The Hell Yes Entrepreneur with Becca Pike | The Ultimate Guide to Crushing Your 2025 Goal

Are you ready to make 2025 your best year yet in business? Do you want to look back on the year with a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that you gave it your all and achieved incredible results? As we enter the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on where you want your business to be by the end of 2025. 

Imagine yourself one year from now, looking back on all that you’ve accomplished. You don’t want to feel like you half-assed it or missed out on opportunities for growth. Instead, you want to feel like you truly went full throttle, tried new things, and pushed past your comfort zone to reach new heights.

Whether your goal is to triple your audience size, stack large amounts of cash in your account, or finally figure out the marketing strategies you’ve been avoiding, this episode will give you the clarity and motivation you need to make it happen. Tune in this week as I share my top strategies for setting audacious goals, identifying your business bottlenecks, and taking massive action to create a quantum leap in your revenue.


Come get in my Scale to Seven Mastermind. This is the environment to upgrade your business, we begin in January, and you can get all the details if you click right here!

If you want 2025 to be your biggest, most successful year in business, you have to join us for Hell Yes Live. It’s happening January 14-16, 2025 at the Four Seasons Resort in Miami, Florida. There has never been a better time to be in my world, so click here to buy your tickets right now.

If you want to be bold and stand in your power, you need to join The Circle to understand marketing on a whole new level.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How to set audacious revenue goals for 2025 that push you out of your comfort zone.
  • The two main types of business bottlenecks and how to identify which one is holding you back.
  • Why your own thoughts and beliefs are often the biggest obstacle to your success.
  • The importance of focusing on either client acquisition or scalability, depending on your current bottleneck.
  • How to create a detailed action plan for removing your bottleneck and achieving your goals.
  • The power of specificity when it comes to marketing strategies and hiring decisions.
  • Why investing in your own growth and development is crucial for long-term success.


Listen to the Full Episode:


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  • Sign up for my email list and get a free two-day class on how to grow your Instagram following and start selling to your audience!
  • I have a couple of 1:1 coaching spots opening up. If you want to sit down with me face to face and get specific support in hashing out your business, the problems you’re facing, and the goals you want to achieve, email us right now to see your options!
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  • If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit Hell Yes Coaching online.


Full Episode Transcript:

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Happy 2025, my friends. This is episode number 190 on New Year’s Day 2025. I am so glad to be here. I’m so excited for the future. It is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.

Welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast. I am your favorite business coach, Becca Pike. If you’re looking for high level CEO leadership skills, modern day marketing strategies that actually convert the hell out of your leads, and you want to create a big ass wallet and big ass impact in your community, then this podcast is for you. 

Welcome to my world. In here, we do two things. We scale, and we play. Because what’s the point of being rich if you can’t have fun? If you want to make multi six and multi seven figures without sacrificing your gym time, your music festivals, your wine nights with your friends, then I’m your girl. Enjoy. 

I want you to begin looking at the broader picture of where your business is right now. Let’s imagine that we are exactly one year out from today. Okay, let’s say that it is January 1 of 2026. We are one year into the future. Your 2025 year is complete. Okay, it is finished. 2025 is over. Let’s imagine this. What do you want to feel in this moment? Like, let’s look back on the year. Let’s look back on the year 2025. 

You don’t want to feel like you half-assed this year. You don’t want to feel like you just laid around and didn’t reach your potential. You want to feel like you laid it all out on the court and left absolutely nothing in the tank. You want to look back and feel like you tried all of the things. 

Even though some of the things didn’t work, and some of the things did work, no matter what, you got up whenever you got shoved down, and you shook off your mistakes, and you tried again, and you tried again, and you tried again, and you kept your mind right, and you leaned into your coaches, and you leaned into your peers, and you stayed focused.

You showed up even when you didn’t want to, even when it was raining, even when you were tired, even when you didn’t get enough sleep. You turned down the idea of half-assing your work. Like, you truly went full throttle. Okay?

Do you want, in this year as you look at it, do you want to triple your audience size because you actually followed through with what you said you were going to do? I am not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. I don’t like that. I like everyday resolutions. I like people that sit down and decide right now. Like, I’m not going to wait until December 31st to decide what I want to do with my year. I’m not going to wait until December 31st to start thinking about taking action. I’m not going to wait until the new year. 

I go out, and I get what I want all of the time. You go out, and you get what you want all of the time because your reality is always in your hand. You do not want to still be telling yourself that you don’t know how to grow your audience. You don’t want to be telling yourself that webinars aren’t for you, or reels aren’t for you, or growing an email address list isn’t for you. You don’t want that. 

You want your audience to be paying you. You want to get to the end of 2025 and be like damn, I figured that shit out, and it was hard, and it was weird, and I didn’t think I was going to make it, but I did. Now, look at me. Look at all this money coming into my account. Look at all these new people coming into my world. Look at all these new followers I have on Instagram. Look at all of these new email addresses I have because I finally figured out all the shit that I said that I couldn’t. 

As 2025 ends, do you want to be stacking large amounts of cash in your account? Or do you want to still be spread thin, not making the money that you want to make and telling yourself this is just what business owning is like? This is just what it is. All the business owners feel this way, right? 

The more clear that you get with who you want to be and how you want to feel in one year from today, the more results that you’re going to create, and the more ideas that will come to you during this class. A lot of people, the new year rolls around, and they spend a lot of time thinking about the year ahead of them.

I want you to think about the year behind you. I want you to go into the future and think about 2025 as if it already happened, as if it’s in the past. How do you want to feel then? At least you’ll know what target you’re aiming for. You want to know what you’re shooting for. You want to know where you’re going. 

We have to ask ourselves to put ourselves into these uncomfortable positions of truly seeing our own faults and the disconnect between where we are and where we want to be, right? So let’s get started on that.

I want you to set a revenue goal for 2025, and we’re not setting an easy, safe revenue goal right now. This is your time to dream. I want you to have a goal that is at least minimum double what you did this year. Minimum double what you did in 2024, sorry, this year. Minimum requirement is doubling your business. You know why? Because I believe in quantum leaps, and I believe that that’s the smallest quantum leap that you can shoot for. 

I don’t believe in playing small. I believe I reach the goals that I reach because of my audacity and my conviction, and that’s something I do not speak lightly of. Audacity is the number one quality in business growth. Audacity is the don’t you dare tell me what’s possible in my own business’s timeline because I break records. I do what I want. I hit massive goals. If anyone can do it, I can do it, right? 

The CEOs who have audacity to be wildly different, wildly creative, wildly fucking delusional, are the ones that create those realities. The CEOs that are constantly trying to stay within the boundaries of what is realistic are the ones that often butt up against the friction because their beliefs don’t match their desires. They have these big desires, but their beliefs don’t match it. They just can’t seem to make it work.

When you make this 2025 goal, I want you to come from your heart, not your head. I want you to have a little heart, like Rudy. You know? Do you have your 2025 revenue goal? Write it down or think about it in your head. Now, I want you to take that number and I want you to write down roughly how many clients your business would need to see for the year to hit that number. How many clients would your business need to see? 

Now, I know that you’re like, Becca, I’ve got different prices and different offers and different packages, so I can’t guess that number. Yes, I know. I know you have different packages and different price points, but this is just a complete brainstorm. You need to know what you’re shooting for. 

Now, I want you to ask yourself, how many clients is that in 2025, but also how many clients is that in a month? So take that number and divide it by 12. Let’s just sit with that for a second. You have how many clients you would need per month. How does that feel? Does it feel doable? A lot of you guys have this huge idea. You think that making a million dollars means you need to see a thousand clients a month when really you just need to see like 32. 

A lot of times when I do this exercise with my clients, they’re always like, “Oh my God, I’m not that far off from a million dollar a year.” So when you look at your number, does it seem like you can handle that? Like what’s stopping you right now from seeing that many clients? Is it a space issue? Is it a marketing issue? Like you’re not getting them in the door? Or is it like you’re getting them in the door, but you just don’t have anywhere to put them because there’s not enough space or there’s not enough hands. There’s not enough help. 

So with all business owners, there are always blockers between where you are right now and where you want to be. This isn’t rocket science. Most people don’t know how to pinpoint exactly what that is. Instead, they say things like I’m ready to grow, but I just don’t know what to do next, you know. Or I’m ready to grow, but nobody’s coming or my audience doesn’t love to buy or whatever, whatever, whatever. 

But here’s the thing. That’s your own bottleneck, and 100% of the time, you are the only one in the way. It’s kind of like the joke of God, right? Because you are blind to it and you are trying so hard to get out of the way, but you can’t see how you’re standing in the way. 

So the thing that is stopping the flow of your business and the thing that is an actual true bottleneck is you. It always is. It’s your thoughts and your beliefs. We want our bottles to be wide open. We want business to flow quick and through. 

So there’s only two types of bottlenecks when you’re scaling and growing. Either your bottleneck is simply acquiring clients. So you’re not selling well enough, or you’re selling isn’t good enough, the quality isn’t there or the quantity isn’t there. Or number two, it’s scalability. There’s nothing else. It’s only these two things. Your bottleneck is either you’re not getting enough clients, or you are getting enough clients, but you’re not scalable.

These are the two Mac daddies of all business bottlenecks. So you either don’t have enough clients, or you don’t have enough room, space, systems, people, and help to handle the clients that you do have. Good thing I’m here.

If I had a superhero cape, it would have the words scaling queen across the back because y’all, this is what I do. I take businesses, and I scale them. And while some people stay up at night thinking about their dream home, their kids, their grandkids, the newest romantic flings, I’m up at night doing profit and loss in my head about your company. Okay. I can’t help it. But anyways, I digress.

So if your bottleneck is acquiring clients, then that means that you have the space and you have the time and you have the software and maybe you even have the staff to bring on new clients, but you’re just not bringing in the new clients, right? 

If your bottleneck is scalability, then you probably have more of a steady flow of clients. Maybe it’s not exactly where you want it to be, but you do have lots of clients, but you’re having an infrastructure issue. This could be the lack of actual space, like a treatment room or square footage in your business. 

This could be lack of scheduling space because you need to hire more service providers in order to open up space on your calendar, or it could be an infrastructure issue. If let’s say you’re an online company, for example, a coach, and you need to either change from one-to-one to group, or you need to hire other coaches to coach for you because you can’t keep coaching all 50 of your one-on-one clients every week, or you’re going to peel your eyeballs right out of your head. Am I right? I’ve been there, okay? 

What is your main bottleneck in this exact moment? Is it client demand, or is it scalability? Regardless of what your answer is, only you know what it is and what you’re avoiding and not doing in order to open up this bottleneck and let the success gods pour all over you.

If you’re a student in my membership right now, you definitely already know what your bottleneck is, and we are actively working on it. Sidebar, I love to teach my students when to focus on scalability and when to focus on client demand, and when you know in your heart, and it’s like stamped in your soul, your business growth becomes a lot easier because you’re never questioning what you’re supposed to be doing. You just know if you should be working on scalability or if you should be working on client demand, and you know when to go back and forth.

All right, so we’re going to do a little brain dump that’s going to be worth a million dollars to you over the course of the next year, and this is how it’s going to happen. I’m going to give you a little nudge of ideas for the next 60 seconds then I’m going to give you a full two minutes of silence. Actually, I’m not going to give you silence because this is a podcast. So you can just pause it if you need to. 

But I’m going to give you some questions, and then I’m going to give you a fake silence, and I want you to brain dump all of your thoughts and ideas about your bottlenecks. In my world, a brain dump is messy. It is fast. It’s a stream of consciousness on paper. There’s no right or wrong. This is a complete brainstorm.

So I’m going to list off several examples that are exactly what could be, but you only know your business. So you have to write this how you want to write this, okay? 

So, number one, if your bottleneck is client acquisition, what needs to be done to remove this bottleneck that you are not doing, that you are avoiding, that you’re telling yourself that you don’t know how, or you don’t have the tools, or you’re just so new. It’s too hard. What bullshit are you telling yourself, and what needs to happen? So, start writing right now as I speak. 

Do you need to learn social media marketing this year? Do you need to learn how to perform high converting webinars? Do you need a graphic designer, a photographer, a videographer? Is it time to start your podcast? Is it time to start running ads or increase your ad budget? Is it time to fire your ads team because it’s not working? Is it time to say fuck it to all of the worry and concern that you have about what your parents and your siblings and your high school friends are going to think when you start selling your ass off all the time online? 

Is it time for you to put yourself in the room with the coach who lights your world on fire and keeps you motivated and focused, but you’re telling yourself you can’t afford it? What are you avoiding? Do you need to learn email marketing? Do you need to go to networking events or begin hosting your own networking events? What do you need to do, and how do you need to move the needle in the right direction? So, just brain dump here. Brain dump. What is it? 

Next up, if your bottleneck is scalability, I’m going to ask you some questions. Do you need to get past your fear of letting go of control and trusting someone else enough to hire them? Oh, that one hurts, right? Do you need to funnel money into your Indeed ads so that you can hire? You’re still trying to do free ads on Indeed because you’re trying to save money. You’re trying to build a million-dollar company, but you’re not putting money into Indeed. So you’re getting these crappy applicants, and you’re having to sift through 500 randos to get to somebody good. 

Do you need to hire a receptionist, but you’re still trying to scrap together your schedule in order to save money, but deep down you know you’re wasting money because you’re missing calls and you’re missing appointments because you’re trying to wear too many hats at once? Do you need to have a better interview process because every time you think about interviewing, you want to hyperventilate because you’ve trained yourself to believe that it takes three months to hire a good candidate? 

Do you need a better training process because every time you think about training someone, you hyperventilate because you trained yourself to believe it takes three months to train a good employee? Are you not having those hard conversations with people on your staff, the ones that need to happen in order to move your business forward? 

Are you letting your staff members walk all over you because you’re afraid of conflict? Are you refusing to hire a manager even though your team desperately needs one because you can no longer be the leader solely and alone and you need help? What are you not doing? What needs to be done? What are you avoiding? Okay, so I want you to brain dump. This would be a good time to pause the recording, to pause and come back. 

Okay, so we just wrote down what we’re avoiding, but now with this new information and these new ideas of where your bottlenecks lie and what you’re avoiding, what actionable steps need to happen now? Get specific. Start writing as I’m talking. Listen, be actually specific. Instead of saying, I need to market more, say I’m going to post on social media five times per week, write an email to my audience every Tuesday and attend quarterly networking events and join a mastermind group in order to keep my focus on the end goal. 

Do you see how that’s different than I need to market more? That difference is everything. So instead of saying I need to hire help say I need to hire a receptionist for $15 an hour that works Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. who will schedule all of my business appointments and will stuff envelopes at the front desk when she’s not on the phone. Do you see the difference? That difference is everything. 

So let’s have a serious talk about how committed you are to your 2025 version of yourself and to that goal that you made. You just identified your bottleneck. You brain dumped all the things you’re avoiding and you have clarity on the direction that needs to happen. Basically, the whole premise of this audio is what do you want? What’s stopping you? And what are you going to do about it? 

Now, some of you guys are going to leave this audio and you’re going to think that was a great podcast. I love that Becca Pike. She sure is cool. She sure is lucky. Wish I had as much money as she does. It must be easy once you’re at that level. Then you’ll go on about your life and then you know the questions that I’m asking you here today will be a distant memory, and it’ll be just another podcast that you listen to. One of the hundreds of freebies that you’ve taken. Don’t be that person. 

Some of you will think about your bottleneck on the daily. You will make micro moves and macro moves to loosen up that bottleneck, and you will keep a thick skin while you navigate your growth in 2024. You will buy courses and trainings on how to do that thing it is that you need in order to remove your bottleneck. 

You will learn how to perform high converting webinars, or you’ll go to learn how to sell on social media, or you will go and you will learn how to interview and train and manage and lead your teams in ways that feel easy and doable and scalable. Because of this attitude, your 2025 will be absolutely explosive.

You will be surprising yourself and everyone around you with how much money that you make. You will be surprised by how much time you get back to yourself because your systems are actually working and you don’t have to spend any longer trying to make that clunky machine run because you front loaded your work. You made your shit scalable and now 2025 truly is your best year. 

Holy shit you’re looking back at your year and realizing that you put in this effort and the work to get here and you’re feeling amazing. Everyone that’s not willing to do the work is going to call you lucky, and they’re going to say I wish I could have a business like that. You get to choose if you walk away from this episode flippantly or with fire in your belly that you had long forgotten about. 

When you think about that rich as hell 2025 version of yourself, maybe that version is making 10k months, 50k months, 100k months, 600k months, that version that left nothing in the tank. She played full out in 2025, and she tried everything that she knew how to. What is she telling you needs to happen right now? 

Is she telling you to use this clarity to make a powerful move that you’ve been afraid to make? Is she telling you it’s time to start showing up every single day, to let go of that team member, to hire a new team member, to show up rain or shine on social media selling your services? 

Is she telling you that your goals aren’t going to happen when you spend three days a week scrolling Instagram and absorbing other people’s content and watching Netflix instead of creating? Is she telling you that it’s time to trust other people? 

Where are you playing in fear? Where are you not saying what you want to say? What hard conversations are you not having? Where are you not hiring the help that you so obviously need? Where are you not investing in that coach that you know has all the answers that lights your soul on fire and motivates the hell out of you, but you’re telling yourself it’s too expensive. It’s not the right time, or you’re not ready.

What BS are you living in that you absolutely are done living in? You have a visceral knowing of what needs to be done, and my question here to you is what are you going to do about it? I hope you guys have the absolute best New Year’s Day. Love you.

Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share. 

When you share this episode with a friend or leave us a five star review, it is like pouring a little bit of magic into our podcasting bucket. It is what gets our work recognized. It’s what gives us energy and keeps us going, truly. Not one share nor review goes without recognition from our team. As always, we fucking love you here at Hell Yes Coaching. Have a beautiful day. 

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.


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