Back in 2013, I was sitting in my junky ass Chevy Aveo that I had been driving for 12 years. I was outside my work…a cocktail bar, and I was on lunch break (at 8 pm haha). I remember writing and journaling inside of a spiral notebook that I had used during massage school. It had honestly probably never left the backseat of my car in the months since graduation.

I remember that day…and that month…and that entire chapter of my life. I had this heavy feeling that I just wasn’t accomplishing what I knew I had the potential for. It was all I thought about back then. I had a constant dialogue of, “get out of this waitress life before it kills you.”  I had just started a massage business but was still supplementing my income with waitress money. I wanted to be home on evenings and weekends and wanted that daytime massage life so bad I could taste it. I wanted to start a family with my new husband. I wanted to go full time massage but I didn’t have the demand to do that yet. I kept asking myself, “How can I grow this massage business WAY FASTER than what is happening now?” If you know me at all, you know patience doesn’t come easily for me. And to be honest, my self concept had always been that of a millionaire. I knew I was going to be successful, it was just a matter of time. But how much time?

I had no idea that in that car, and in that notebook, a game was going to be born that would carry me straight to multiple 7 figures. And eventually carry my coaching clients straight to multiple 6 and 7 figures as well.

I began jotting down ways I could grow my business and assigning each idea a certain amount of points. My brain works in sports. It works in scoreboards. I played that. So I asked myself how I could gamify my work. I began assigning points to different tasks…tasks that would bring people through my door.

My goal was to get as many points as possible for the next 30 days. Simple right? I remember telling myself, “if I can take enough massive action to accumulate like 30 points, there is absolutely no way I won’t see a substantial increase in demand…like, it’s just not possible.” and I was fucking RIGHT. I had assumed it would take 30 days. It only took 7 for me to create enough demand to put in my two weeks notice at the bar.

This, my friends, is how SPRINT WEEK was born. This, my friends, is how SPRINT WEEK was born. Sprint to Success is a game for those people who are like me…competitive at heart. Who have a deep and insatiable love for the game. The game of growth. The game of seeing your numbers climb, and seeing your hard work paying off. But, for people like us, the only person we want to beat is ourselves.

If you were in my world last year, you saw all the hype from my masterclass Sprint To Success. This was the first time I had ever taught how to do a Sprint Week to the public. Students called it, “the best masterclass I have ever been to.” Inside Sprint to Success, I taught everyone WHY this game works and HOW to play it. It was such a massive hit that we are bringing it back for round numero dos! I mean, how could we not after what happened last year?

On September 28-30, Sprint to Success 2.0 is airing!

This class is OPEN to the public, but you must register to save your seat.



“This was even better than I had hoped. You have literally broken my mind open.”_Courtney

“It’s been exactly 1 month since Sprint to Success and I have brought in 37 new consults. THIRTY SEVEN!”_Erin

“I thought this was just going to be another workshop. I had no idea I was buying so much gold. Officially a Becca Pike fangirl forever.” _Nicole

“Sprint Week created $4800 extra in sales this month, 188% increase in FB post reach and 91.7% increase on Instagram.”-Jobeth

“I am 48 hours into sprint week and have FIVE NEW CLIENTS.”-Amanda G

“2 brand new clients just today. From complete strangers to credit card in hand in about three hours. Just today I am clearing about 10k in sales.”-Joseph

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