The Hell Yes Entrepreneur with Becca Pike | The Art of Attracting and Serving High-Ticket Purchasers

Have you ever noticed how high-ticket purchasers move differently in your world? As an entrepreneur, it’s crucial to recognize the patterns and behaviors of successful consumers who are ready to invest heavily in their growth. In this episode, I share my observations on the distinct vibe and characteristics of high-level buyers.

When someone enters your world prepared to make a significant investment, they exude a unique energy and approach. They know exactly what they want and are committed to pursuing it. Understanding these patterns can help you identify and serve your top-tier clients more effectively.

Join me as I dive into the four most recognizable traits of high-ticket purchasers, from their decisive nature to their trust in the transformative power of mentorship. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a clearer picture of what to look for in your own business and how to attract and support these successful individuals.


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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The top four distinct characteristics of high-ticket purchasers.
  • How successful consumers move differently when making significant investments.
  • The importance of self-leadership and decisiveness in high-level buyers.
  • Why high-ticket purchasers don’t require endless questions and reassurance before investing.
  • The power of trusting your desires and making swift decisions in your own growth.
  • Why a relaxed, non-transactional mindset allows for faster progress and success.


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Full Episode Transcript:

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There is a different feeling when a high-ticket purchaser comes in and consumes in my world. This is a lesson on luxury consumerism. So when someone comes into my world that is ready to throw down a lot of money, they are a high-ticket consumer, they know exactly what they want and they’re going after it. There is a very different feel to them, a very different vibe to them.

So this isn’t just an exercise on you noticing how you consume. This is also an exercise on learning what to look for when you have a really high-ticket purchasers, people with a really strong self-leadership coming into your world and wanting to buy from you. It is a very different vibe, a very different feeling. 

And I know a lot of you guys are in a situation where you’ve built your business and now you’re not just working with beginners. You’re working with people who are coming in and throwing down. They want all of your classes, all of your courses. They want to go right into your top level tier membership. They want to go right into your mastermind.

And this is what I have noticed in those patterns. And this is what is a really great lesson just on consumerism in general and how we move as we grow in our wealth. This is episode number 193. I’m your host, Becca Pike, and it is time for your weekly dose of Hell Yes Coaching. Let’s go.

Welcome to The Hell Yes Entrepreneur podcast. I am your favorite business coach, Becca Pike. If you’re looking for high level CEO leadership skills, modern day marketing strategies that actually convert the hell out of your leads, and you want to create a big ass wallet and big ass impact in your community, then this podcast is for you. 

Welcome to my world. In here, we do two things. We scale, and we play. Because what’s the point of being rich if you can’t have fun? If you want to make multi six and multi seven figures without sacrificing your gym time, your music festivals, your wine nights with your friends, then I’m your girl. Enjoy. 

The people in my world that are the most successful often come in as high-ticket purchasers or have worked their way up to being a high-ticket purchaser because they are in my top level like masterminds, one-to-one coaching, my close containers, close proximity containers. And they have a different feel to them. They literally move differently. It’s tangible, and it tells an interesting story about success and consumerism.

So here’s the top four most recognizable patterns from over the years. First thing, successful high-ticket buyers, they do not inquire about an offer and then ghost the conversation and then inquire about an offer a few months later and then ghost the conversation because they aren’t the people who say that they’re ready to make a change unless they’re actually ready to make a change. 

And the way that I see this is, this is a very high level of self-leadership, self-trust and integrity. There are going to be people that come to you in your DMs and they’re gonna say, I’m ready, I’m not ready, I’m ready, I’m not ready, I’m ready, I’m excited. And then they’re going to change their thought process.

Now, with all this being said, I do think that 90% of this is your own self-leadership. How people come into your world and how they talk to you has a lot to do with the things that you’re saying online and the way that you’re holding yourself. So if you come across as someone who has a lot of wishy-washy people in your world, or you’re often speaking in your messaging to people that are on the fence, then you are going to get a lot of people that are on the fence reaching out to you.

Because if you’re speaking to people that are on the fence, the high-ticket consumers are like, oh, her world must have a lot of people that are on the fence. I’m not part of that world. I’m gonna go towards someone else who is speaking to my power and not speaking to me like I’m on the fence.

Right, so a lot of this is your own doing, which is great news, because you can always change your messaging and upgrade it to people that are not on the fence, to the people that are really all the way in. However, you’re also gonna notice there’s just about a 10% of this not having anything to do with what you’re saying, this is just the way that other people are moving.

And someone that has a high self-leadership, someone that knows exactly what they want, they know exactly that they’re going to double their income this year, they know for sure that they are going to build a staff this year, they are going to come to you way less wishy-washy than someone who does not know exactly what they want, all right? So these are things that you can find and you can look out for in your DMs.

Number two, when a high-level consumer comes to me, I notice that there’s not endless requests and questions before the purchase. They’re not asking for, hey, can you send me the phone number of your other clients? Or can you show me like ways that you know for sure that there’s going to be a return on investment? Can you give me the calculations of the probability that I’m going to make my money back? 

There’s none of that. And they usually only have a couple minor questions before sending over the paid invoice because they’ve either A, already done the research to trust their decision and they didn’t come to you before that decision was made. They made that decision on their own and they did their research and by the time they come to you, they’re ready, right? 

Or B, they just don’t need to do any research to trust their decision. This is kind of me. And I know that this sounds crazy. I realize now the more that I’ve gone through life, the more that I realize that a lot of people don’t work this way. However, when I feel like a coach is for me, I don’t need to do a lot of research. I don’t need to talk to her other clients. I don’t need – I just trust my intuition. 

I trust that like if I’m feeling pulled or drawn towards this person, I’m going to be paying them to learn from them because the initial draw to them is something that I want to learn more about. I want to trust this and I want to move forward. And so I don’t need a lot of questions. I don’t need a lot of reassurance. I’m just in.

And the inquiry, when you get inquiries like this from people like this, the inquiry is very non-dramatic. It’s not, I had a coach and it didn’t work out and do you think that this will work out and I just don’t know and I need to talk to my husband. None of that. It’s not a rollercoaster of emotion. It is simple and factual and direct, and it’s an obvious pattern across my top buyers. 

They’ll be like, hey Becca, what are your one-to-one package options? Okay, great, I’ll take the one year option. Payment plan please, that would be great. I’ll get that money to you as soon as I finish what I’m doing right now by tonight, thank you. Like it’s very, it’s so direct and it’s so to the point and this is so telling of where their mindset is. 

Number three, my high-ticket buyers, they don’t wait till I’m marketing specific options. They just simply ask for what they need and they don’t wait for me to launch it, right? So like I don’t have to be in a launch launching my one-to-one coaching. I don’t have to be in a launch launching my mastermind. They don’t wait for me to market VIP days. They just simply ask, hey, is it possible for me to like – do you have some sort of situation where I can spend a whole day with you? I can fly over to Lexington, I can be in person, we can build out my vision. What does this look like? Right? 

And I’m like, oh, that’s a VIP day, of course. Or they might say, hey, how do I just get private time with you? Well, here’s my one-to-one packages. Or they might say, hey, what’s your highest level, most successful group? Like I wanna be in a group, I know that I do really well in group, when does your next one start? So they’re not waiting on me to launch, they already know exactly what they want. 

Number four, it seems like my most successful students really understand this secret. Even one small idea or one single sentence spoken inside of a 12-month coaching package can change the entire course of their life. And because of that, they’re not putting a chokehold pressure on themselves or on me the whole time that they’re deciding.

They’re not like, okay, if I’m paying Becca $25,000, then that means that every single time that we meet equals $1,500. So every meeting needs to equal $1,500 worth of value. Like, no, they understand that they’re purchasing the result of the entire 12 months and who they become in that year, not picking apart every single conversation, every single class and teaching to decide how much each transaction was worth and how aligned it all feels. It becomes so much less transactional.

And now I’m at this level with my coaching that anytime something feels transactional, and this is my best advice to you as well, like if you have someone in your DMs and they feel transactional, like, hey, I’m gonna give you this money and you need to give me this in return. I’m gonna give you this and every minute that I’m talking to you, I need to be getting this, this, this, and this. I don’t fly with that. 

To me, this is more of a transaction of mentorship over time. Yes, you are giving me money and yes, I’m giving you a lot in return, but it is not so transactional that it’s like, imagine if every single time you went to your personal trainer you were like I need to see another vein in my body to show that I’m leaning out every time that I come to your gym. It would be like, what? No, you’re paying for the result of what happens with the compounding effect of working with someone over time. Okay?

And this type of mindset allows these high-ticket consumers, this type of relaxed mindset, this type of, I know exactly what I want and I’m going to go after it, this non-dramatic approach, this type of mindset allows my students to go further and faster than others in the industry because they’re gobbling up knowledge and they’re gobbling up support much quicker than the person who is making this decision slowly and over-calculated and with a fear that every single conversation needs to be life altering and if it’s not, I’ve got a death grip on it and I’m analyzing it, I’m thinking about it and oh my god.

Like there is a calmness to successful people’s purchases. These are my favorite types of buyers because this is exactly how I buy and it’s not because these people don’t have questions in their mind of like, I do hope this works out. I really do hope that I get the best out of it. It’s not like that doesn’t exist, but it’s just a feeling of ownership over their decision.

Last week, for instance, I felt a desire to up-level my company even more. So I reached out to my coach and I inquired about six more months of one-to-one coaching. And I had her invoice paid and our first call scheduled within 45 minutes. Because I’ve been in her masterminds for years, but I go in and out of one-to-one. So I’ll be in her masterminds all the time. And then every now and then I’m like, I want some more support. So I’m going to put one-to-one on top of the masterminds.

And I called her and I was like, hey, I want some more one-to-one time. Is that cool? And within 45 minutes, everything was paid off and I had the appointment scheduled. And because I move quick and because I trust my desires, you guys, the success will literally never stop.

You can get paid based on how hard you physically work or you can get paid based on who you are, based on the decisions you make, based on how you move, based on how you invest, based on who you are when things aren’t working out, based on the calm that you can create and the self-leadership that you have in times that you are succeeding like crazy and in times that you’re not.

Anybody can have fun and be self-led when everyone’s buying, but who are you when it’s time to make a big investment? Are you the one that feels scared? Are you the one that does it anyway? And this version of you is what allows for absolutely no income ceiling. 

So I’m going to say it one more time. You can either get paid based on how hard you physically work, or you can get paid based on the decisions you make. And the ladder is what creates the no ceiling profits. All right, you guys, that is it for me today. I love you. Have the best week of your life.

Hey guys, this podcast is the blood sweat and tears of a lot of different people. The planning and the preparation of each episode is extensive. My team and I are really proud to bring you this free and abundant content each week, and we hope that you’re loving it. If you are, the very best thank you that we can receive from you is a review and a share. 

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