Are you ready to inject a ton of cash into your business this Black Friday? Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to running holiday promotions, you don’t want to miss this episode. I have a decade’s worth of hard-earned wisdom on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to creating wildly successful Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, and I spill all the secrets today.
Get ready to take notes as I reveal my top tips for leveraging the Q4 consumerism boom. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a proven game plan for making this your most profitable Black Friday yet, even if you’re starting from scratch.
Tune in this week as I walk you through the exact strategy I use to generate multiple six figures in a single Black Friday by leveraging the power of gift cards. From making the purchase process frictionless for your customers to effectively promoting your offers, I hold nothing back.
Want to kill it this Black Friday and Cyber Monday, making more money in one weekend than you made the whole year up to this point? Join me for a special masterclass: Your Biggest Black Friday Yet. We start November 5th 2024 and you can get all the details right here!
Come get in my Scale to Seven Mastermind. This is the environment to upgrade your business, we begin in January, and you can get all the details if you click right here!
If you want 2025 to be your biggest, most successful year in business, you have to join us for Hell Yes Live. It’s happening January 14-16, 2025 at the Four Seasons Resort in Miami, Florida. There has never been a better time to be in my world, so click here to buy your tickets right now.
If you want to be bold and stand in your power, you need to join The Circle to understand marketing on a whole new level.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- Why your past Black Friday results have zero bearing on your potential this year.
- How to create a frictionless gift card purchase experience that maximizes sales.
- The key to promoting your offers with the intensity they deserve, and why most businesses fall short.
- Why you must normalize customers buying gift cards for themselves – and how to do it effectively.
- How to plant the seed that your service makes a perfect gift for everyone on your customer’s list.
- The importance of offering a sliding scale of price points to capture sales at every level.
Listen to the Full Episode:
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Full Episode Transcript:
What’s up, my friends? Let’s talk all things Black Friday sales. This is the number one time to inject a lot of freaking cash into your business. Whether you’ve done Black Friday sales for a decade or whether you are brand new to selling and doing promos on Black Friday, I welcome you to listen to this audio and take notes because I’m about to throw down 10 years’ worth of audio and advice and shit that went wrong and shit that went right over the last 10 years as I have created the Black Fridays that I now host, which are like literal multi six-figure days, multi six-figure Black Friday, multi six-figure Cyber Monday.
So I’ve learned some shit and I’m going to share it for you. This is episode number 181. I am your host, Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.
Welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast. I am your favorite business coach, Becca Pike. If you’re looking for high level CEO leadership skills, modern day marketing strategies that actually convert the hell out of your leads, and you want to create a big ass wallet and big ass impact in your community, then this podcast is for you.
Welcome to my world. In here, we do two things. We scale, and we play. Because what’s the point of being rich if you can’t have fun? If you want to make multi six and multi seven figures without sacrificing your gym time, your music festivals, your wine nights with your friends, then I’m your girl. Enjoy.
What’s up, friends? It is sell 500 gift cards and only have to redeem 400 of them season. That’s my favorite part about gift cards. Who are these people that buy gift cards and then never redeem them? They just like shove them in a drawer somewhere. I mean they’re my favorite kind of people because it’s just free money for the small businesses around the world.
But it’s amazing what Black Friday and Cyber Monday can do when you have gift card sales and Christmas gift card sales. This is the season of consumerism, guys. The Q4 era of the year is my favorite. Consumerism is at its highest. People are throwing money all over the place, and you can either wait on the sidelines and watch it, or you can play the game and get paid huge.
When you know how to leverage a Black Friday, Cyber Monday holiday season as a business owner, you’re going to be selling hundreds of gift cards at your business while you’re at home drinking mulled wine with your family. Okay? That’s the shit we want.
So let’s talk about this. What does it actually look like? Now, at the beginning, it was like an enigma I could not understand. I was like how do people sell a shit ton of gift cards? Like, I remember my very first Black Friday, I like sent out a text and sold like two gift cards to clients that were coming to me often and kind of talked them into bringing their spouses.
I remember just thinking holy crap, I just sold two $60 gift cards. I just made $120 and got two new customers in the door just based off of texting someone. Like, I remember being mind blown by that. I was so young and naive, and I loved that girl because she was so excited about everything and delusional about everything at the same time.
So it’s been 10 years since then, and a lot has changed. My audience has built, my brand has built, the name that I have created in the Lexington, Kentucky community has built. However, if I were starting from scratch, and I didn’t have my audience, and I didn’t have everything that I have right now, here is the top advice that I would give you for going into gift card season.
So number one, do not look at your past and think that it is going to say anything at all about your future in gift card sales. If you have tried gift cards, if you have wanted to do Black Friday sales and promos, and they kind of fell flat, I need you to delete that from your brain. Only take with you what serves you and what is a good reminder for what works and what didn’t work. Otherwise, don’t make it mean anything. Just let go of it and start fresh because this Black Friday can be your absolute most monstrous Black Friday of all. All right. So that’s number one.
Number two, you need to make sure that it is absolutely frictionless for your clients to purchase a gift card. If they have to drive to your location and get out of their car and talk to someone behind a desk in order to purchase a gift card, that is way too much friction.
Now, there are some old school people that want to do this, okay? We still get people in my brick and mortars that want to walk in, and they want to leave with a very beautiful gift card in an envelope with our handwriting on it, okay? That’s cool. You should always have your front desk staffed so that people can do that. However, 99.99% of the gift card sales that we do are from people at their home that are able to just click on our website, click in how much they want to spend, and then print it off on their computer, okay?
When you make it this frictionless, you’re able to sell convenience. You’re able to get on email and be like hey, did you forget that tomorrow is Christmas? Well, we got your back. Here’s this. This is for your spouse. This is for your loved one. This is for you. Here you go, you know?
So like when you have frictionless experiences for your customers, you can sell at any time because they don’t have to come in. They don’t have to make time. They can just click away from your email, and they can click over to your website, and they can download their gift cards. So coming into Black Friday, if you are going to be running a promo really hard, make sure that there is zero friction. That it is easy to find your gift cards, that it is easy to spend a lot of money with you, and that they do not have to come in to your store.
The next thing to think about, you are probably, I’m going to go ahead and say you are. You’re not promoting it enough. If your audience doesn’t hear about your Black Friday sale every single day in some capacity for like two weeks, then you’re leaving money on the table.
So I start seed planting weeks in advance. I start talking. I want my consumers to think of me when it comes to Black Friday. I want them to see a big picture of my face. I want them to know that I was the first one talking about Black Friday way back at the beginning of October, right? So that when Black Friday sales start hitting, they are thinking of me because I’ve already been talking about it for two weeks.
So you have to promote it like it is going to make you six figures in a day. Because guess what? A lot of people aren’t willing to promote it with that much intensity, but then they get these lackluster results. Then that feeds into well, I’m not going to promote it with that much intensity if I’m going to get lackluster results. When the reality is you got lackluster results because you didn’t promote it with that much intensity.
So this needs to be something that is going out in emails, on socials, on Facebook, every single place you can possibly put it for weeks in advance. Like you are promoting it like your life depends on it, and you are going to get six figures worth of gift card sales. That’s the way I want you to see it.
The next thing I want you to do is I want you to normalize that customers can purchase gift cards for themselves. So whatever your service is, like if you’re a massage therapist and you are running a 20% off gift cards for Black Friday, people want to buy that for themselves. But a lot of people won’t do it because they feel like they’re not allowed or they feel like that’s taboo or like these are meant to be gift cards for other people.
So I hella normalize that you can go ahead and buy your entire years’ worth of massages right now on Black Friday for 20% off. I’m telling people, hey if you know that you’re coming once a month to get a massage, why not buy them all right now and save 20% for the entire year? This gives them the permission to buy it for themselves. Do people still buy for their spouses and their loved ones? Of course. Absolutely. But giving this permission will drastically increase the amount of Black Friday sales that you have. All right.
Simultaneously, with that being said, while you’re giving them permission to buy it for themselves, be sure that you’re reminding them that your service is a really great gift for their mother, their father, their sister, their brother, their son, their grandchild, whoever it is. Like marketing works because we are able to plant ideas into people’s mind. I am able to plant ideas in your mind that you can have a tremendous Black Friday sale. I’m able to plant in my customers’ minds that yoga is going to heal their anxiety. So they come into my yoga studio.
This is marketing at its core. You get to plant whatever ideas you want into people’s mind. As long as you’re using your power for good, then you are marketing well. Okay, so if you start telling them hey, my service is great for your spouse, they might not have even been thinking about that.
I’ve had multiple people tell me this where they’re like, “I’m so glad that you said something. Like, obviously, this is a really good idea for my mom. But I was over here thinking that I didn’t have anything to give my mom. The fact that you literally just said it flat out, like this is a good gift for your mom, what made so much sense and I wouldn’t have thought to buy it. Now I’m going to buy five of them.” So plant the seeds that you want to plant.
Okay, last thing, you want to have a sliding scale of purchase points from low ticket to high ticket. So, again, I’m going to keep using massage as an example. I might have one massage gift certificate. I might also have a bundle of three massage gift certificates. Then I might have a bundle of 10 massage gift certificates. So this is a smaller price point, a medium price point and a large price point.
Now, most people aren’t going to go for your large price point. A lot of people aren’t willing to drop $1,000 or $2,000 at one business location. However, there always are those people. There’s always those people. So you got to have the option for them to spend a lot of money with you if you want them to spend a lot of money with you. So be sure that you have a sliding scale, and you have something for everyone. Some people are going to want to spend $50 with you. Some people are going to want to spend $250. Some people are going to want to spend $1,000 with you on that day.
Guys, this is just the beginning. This is just the very tip of the iceberg when it comes to Black Fridays. There is so much you can do. There are so many add-ons and bonuses and price bumps and little funny things that you can do to gamify your Black Friday sales and your Cyber Monday sales.
So I invite you to come into my Black Friday class, which begins on November 5th. Now, if it is past November 5th when you are listening to this, I highly suggest that you come in, and you watch the replay. If it’s past Black Friday, I highly suggest that you still come in and watch the replay because what I’m going to be teaching you is everything about promotions.
So if this is a promotion that you want to run, it’s Black Friday, and you want to run a promotion for Christmas Eve or New Year’s or Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, I don’t give a shit. This class is for you when you want to run a really, really, really good promotion that makes you a shit ton of money.
Again, this class starts on November 5th. If you want to come in, just email us [email protected]. If you want that replay, you can email us as well. Or you can go over to my Instagram @1beccpike. Follow me over there, and you will be able to see all of the links to all of my trainings. I hope you guys have the best freaking day. Bye.
Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share.
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