Your family and friends would already consider you ‘successful.’

You’ve got the business-basics down in your sleep.

Your offers are selling.

You don’t need a coach showing you WHY it’s important to grow your business because you already get it. You know why it’s important to grow your business.

Hell, if we are being honest here, you don’t even NEED to grow your business. You’re making ‘enough’ money. Your income is above the American average. You could stop growing your business right now and just guilt yourself every day into being thankful for what you have.

But it’s not about need.

At this level, it is about WANT.

You want MORE.

You want MORE clients.

More revenue.

More all-inclusive vacations where you come back RICHER, not poorer.

More processes and team members so you can be making MORE money while you’re at home HOME MORE.

But the two versions of you on your shoulder are arguing, one is saying, “You should be happy with what you have built. You’re doing better than so many of your peers. Stop striving. Just relax. You’re exhausted.” and the other side is saying, “I have so much left in me. I have so much potential. I know I can create a multi million dollar company and be the OWNER, not the operator.”

And you know which one is run by your BRAIN versus which one is run by your HEART.

You don’t need anyone to tell you it’s possible. You already know it’s possible. You’re past that. You’re not looking for a motivator because you’re the most motivated person that you know.

You know there is no ceiling to what’s possible.

You just don’t know if it is possible without you having to work MORE. And you don’t want to rally up another year of hellacious energy in order to scale.

You want more time right now.

More money right now.

Listen to me, my friend:

You have built a beast of a small business already. And I agree that you don’t need the basics. Nor do you NEED to grow your business from here. You could technically just live your life out with the business you already have and tell yourself to be thankful about it. You’d be okay.

But why would you? You’re so close. You’re only a few small tweaks away from where you want to be. You are already past the hard part. You’re already past the start up phase. You’re inches away from the millions of dollars and the working-only-when-you-want-to phase of your company.

I am here to show you exactly where to go from here.

I have worked with every industry.

I have watched coaches, medspas, course creators, photographers, farmers, chefs, house cleaners, bookkeepers, CPA’s, real estate agents, massage therapists all scale to 100-800% in one year of working with me. The industry is different but the strategy to scale is the same. And I know no one in the industry that teaches scaling like me. This is why they nicknamed me the Scaling Queen inside my own coach’s mastermind.

I got you. But you gotta trust yourself enough to come in.


  • My Mastermind is enrolling right now until December 15th, only 25 days away. If you have created at least 50k in the last 12 months and want to SCALE your business then you qualify for this next round. This is where I see my students yield the biggest results, ranging from growths of 50% in a year up to 800% in a year in revenue, while ALL 100% reporting less work, less work anxiety and more overall joy in their companies. My mastermind is more personalized and intimate than any I have seen in the industry and because of that our retention rate is above average. I will close down enrollment if we reach capacity before the deadline. ($25,000)
  • For the first time ever, we are allowing the public to come join us for the Mastermind kick-off 3 day event, Hell Yes Live, in Miami on Jan 16-18th. You do not have to qualify to come. We will spend 3 days creating our 2024 marketing and scaling strategy for the entire year in the absolutely stunning Eden Roc resort. This event is our most raved about and loved-on offer we provide. (Hell Yes Live ticket is INCLUDED in the Mastermind tuition.) $3,500
  • If you do  not qualify for this next round, or are not looking for a high level  mastermind to join, you can get my entire body of work and all video trainings on  customer growth and scaling inside The Circle, my annual membership. It  includes business coaching and monthly live workshops and courses. (The Circle is INCLUDED in the Mastermind tuition.) ($8,888/year)

None of these above items will be on sale for Black Friday. My high-end, close proximity signature offers do not ever go on sale. Keep an eye out for our Black Friday sale on past masterclasses and courses!

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