You believe you don’t have the time, the support, the money, the knowledge, the background, the upbringing, the direction, the tools, the motivation, the brainpower, the willpower, the belief, or the things you need to grow your business…

Here’s what I want you to know so deeply: You are in charge of all of these things.


Not your parents, your staff members, your spouse, or your marketing team.

A victim mindset dilutes human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them.

My clients will tell me things like this:

“My staff is unreliable. They show up 10 minutes late every day.” Instead of saying, “I haven’t set proper boundaries and consequences for punctuality with my workers.”


“People just aren’t buying my service, I can’t get clients.” Instead of saying, “I have under-invested in marketing, underinvested in equipment, and underestimated the amount of time that’s required to gain a following.”


“I am just not good at writing emails.” Instead of, “I refuse to buy into an email-writing class because I’m scared of spending money, and it’s easier to say that I’m just naturally not good at writing emails.”


“I’m just not business-brained.” Instead of, “I refuse to hire a business coach because of my own drama around time and money, and failure and success, and growth.”


“My market is saturated.” Instead of “I’m unwilling to spend the energy, money, and resources to make my brand stick out amongst the rest.”

They may also say they can’t grow their business in other ways, like:

I don’t have the time.
I don’t have the money.
I work a second job.
I am a single parent.
I have an autoimmune issue that makes me tired.
My marketing team is sucking.
My coach is sucking.
The program I bought isn’t working.
My boss won’t give me time off.
My parents would never let me.
My spouse doesn’t give me support.

And listen, not taking ownership isn’t just hurting your goals, it goes a lot deeper than that. It hurts you and it hurts your consumers.

If a client has a poor experience with your business and you do ANYTHING except take extreme ownership…then you’re doing it wrong.

When you say excuses to your consumers, they lose trust in you.

When you create excuses for yourself, you lose trust in you.

The Canadian singer, songwriter and music producer, Nav, once said, “One day I realized that everything that I get out of life, is exclusively a result of my actions. That is the day I became a man.”

Dock your ego.
Dock your excuses.
Dock the blame.

If you want help with this, any of it…whether it’s creating a plan and a blueprint to start your business, growing your business, or just beginning the process of taking extreme self-ownership, contact us here at Hell Yes Coaching. We will hop on the phone with you for a mini-session to see if you’re a good fit to have a coach in your life. This is a completely free, no-strings-attached call, but I will tell you this, having a 1-on-1 coach is the absolute fastest way to grow your business, grow your mind, and grow your life. It’s like cheating ya’ll. Only it’s not.

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