One of the things I ignored for so long was emailing my mailing list. As I built both Massage Strong and Hell Yes Coaching, most of my marketing came from word of mouth, referrals, and in-person meetups and interactions. And it really felt like it was working...
One of my business superpowers is my extremely creative, broad-thinking nature. I see the 30,000-foot view of business-building, which keeps me out of perfectionism, and doing just good enough has worked tremendously well for me. However, this also means that paying...
Petition to stop the bullshit dialogue that sales are sleazy. Offering your business to someone doesn’t make sales sleazy. Offering your business in a sleazy ass way is what makes sales sleazy. Sales are helping. Sales = providing service to your community. When...
Our “ideal world” can feel so shiny and enticing. We all hold an image of our ideal life, business, and financial situation. And as humans, we are exceptionally trained to dream, strive for, and consistently compare where we are…to our ideals. In fact, we are wired to...
As entrepreneurs, it’s so easy for us to focus on the agony of business-building. It’s in our faces on the daily, and as the owner of our businesses, it requires our time and attention to solve challenges that come up. And evolutionarily, it makes sense for us to...