillionaire. It does not matter. Come join us. You are going to get so much out of this weekend. I cannot even explain it. 

Announcement number two, that live kickoff event is the start of the next round of the Thirty More Mastermind. So the Thirty More Mastermind, my biggest selling item that I have inside of Hell Yes Coaching starts at Miami. It goes for the next six months into July. When you buy this Mastermind, the live event is included and so is six months of The Circle. 

So in your ticket, you get six months of The Circle, and you get the live event. This one is the no brainer of my world. Okay, this is like if you want to be in my world and you want to go to the live event, you want to be in The Circle, you want to be in all the things, you want to be in the Mastermind, then buy the Mastermind and get it all together. Okay.

So this is from January until July. This is where I’ve seen people create teams of staff. This is where I’ve seen people become millionaires. This is where I’ve seen people become multimillionaires. This is where I’ve seen the majority of my students become multi-six figure earners. 

We have a statistic that 95% of everyone that comes into the Thirty More Mastermind has a return on their investment in only 45 days. That’s how powerful this is. I could not be more hyped about the Thirty More Mastermind and the Hell Yes Live. It is my time of the year. I can’t wait to continue to sell the shit out of these spots. I cannot wait to see you guys in Miami. 

So contact us. Be sure that you are getting your ticket. Be sure that you are getting signed up for the Mastermind. 2024 is going to be absolutely insane. I cannot wait to build your business with you, and I cannot wait to clink my champagne glass to yours and toast to the new year. All right, I will see you guys next week. Goodbye. 

Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share. 

When you share this episode with a friend or leave us a five star review, it is like pouring a little bit of magic into our podcasting bucket. It is what gets our work recognized. It’s what gives us energy and keeps us going, truly. Not one share nor review goes without recognition from our team. As always, we fucking love you here at Hell Yes Coaching. Have a beautiful day. 

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.


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