You Get to Choose

In our lives, we have the freedom to choose how we respond to events, people, and any of the happenings around us.

While there are certainly things we cannot control, we have a choice in how we respond to those things as well.

Take anything in your life and break it down like this: Can I influence the situation in front of me? If the answer is no, you can choose to be ok with it and let it go. If the answer is yes, what action can you take to influence it the way you want it to go?

We spend way too much energy focusing on things we have no influence on, and way too little time on the things we can influence, change, and shape to our benefit.

We worry about things we cannot control, like the weather, or what a stranger (or even a friend) will think about our outfit or what we said at a dinner party.

We worry about things we can control as well, like our job stability or job satisfaction, yet with these things we have a tendency to do nothing. We cede control to the universe when the agent of change is, in fact, ourselves.

What is going on in your life right now that is causing you worry, that you have no control over?

Write that thing down and throw it away. You can do nothing about it except to choose not to care about it anymore.

What is going on in your life right now that is causing you worry, that you have control over?

Write that thing down and put it on your bathroom mirror. Let this be your motivating factor to take action and change your life.

You have the choice in everything. You are in control, even when things are outside your control.

Everything is a choice.

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