The Hell Yes Entrepreneur with Becca Pike | A Simple Strategy to Boost Your Social Media EngagementIf you’re looking for a new marketing strategy to make your social media engagement skyrocket, you’re in the right place. Today, I’m taking you through a quick but powerful marketing workshop. Grab a pen and paper because you don’t want to miss the details of this direct and super-practical strategy for getting your business in front of people who are ready to give you money.

I’ve been experimenting with some new things in my own marketing on social media, and it’s going pretty great. I’m inviting you to copy and paste what is working for me and try it out for yourself, in your own voice, for your own people.

Tune in this week to discover how I’ve been refocusing my social media game, and how you can do the same for yourself. I’m sharing how to keep your message brief but effective, why it’s time to move away from long-winded content, and I’m showing you how quick, digestible content helps you display both your value and your personality to your audience while boosting your engagement. 


Three More is closing and Thirty More is changing! We’re reinventing and up-leveling over here, and we’re helping you do the same. The Circle is a yearly membership where I’ll host all of my teachings and trainings, plus brand-new workshops, business audits, Q&As, coaching, and so much more. It’s all in one place, and you can join now by clicking here!

If you aren’t in my membership, you can join us for The Webinar Course, starting October 10th 2023. I’m teaching you how I run webinars, masterclasses, and online events, and how to convert your attendees into long-term clients. Follow me on Instagram to be the first to know when you can sign up!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How most business-related written content is way too long.
  • Why I’m trying to shift to giving value in just one line of writing on social media.
  • The reach you can achieve if only a couple of people share your post.
  • How opinionated one-liners make for the most shareable content.
  • What you can do to identify the biggest problems your clients have.
  • How to come up with a one-liner that addresses your clients’ problems and watch your engagement skyrocket.


Listen to the Full Episode:


Featured on the Show:

  • I have a couple of 1:1 coaching spots opening up. If you want to sit down with me face to face and get specific support in hashing out your business, the problems you’re facing, and the goals you want to achieve, email us right now to see your options!
  • If you enjoyed today’s show, please leave a rating and review to let me know and help others find The Hell Yes Entrepreneur Podcast.
  • Ep #122: A Ph.D. in Grief


Full Episode Transcript:

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Hello my beautiful business owners. Today I’m going to take you through a very quick little marketing workshop. You might want to grab a pen and paper. This is going to be to the point, very direct, very helpful in your marketing. 

I’m going to tell you guys a little bit about what I’m playing around with and experimenting with in my own marketing on Instagram and on Facebook. You can just copy and paste what I believe is working for yourself in your own voice. This is episode number 125. I am your host, Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.

Hey, guys. I’m Becca Pike and welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast, the number one show for entrepreneurs looking to create their first six-figure year. If you’ve got the drive and you know how to hustle but you’re not sure where to channel your energy, we’ve got the answers. Let’s dive into today’s show.

Hey, guys. So this podcast has always been about business. But since I talked about my mom and the stories of her passing, you guys have been messaging us and emailing us wanting updates on how we’re doing. It sounds like you guys enjoyed the episodes so much. So I’m going to try to trickle in a little bit of my journey here and there into this podcast for you guys because I do enjoy it. 

If you want to read more about what I’m going through with my mom, I am posting a lot about it on Facebook. Not much of an update. I’m terribly sad, terribly sad. I miss the shit out of my mom. She and I were just such good friends, you guys.

I continue to catch myself going to call her, going to text her, getting ready to say something to her, getting ready to invite her over for coffee, getting ready to ask her if she wants to go to eat lunch with my kids at their elementary school. I just keep catching myself like forgetting that this is real. 

I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It is so sad. My mom was so young. I miss her like crazy. I mean, she had the best sense of humor. She thought everything was super funny. There’s already been so many things that I just know that she is around for and that she is laughing at. I think I told you guys about how I accidentally embalmed her. I accidentally embalmed her body when I was not supposed to have that done. I just know that she would find that hilarious

Then the other day I went, I know that she would think that this is so funny. I have a feeling that maybe she was behind it a little bit. But I had been waiting on her ashes to come back into the funeral home because she was cremated. The funeral home was going to call me and let me know when her ashes were ready for me to pick up. 

I went to the funeral home. They called me, ashes were ready. I went to the funeral home. They handed me the ashes, which was by far way heavier than I expected. Like, I don’t know. I thought ashes were going to be light. I was not expecting to be handed like a 25 pound box. 

So I get this box. I take it home, and they tell me. They’re like listen. This is a box, and then you’re going to open the box and inside is going to be a sealed bag. That sealed bag is gonna have kind of like a spout thing to help you pour into an urn if you want to pour it into an urn. I was like fantastic. That sounds great. 

I went home, and I was trying to get the box open, and it wouldn’t open. It was so hard. I was like I know that I am smarter than this box. Like I know I can do this. I finally got my fingers wedged into this like little corner where I could pop the box open so that I could get to the bag that’s sealed so that I could remove the ashes from the box. 

I finally popped it open. My sister-in-law is sitting with me by the way, Jamie, who helped me take care of my mom during this whole time. Sister-in-law sitting with me. I pop it open, and ashes just like all over my face. Guys. Guys, all over my face

Like through the dust bowl, I look at Jamie, and she dies laughing. I die laughing. I’m like half grossed out, half not grossed out because it’s my mom. We laughed about it, I mean, for an hour after it happened, you guys. These are the things that I would have texted my mom. Like I would give anything to text my mom and be like, your ashes just covered my face when I was trying to gently open your box to pour you into an urn. That’s the relationship we had. 

I don’t have a lot of things of hers, and it’s something that I wish that I had done a little bit differently. I’ve always considered myself very minimal. I don’t put a lot of sentimentality into things. Like I’ve always put a lot of my energy into people and memories and not things.

I’m kind of the opposite of a hoarder. I am the type of person that if you send me a Christmas card, I’m gonna look at it. I might hang it on the fridge for a week, and then it’s going in my trash. That’s just this the way I am. Same with birthday cards. Same with anything. I just don’t keep things like that ever at all. 

I have been scouring my house looking for anything that my mom wrote to me. She was the queen of sending me birthday cards. Even though she lived five minutes away, she would send them in the mail. Or she would write me little notes on little post it notes and leave them around my house. I don’t have anything from that

Yesterday, I was hanging out in my room, and I came across a card that she had written me for Mother’s Day in 2021. She was saying how proud she was of me and how amazing of a mom I am. You guys, I just lost it. Lost it. 

Any who, that’s my story right now when it comes to my mom. Today marks four weeks exactly. It’s been one month since she passed. Some days I am functioning at a very, I don’t know, normal Becca-ish wavelength. Some days I am not. Grief is hard. It is weird. I know that a lot of you guys are going through it. So we stand united in that. 

So let’s get to business because here’s the truth. Although I am sad about my mom and although I miss her like crazy, she was my absolute number one fan when it came to my coaching, when it came to my podcast. She never missed an episode ever. She would contact me at six in the morning and tell me that she had already listened to my episode on the day that it dropped every single Wednesday. 

If I know anything, I know that she wants me to keep pushing. She was always so excited about the future of Hell Yes Coaching. She was always the number one fan of me as well as anyone that I worked with. If she saw on social media that you and I worked together, you better believe she was following you. She was commenting on everything that you posted. She became your number one fan as well. 

But let’s get to it. I want to talk to you guys a little bit about what I’ve been focusing on in my social media game. So I think that there’s this culture that has been going around with especially in the coaching world, I see it happening in other business industries where there are these like long winded educational explanations of how coaching works or how their business works. 

I’m seeing these business owners that are writing these like six paragraph pages about their industry and then gaining clients from these posts. This is something that I’ve always done as well. I’ve always been very heavy on education. I’ve always been very heavy on explaining yourself very well so that people that are interested in your service can find you. 

But lately, I have been focusing on what I call one-liners. These one-liners I am using on Instagram and on Facebook. So on Instagram, I just create a Canva. It is very clean. It’s usually just like a black background with one sentence on top. Then on Facebook, it’s literally just a post that is like one sentence. 

Here’s what I believe about these one-liners. If done well, they can educate, but also one of their main purposes is to be like an opinion piece. They are so digestible. They are so quick and so easy to read. When done well, you can really get people to understand exactly what you are doing, exactly what you’re selling, and they get a little piece of your personality. 

A lot of times when done well these opinionated one-liners will also be wonderful, shareable content. So on Instagram, you want people to see your page. You want to draw people to your page. One of the best ways to do that is to make posts that people share. It doesn’t have to be 500 people, it can be two people. If two people share your post to their 3,000 person audience, that is 6,000 new eyes on your post. 

So I’ve been working on doing these one-liners using my opinions. Guys, when I say opinions, I mean some people are going to be turned off by your opinion. Some people are gonna love it. Some people are gonna find it hilarious. Some people are not. But it is really going to narrow down your crowd. It is going to help you find your people. If they resonate with it, if you write something and they are like oh my gosh me too, or oh my gosh this makes so much sense. They’re going to share it. When they share it, your Instagram grows. All right. 

So I just want to give you a quick example of one one-liner that I did recently that went well. This is what it says. When coaches with no kids tell me ways to manage my time for work, I laugh from the absolute depths of my worn down uterus. 

So this is graphic, the worn down uterus, but this is showing that I know about the coaching industry, that I am taking a stance on the coaching industry, that I am willing to say things maybe other people are not. Yes, this might turn people off that don’t have kids. It’s gonna make people laugh that do have kids, but it is really going to help me dig my heels into the sand on the fact that I am confident enough to say what I want to say.

I’m using humor. In some fashions, I can be very educational in these. I’m going to give you more examples so that you understand with me, okay. One of the best ways that you can figure out exactly what you want to write on these is to first list out all of the problems that your clients face. Okay.

So I did this for Massage Strong, my deep tissue massage therapy studio. At Massage Strong, we see mainly people that are in pain, or they’re dealing with some type of injury or like post-surgical scar tissue. This isn’t like your fufu massage. This is usually like medical grade, almost physical therapy type of massage that we market towards. 

So I very quickly wrote on a piece of paper, and I said problems. Here are the main problems that we see at Massage Strong. Low back pain from commuting to work and sitting at a computer all day. Notice that I’m very specific. 

Knee pain from a lifetime of running. Back pain from a lifetime of standing at work. Headaches from working at a computer all day. Neck pain from sleep position, neck pain from using your cell phone too much. Old sports injuries. Shoulder pain from computer work. Scar tissue build up post-surgery, sciatica, foot pain from high arches. Foot pain from dropped arches. 

Another problem, last but not least, is we see a lot of people that get sick every single winter. The problem is that they get sick every winter. Right? The solution is that massage helps that. We see a lot of people that come in specifically to prevent sicknesses through the winter because of the lymphatic movement that massage creates. 

So I listed these problems right. I just bullet pointed them. Then from there, I looked at this list, and I asked myself what would you tell someone about this list? Like if I’m looking at foot pain from high arches, what would I say about foot pain from high arches? What I came up with was high foot arches don’t have to hurt when you walk. Okay. 

So I’m looking at the problems. I’m saying what would you tell someone. What do you think about this? Or what do you think about this that separates you from other people? Okay.

Here’s one. Your back doesn’t hurt because you’re older. Your back hurts because humans need mobility. Okay. This is an opinion piece. It’s actually a fact. I’m sorry that my opinions are facts. They are. But listen, your back doesn’t hurt because you’re older. No, your back doesn’t hurt because you turned 40. That’s not true. Your back hurt because you turned 40, and you don’t move your body the way you used to when you were 17. Okay, that’s really what it is. So I said your back doesn’t hurt because you’re older. Your back hurts because you’re lacking mobility. Right? 

Here’s another one. I saw in my problem section people have headaches, right? Here’s my one-liner. Headaches, Tylenol is the band aid, massage is the cure. Okay. Next one. Monthly massages significantly lower the likelihood of getting sick through the months of October through March. If I wrote that, the caption on it would be peace out DayQuil, adding just a little bit more humor in the caption. 

So I would like for you to ask yourself what are the problems that my clients see the most? If you’re someone that is very used to writing these huge, long winded posts, you might find that by writing something very simple, very potent, very to the point, very opinionated, very quick, very clean, that your engagement might absolutely skyrocket.

When people see these, these are very digestible. With that being said, I want to mention you want to keep it very clean. So when I do this, it’s a black background with white letters on top. I don’t add photos in the back. I don’t like make it super busy. I don’t write all over it. I try not to be too wordy. 

But these examples have been absolutely tremendous for my engagement on Instagram. People are sharing them. People are like oh my gosh, I believe that too. Yeah. Do you know how many people, how many massage therapists have shared my posts that say things like headaches, Tylenol is a band aid. Massage is the cure. Boom, I am instant authority. I am willing to say it. Hey, you’re back doesn’t hurt because you’re old. Your back hurts because you’re not moving. 

So I want you guys to sit down. I want you to write your client’s problems out. Then just simply say, what would I tell someone about this? How would I do a quick one-liner about this? How do I make this so that other people are like oh my gosh, I want to share that on my social media?

Now, I haven’t stopped educating or making these really long-winded posts. I do that as well. I’m just noticing that when I pop these little opinion pieces, these little opinionated one-liners in there, that is driving traffic to my socials. I want that to happen for you as well. 

So you can leave here today, use that yourself, what is it you want to say? Throw it out to the world, say it with pride, and say it over and over and over again. Because marketing works best when we are consistently repeating the same messages. 

Just a heads up you guys, October is absolutely stacked inside of my membership. So if you are inside of my membership, you don’t have to worry about anything that I’m about to say because you get access to like everything. You just get access to at all. You don’t have to guess anymore whether or not you want to come or whether or not you want to buy the next workshop. You just get the workshops. 

But if you are not in my membership, October we are having The Webinar Course. The Webinar Course starts on October 10. I’m going to teach you guys how I run webinars. Or you can call them masterclasses if you want or online events. How I run these online events, how I get clients to convert into my courses from my master classes exactly how I set up these master classes. 

Minute by minute, I’m going to explain to you how I introduce them into the master class, how I present the master class, and then how I convert them and incentivize them into another course. Okay. Masterclasses are a wonderful way to inject a bunch of cash into your business account. It’s also a great way to inject a lot of new email addresses into your email address book, to gain demand, to gain client, and to just keep the ball rolling on your business. 

So if you are interested in coming to The Webinar Course, you need to be watching my Instagram. You’ve got to be getting my emails. We are going to start releasing all of those dates very soon. If you are a part of The Circle, all of this is included. So if you’re not part of The Circle, and you don’t want to continue to ask yourself which classes and courses you want to take, it is $8,888. We have payment plans to come inside of my annual membership so you can have access to everything. 

Also, we haven’t announced this yet, and I haven’t even talked to Gigi or anyone on team Hell Yes about announcing this. So I hope I’m not stepping on any toes when I do this. But we’re releasing something this October that we have never done before. We’ve never done this before, but we’re doing it. Watch out. Here we go. 

I am going to be releasing a mini mind. What does that mean? This is a miniature mastermind. This is only open to people that have not been in my masterminds before. This is for new faces that have never been in a mastermind with me. This is going to be a shortened quick potent mini mind. It is going to be only six weeks long. It is going to be the best teeny, teeny, teeny-weeny little mastermind you have ever been a part of. 

You do not want to miss this guy’s. My close proximity masterminds are the best. They’re the best in the entire coaching industry period. Period, facts, hashtag facts, so be there. All those details will be coming out soon. I love you guys. I hope you guys have a great rest of your week. I will be back here next week. Goodbye.

Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share. 

When you share this episode with a friend or leave us a five star review, it is like pouring a little bit of magic into our podcasting bucket. It is what gets our work recognized. It’s what gives us energy and keeps us going, truly. Not one share nor review goes without recognition from our team. As always, we fucking love you here at Hell Yes Coaching. Have a beautiful day. 

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.


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