The Hell Yes Entrepreneur Podcast with Becca Pike | Becca Coaches Live: What's Stopping You From Making Money?Today is a special day over here on the podcast because I’m inviting you to hear me coach one of my students. This is real-life audio from a breakout group in Three More and in attendance were two coaches and a meat farmer. So, you’re going to hear me coach the meat farmer, JoBeth, as well as some inputs from the two coaches, Rebecca and Susie.

When we were doing this session, I had no intention of it becoming a podcast episode. It never even crossed my mind. If it had, the audio would be better and there would be less cussing. But anyway, this is too good not to share because I know so many of you out there need to hear what we talk about.

Even though you’re probably not in the farming industry, there are so many lessons you can learn from applying the coaching JoBeth received to your own situation. So tune in this week for a look at real coaching and how it’s applied in the real world when it comes to imposter syndrome, raising prices, selling, and all of the stuff that every entrepreneur faces.

I’m always trying to figure out how I can overdeliver for you guys. Well, I’ve got some news. Three More is no longer just an 8-week course. If you join Three More, you now get lifetime access to the entire video library that we use inside the program, lifetime access to weekly group coaching calls, and the Facebook community where we gather to exchange high-level ideas. And all this for exactly the same as the 8-week price. So if you’re ready to sell your service and book yourself out, you need to get inside.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The thoughts that JoBeth had when she came for coaching around whether it’s possible to make money in her industry.
  • How not being profitable has been societally normalized in so many industries.
  • Why any industry can be profitable if you apply the same logic as those super-profitable industries.
  • Where Jobeth was letting thoughts and opinions sneak into how she was making business decisions like raising her prices.
  • Why your customers never care about your prices rising as much as you do.
  • What is currently stopping you from coming up with innovative ways to market your business and make more money, whatever industry you’re in.

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Hey guys, today is a special day. You all get to hear me coach one of my students. So in the Three More room, we did a breakout group. If you’re not a part of the Three More membership, this is a phenomenal time at the beginning of 2022 to jump into the community and start getting coached by me and by all the Hell Yes Coaches.

I did a breakout room with three women that are in Three More. Two of them are coaches and one of them is a farmer, a meat farmer. You’re going to hear me coach the meat farmer, JoBeth. When we did this class, I had no intention of it becoming a podcast episode. It never even crossed my mind. If it had crossed my mind, I probably would have said less ridiculous things. We did a lot of editing so that there’s a few less cuss words in this podcast. I’m going to just let you guys chime in and hear it.

So first I want to say thank you to JoBeth because she is extremely vulnerable in being willing and allowing of us to use this as a podcast episode. So you’re going to see a very vulnerable side of an entrepreneur getting coached. You’re going to hear from Rebecca and Suzy as well. They’re in the background a little bit and they come into play a little bit.

I want you guys to enjoy this episode. When you’re listening to it, even though you’re not in the farming industry, I want you to consider how her coaching shows up for you and how you can use this coaching and implement it into your own life. Because it’s going to be the same across all boards, across all industries. We are just talking about imposter syndrome, raising your prices, selling, and all of the things that all entrepreneurs face. All right guys so today is episode number 33. I’m your host Becca Pike. Without further ado, let’s get going.

Hey, guys. I’m Becca Pike and welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast, the number one show for entrepreneurs looking to create their first six-figure year. If you’ve got the drive and you know how to hustle but you’re not sure where to channel your energy, we’ve got the answers. Let’s dive into today’s show.

JoBeth: I’m trying to think about what questions I have, but I feel like I’ve already answered my questions.

Becca: Oh good.

JoBeth: Based off what you talked to them about.

Becca: That is the power of group coaching. Anytime I see someone not listening when someone else is being coached, I’m like ah you’re missing so much. If we have the ability to listen to someone else who’s in a totally different industry with a totally different problem and figure out how to reflect it onto ourselves, you get quadruple the coaching than if you just wait your turn. Right, anyways. Okay, sorry. Go ahead JoBeth.

JoBeth: No that’s all true. Farming is notorious for not being profitable. If you see a farmer you can almost assume that they’re doing it for the lifestyle. You farm for the lifestyle and the animals help you break even so that you can make your payments on your land. Okay? That is normal. I don’t know of anybody who farms for a profit. So that was one thing that I’m trying to  figure out. So one thing is we have 36 offers on our website.

Becca: Do you believe farms can be profitable, like really profitable?

JoBeth: I do. I believe that it is possible, but I don’t think it’s been done yet.

Becca: You don’t think any farm’s been super profitable?

JoBeth: Without the help of an outside income, no. Because all the ones that I know, their husbands are in the oil industry or they have some other. Maybe all their land was inherited. I don’t know anybody who has a successful farm and is making money farming that does not have a huge income coming from another source.

Becca: Have you looked for evidence of this?

JoBeth: Oh yeah. That’s what my opinion is based off of. All the people I know who are being successful in this right now have uber successful businesses that are funding the farming side of it.

Becca: Yeah, okay.

JoBeth: I believe that it’s possible for us.

Becca: I have found different evidence in farming, but here’s what I want you to think about too first of all. I understand that farms are “notorious for not being profitable”, but I want you to understand that this is just what they’ve normalized. Every industry has it’s own culture, okay? If you look at coaches versus real estate agents versus famers. There’s different verbiage that they use. There’s different things that they lean into. Every single industry has its own culture.

Farming culture is it’s own culture. It was taught by the great grandparents was taught to the grandparents was taught to the son was taught to the grandson, you know. Most of the time farming has been taught by a person as opposed to an industry leader, okay? Something I want you to consider is yes it’s known, it has normalized not being profitable.

But it has also normalized a lot of shit that makes it not profitable. The farming industry is notorious for not investing in their mindset. How many farmers do you know that are a part of large business masterminds?

So when I was coaching the guy that ran the farm for two years, he would go to these farming things, these conferences, and no one even understood what we he was talking about when he said he had a business coach. It was so normalized to not invest in yourself, into your self-care, into growing your brain, into reading books that are going to make your business profitable.

When I look at the coaching industry, there’s a reason that we call it NBA money. People are making millions of dollars in the coaching industry. You know what also is extremely normalized in the coaching industry? Investing your brain, consistently reading, consistently listening to podcasts on business growth, consistently learning how to increase profit margins.

I’m not saying this is you because you are in Three More and I see you working hard. I want you to be really careful with what cultures have normalized and taking them as truth. Okay? This is a thought. Farms not being profitable is a thought that has been passed down from generations and generations, and I swear to god it’s going to be like the end of farms. If I could go into farming.

I have like a lot of passion for this, especially because of the guy that I coached for so long. But he was taught this too. When you’re taught that it’s not profitable, you stop your brain from committing to any sort of creativity. You start looking around at other farms and you start saying okay what are they doing that’s not working? I’m going to try that too. What are they doing that’s not working? I’m going to try that too. It shuts off all of the creativity that could come from this.

JoBeth: Right.

Becca: You’re like one product away or one thing away. You could start doing webinars. You’re one webinar away from becoming one of the most profitable farms that you know or the most profitable farm that you know. If you continue to think farms aren’t profitable, they’re notorious for not being profitable, the profit margins just aren’t there. There’s just too much startup.

JoBeth: Right so what about the profit margins? When you put it down on paper and they’re legit not there, that’s not a thought anymore. That’s a result. So do we go back? I’m just wondering like we’re going to have to raise our prices, like period. We have to raise our prices. So then at that point we’re knocking out probably 30% of the customers we already have, which is fine.

Becca: That’s a thought. That’s a thought.

JoBeth: That’s a thought.

Becca: You just made that up, and you’re believing it. You said that you’re on the verge of shutting the farm down. So if it’s raise your prices or shut the farm down.

JoBeth: We’re raising our prices.

Becca: Yeah, raise your prices. Stop letting opinions sneak into that. Everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the farming industry or the coaching industry or real estate, doesn’t matter. Every single person that raises their prices go through exactly what you’re doing. You’re just looking at it through the lens of farming, right. The people that buy from me are poor country folk. We’re not near cities. It’s like the farming dialogue that is so deeply invested in farmers, right?

JoBeth: Right no we deliver. I don’t think that because we’re right next to Walmart headquarters. We deliver in million dollar neighborhoods all the time, like million dollar homes.

Becca: Listen. Your raising of prices, any drama that you’re having about raising your prices are in your head. People never care about the price raise as much as you do. Ever. Never ever, ever. You will torture yourself over it if you allow yourself to. You’ve got to not be the politician that stands up and asks what people want.

Instead you need to take a piece of paper out and decide what your farm needs. What does the profit margins need to look like? Not what will keep people from leaving me, but what does the farm need? You’ve got to feed your farm first, okay. No think about the clients first. You’ve got to make sure that your farm baby is well fed and has a clean diaper and is taken care of. Okay?

JoBeth: So we are already delivering in. Okay so like there’s this one subdivision that we deliver in. If they all bought their beef from us, we would have to try to figure out how to get more beef. At any price, that would be the situation. So all we do is Facebook. We did one boutique show which was a huge hit.  So how do we…Okay in like that neighborhood, how do we acquire those people’s neighbors that we already sell to? What does that look like?

Becca: How do you think you do it? Here’s what I want you to realize. When you guys ask me questions like how do I do this, all you’re doing is making my brain more resourceful and you’re making yourself more reliable on me. So I’m always going to get you to answer your own question because we want your brain to be more resourceful for when I’m not around and you guys have to make these decisions.

Something to remember is like I don’t hold all the answers guys. Like I’ve been in y’all’s shoes where I’m like okay, how do I get more clients? You’ve just got to think, right? So tell me this. You’ve got million dollars clients in a million dollar neighborhood. How do you get their neighbors to want what you have?

JoBeth: Well they have to know about us.

Becca: Okay.

JoBeth: One thought I had was doing direct mail marketing where we got something in everybody’s mailbox in that subdivision. Another thought would be referrals from that person and from those neighborhoods. I think there’s probably like three or four subdivisions that, like I said, it wouldn’t matter what our beef was priced at. They could afford it if they knew about it and wanted it. It would not be about how much our product is.

Facebook obviously is great, but like I can’t target through Facebook like I could through like direct mail marketing. Then if somebody has to be in front of us however many times, 12/13/14 however many times. Like that would mean that one mailer probably isn’t going to make a big enough difference. I would have to do it over and over and over again.

Becca: Okay. What else could you do?

JoBeth: There’s like home shows we could go to.

Becca: Okay. Home shows.

JoBeth: There’s one coming up in April.

Becca: What else?

JoBeth: I don’t know.

Becca: I want your brain to think harder than it’s ever thought. How can you get clients to know who you are? There’s no wrong answers here. You can say the weirdest thing you’ve ever said in your life. It’s welcome.

JoBeth: I mean decaling our vehicles would be helpful, our delivery vehicles. Gosh we can do any kind of marketing. Flyers. Try to advertise at their work, around their work. Could we leave them free samples? Is that legal?

Becca: I don’t know exactly. I think it’s state to state, but it seems like it. I mean how else could you get… My mind just like. I don’t know if I was just so poor at one point in my life that I know how to access the most desperate parts of my brain or something, but I have so many thoughts.

You could literally set up a stand and give out free samples. People stop. You could set up a stand at your friend’s job. You could set up a stand on the corner of the road. You could set up a stand. You could rent a booth at a mall. You’re not doing webinars. You’re not doing paid ads like Google Ads where you can actually target places.

I don’t know if you’re doing give away or you’re doing punch cards where you have people that are punching cards for you so that every time you buy this, you get a card punch. Every time you check in on social media, you get a card punch. At the end you get a free whatever, right. You’re not doing flyers. You haven’t done decals. You could do more home shows. You’re not doing any sort of incentive for referrals. You’re not doing direct mail. You’re not doing all these things that you’re thinking of. You’re like, “Our sales are down.”

JoBeth: Right. I never thought of like half of those things.

Becca: Because you’ve never had to. Here’s why. Here’s what I want to say to everybody in here too. You’ve never had to because your brain shuts off the moment you give it an excuse. The moment that you’re like farms aren’t profitable your brain just shuts down. Instead of saying, “I’ll make my farm profitable, let me sit down and actually force my brain to think of things that are going to make it profitable. You’ve never had to do that. Nobody’s ever asked you to do that because you’re not asking yourself to do that, right?

JoBeth: Right.

Becca: These other farms that aren’t profitable, guarantee they’re not doing webinars. They don’t have Google Ads. They’re not going to boutique shows. They don’t have referral incentives. Guarantee they might, might maybe be doing direct mail. Maybe. They might have like a Facebook page.

JoBeth: You’re right. I mean those things are all true. That’s like my end goal is to eventually teach farmers how to be profitable. Once I get this figured out to turn this around so that I can teach that. So like it’s definitely something I believe in. There’s just not proof around me. Like I get what you’re saying. I get that 100%.

Becca: Watch your brain too. When you’re like, “Well, I’m going to raise my prices. I’ve done the calculations and that’s 30% of my clients that are going to leave.” Like you’re in a position right now where everything you say is like do or die. Everything you say you have to ask yourself is that a thought? Is that an opinion? Is that a circumstance? Do I know for sure 30% are going to leave? What if you raised your prices and you gained 30% of clients because of the perceived value? You know what I’m saying?

Every time I raise my prices as a coach, more people want to work with me. Because people perceive the value to be better. I’m the queen of buying things based on perceived value. Like you could literally bottle the shittiest shampoo you could imagine. If you put it in a pretty bottle and make it $100, I’m like that’s got to be the best. I’m buying it. It’s just perceived value.

JoBeth: Okay.

Becca: So I think you should immediately raise your prices not based on what your clients need, not based on your worst clients that are hanging on by the thread of a discount. We’ve got to be thinking of our best clients, the ones in the million dollar neighborhood that.

There are people, and I know this because I’m one of them, who are obsessed with the specific type of meat that they will eat. We will not touch this meat, that meat, or that meat. Our meat has to be raised this way period. We will go to any length. We will pay anything. I wouldn’t even notice if my farmer raised the prices. I wouldn’t even care. Because to me it’s not that I have the money. It’s that I value a good sourced meat.

JoBeth: Okay.

Becca: But you’re not thinking of those people. You’re thinking of the people who are hanging on by the discount. They’re like if you raise one dollar, I’m out. There’s always going to be people that do that.

JoBeth: Right. Okay so do you think like when it comes to my products, do you feel I need to reduce the number of items that we’re selling? If so…Like this is kind of the thought I was having when Suzy was talking was that it’s really hard to get rid of hamburger, like for us. I know you’re going to be like that’s a thought.

We have an abundance of hamburger. People don’t typically want things like oxtail, soup bones, skirt steak, those things. So would it be in my best interest to for those four things we have a hard time moving, find an outlet for them that’s not our website? So all the burger gets turned into snack sticks and we sell just snack sticks because those are selling like wildfire right now. Like I can’t even.

Becca: If your snack sticks are selling like wildfire then I would play around with that. Like just spend the next three months just talking about snack sticks nonstop. Like become the snack stick people.

Also remember that whatever product you have that isn’t selling it’s because it hasn’t been taught yet. Your bone marrow and your soup bones, your soup bones can sell if you educate people on why they should have soup bones. Like the moment that I became aware of what bone marrow actually does to the human and how important it is to our nutrition, I now buy soup bones from my farmer every time I go.

Here’s what I want to say about that. So I want you to understand they’re not buying the soup because they’re not educated, but I’m not saying that you should spend all your time educating on the soup bones either. I think right now you could leave your products the way they are and start focusing on actually selling and then decide what sells the best and what you want to focus on.

Because right now you’re doing very minimal on the selling aspect of it. You’re not doing any of the things that we listed. So instead of spending your energy taking away products, I want to see you spend your energy selling the shit out of your farming products and then decide from there what you want to do with the amount of products that you have. Does that make sense?

JoBeth: Yeah so raise the prices first. Then start doing some of the things that we just talked about.

Becca: Yeah. All of you guys should be in 30 More. Seriously you all are this place. If you meet the minimum requirement, you guys should be in 30 More. This is exactly. You guys are bringing 30 More material. Simplifying, raising pricing, all of this stuff. The selling of it. This is all 30 More material. Just ask yourself if you’re not in it, what’s your thought on that? Is it because farmers don’t invest in their knowledge? Okay what else JoBeth? What’s coming up for you? Is it feeling good?

JoBeth: It was the clarification that I needed, and I knew I was going to get which is why I signed up. Almost too late, but got in. I have a lot of work to do. I don’t like, question we’re still on the fence with the grocery store. If they went in, we’re like sold out immediately. So that’s kind of been a weird place for me right now.

Becca: I feel like you’ve mentioned it a few times. Not even just in this call, but in other places where you’re like there’s this really big break that I want to take, but if I take it then I’m sold out.

JoBeth: Right.

Becca: So a woman that I know, I’m not going to say who it is. A woman that I know is holding really tight to her social security check. She’s 65. She’s finally getting this social security check that gives her like $900 a month. She doesn’t have very much money. So that’s exactly what she wants, right. So she’s like guarding it with her life.

She just started getting it, but then she also has this business that’s doing really well. But she’s not allowed to make more than like $1,000 a month or else her social security goes away. So she’s been keeping her business from not making money so that she can protect her social security check that’s $900. Even though she stated her business and in her first month she made like $1,000.

She already knows the next steps to turn that to $2,000, $3,000, $4,000. She could easily make $10,000 a month if she wanted to. All it would require is a little bit more time. She’s holding herself back from doing that because social security. It’s safe and it’s there and whatever, right.

Can we all agree that’s like insane? I’m telling her like listen, stop protecting the $900 when you’ve got $10,000 over here that you can easily go and grab. I’m watching you say like I need to protect my business because I wouldn’t know what to do if we ran out. If we sold out, I would have to then solve a problem that I’ve never solved before.

JoBeth: Right.

Becca: You’re capable of solving problems. I think the most successful people in the world, all that they do different than anyone else is they just solve more problems. When I think about myself right now versus myself five years ago, all I do all day is solve problems. Problems come up, don’t know how to do it, have no clue. I gotta solve for it. Gotta figure it out. Whatever.

So like if you went and you sold out of your meats in one swoop, that is a problem that you want to solve. Do you think that you’d be capable of solving it?

JoBeth: Well, that’s the problem is because when you are selling cattle from your own property and that’s your marketing thing. Like we could buy some, but we are 100% dependent on processing plants and having the animal. So right now calves are being born that are going to be processed in 19 months. So like we’re 19 months out from knowing if we have enough inventory for 19 months from now.

Becca: What would happen if you sold out for 19 months?

JoBeth: I mean it would be great. I mean I’m not necessarily worried about selling out, but maybe I am. Because then I’m like.

Becca: You’re very worried about it.

JoBeth: Right because like if this company calls and they’re like, “We’ve got this.” Then we have a problem with our customers that have signed subscriptions indefinitely and not being able to provide for them. So our subscription people and our individual people pay a much higher price for stuff than Harps would. Harps is the grocery store.

Becca: Would you be able to save the people that you’ve already promised meat to, save that much meat and sell out the rest to Harps?

JoBeth: Yeah.

Becca: Okay. Worst case scenario here, and I don’t even think this would be the thing because I think that you would solve this problem. I think you could change your messaging just for the next 19 months. Get calves from another farm. I don’t know. You’d have to figure it out. I think that your worst case scenario is that you have to have a banner on your website that says sold out of this product until next spring or whatever.

That’s your worst case scenario. You’ve pushed all the product out. You had a massive payday, and you’re protecting yourself from that in hopes that you can sell it little by little instead of all at once. It’s because you’re thinking of what people would think of you if you’re sold out.

You know what happens at Massage Strong is that we are sold out all the time on spots. Like you can’t get into Massage Strong. It’s like a running joke in Lexington. Like if you want to get into Massage Strong, you’ve got to call ahead. You’re like four weeks out, and then you can make an appointment there. Because of that, people are obsessed with it. It’s like the longer that the wait is, the more that people want in, right.

It’s not something that I thought was going to happen. We’re constantly hiring more people and we’re trying to open up these spots. We on the backend feel like this is the worst case scenario. We’re like people are going to leave. They’ve never going to come back because they can’t get in. If they cancel an appointment, they have to wait six weeks to get back in. It’s awful. On the other end what they’re seeing is wow, this place must be so good that you can’t get in for six weeks.

Okay so I just want you to be careful what you think that they’re going to think if you’re sold out of meat. Because they might think this must be the best meat in 100 mile radius, and I want to get on the wait list for whenever they have meat again. That’s another thing. You get to make a wait list and start selling spots for when you do get meat back in.

That’s what I want to say as an end to this is all three of you guys have the exact same thing that you’re dealing with. All three. It’s literally just not tapping into as resourceful as you can be. You guys are all just kind of putting a buffer between yourself and the most resourceful version of yourself. I always joke that everyone needs a little bit of homelessness in their life. I think that I can tap back into that in my life all the time.

I agree with you Rebecca. I’m in a situation where I don’t need the money anyway. I have Massage Strong income coming in. It’s good. It’s a hefty income. I don’t need Hell Yes Coaching to grow, but I want it to. I don’t have to become resourceful anymore. I don’t have to think that I’m going under or my bank account’s going to zero. I don’t have to deal with any of those problems anymore, but I can still tap into those places. I can still become extremely creative when I need to be. It’s all from practice. It’s from practicing that skill.

I think a lot of you guys have this buffer between what you’re doing and what you’re willing to feel. Are you willing to feel what it feels like to get on webinars over and over and over again to sell your product? Are you willing to feel what it takes to put flyers out? Are you willing to feel what it takes to get into the direct mail or putting decals on your car or whatever it is. If you’re willing to feel feelings, you’re willing to do anything. Okay?

So I want you all to consider the stories that you’re telling yourself, why it is that these stories are serving you. They’re somehow keeping you safe. All of the I don’t know how’s or I can’t raise my prices or all of these stories are literally just things that you made up, your brain made up to protect you. You guys are taking them as truths.

I do it too. So I don’t want you to think I’m preaching at you. I do this too. It’s why I can see it. It’s because these are things that I’ve already had to overcome myself.

Speaker 1: My biggest take away from this call, and I heard it in everyone’s coaching is use your own brain. Like to stretch it. I think I’ve really been relying on, even getting in Three More. I was like when I get in there, there will be some type of answer that I don’t already have. I have to use my own brain and stretch it. The answers are not outside of me, which is what I teach my own clients.

Becca: I know. It’s always what we teach. We can’t see it for ourselves. I want y’all to understand that the amount in which you can problem solve and use your brain is equivalent to the amount of money you can make. I always say to people like anyone can make $50,000. Anybody. Anyone can make $80,000. When you’re making hundreds of thousands of dollars, you are hurting your brain.

The type of work that I do now is like the type of work that drives me to drink because it is like legitimately the hardest I’ve ever had to think in my life to come up with these podcast episodes, to write these scripts, to write the Three More videos. I just wrote out all of the 30 More videos and filmed all of them. Like the type of work we’re doing now at this level is beyond that most humans are willing to do.

That’s why it always makes me crazy when people talk shit about rich people. Rich people, people that are self-made are willing to feel feelings that most people aren’t willing to feel. They’re willing to use their brains to problem solve in ways that literally hurt, right.

So if you find yourself putting a buffer between you and hard thinking, hard problem solving, feeling tough feelings. That’s going to be the buffer that keeps you from your money.

Speaker 2: That’s exactly it. That’s what I’m doing. Damnit. I needed to hear you say it. It sounds so dumb. I needed to hear you say it’s the hardest work you’ve ever done because it’s the hardest freaking work I’ve ever done.

Becca: Yes. Yes.

Speaker 2: Like when I was doing hair, I’m like everyday is a great day at the hair salon. I was good at it. I got it. It was easy. It was body. Like you’re exhausted at the end of the day, but mentally I didn’t do any work.

Becca: Yeah it was the same for me at Massage Strong. I went in on autopilot. I gave massages. I didn’t think about anything. Then here it’s like everything is just using my brain. That’s why we make such good money in this because, again, we are willing to feel feelings. We’re willing to put in the work.

Guys, the year that I launched Three More. I launched Three More and Zero to Coach in the same year. Not recommended. I was hiring staff members, doing one-on-one coaching still with them. It was just really crazy, but creating Three More was like the hardest I’d ever had to think. But it’s a skill. So the good news is that it’s a skill.

After I created Three More, I was able to create webinars a lot easier. Then after I got practicing with webinars, I was able to do podcast episodes a lot easier. Now I can like write out a podcast episode in like three to four hours as opposed to it used to take me like two days to write out a podcast episode. I just did my 30 More videos. It took me like literally a couple hours per video. Like I’m getting way better at it, and it’s getting easier because I’m using my brain in this way.

So like when I’m having JoBeth think harder than she’s ever thought, that was probably the hardest it’s ever going to be for her to think up seven ways to sell. Right? Like it’s going to be easier every time, but I’m not going to be here to tell her to think harder. Like she has to be the one that says, “Okay, think harder. Think as if your farm is going under. Think as if you have no where to live tomorrow, right. Then what would I do?”

So here’s what I want you guys to do. I want you to do what we talked about, each individual person. Also I want you to lean into your Three More community and I want you guys to talk to them about what you learned today. I want you to offer value to people in the community. I want you to be the person that says, “I’m popping on here and I am going to say exactly the problem I’ve been facing and the solution because somebody on here needs it.”

Speaker 1: Thanks Becca.

JoBeth: Thank you so much.

Becca: Aw you’re welcome guys. All right have a good day.

Speaker 1: All right bye.

JoBeth: Bye.

Speaker 2: All right by ladies.

Hey entrepreneurs. If you are ready to create your first six figure year, your next business investment is our course Three More. When you sign up, you will get instant access to our video vault. In these videos, I teach you exactly what I did to create a highly successful brick and mortar company as well as a booming online company. Both successful in their first year. It was not luck guys. It was a process. I am now offering that process to you.

In this class, you will become a master at organically attracting clients. Three at a time to be exact. #ThreeMore. You will know what to say during a consult or a conversation about your business so that people want what you’re selling when you speak to them.

You will know what to do when your client feels timid to invest in your service. They might want what you’re selling, but they feel on the fence about investing. This is normal. To become successful, you must know how to gently and confidently navigate these situations without being pushy but with their best interest at heart.

In Three More, you will learn new ways to think about money and sales and growing your audience, so they are lining up to buy from you. This is not gross and sleazy sales tactics. This is learning to inspire through quality service.

Best of all, you will have a community of other Three More members all reaching out for the same business growth where you can ask questions, make friends, and lean on each other. Our members say that the community is the best part.

If the community and the video vault doesn’t already make you feel like you won the business coaching lottery, we also have weekly live coaching calls. Every Tuesday at 1:30 Eastern Standard Time, you will receive live coaching in our community via Zoom so that you always stay in line with your goals. You can begin coming to these calls as soon as you sign up.

Guys between the video vault and the community and the live coaching, the program is fail proof. We are so confident that you will love three more that we have a risk-free guarantee. If it doesn’t work for you, we will send your money back no questions asked. There hasn’t been a single person that has wanted their money back. In fact, the reviews for this course are all five stars.

Do not wait. Go to right now, right this moment. Make the decision right now that our business will inevitably be successful. I can’t wait to see you in there.

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen to today’s episode. If you’re looking to get more clarity and momentum for your business, visit See you next week here on The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast.

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